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Диагностический тест

Отметьте предложения ниже - верные(R) или неверные(W)- и исправьте ошибки.


He is said to had been met by a boy.


The method proposed by the younger engineer is known be very effective.


I took taxi for her not to walk to the station.


Electronics thought to be a young science.


The electric generator is known to been a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.


Alpha rays are considered to be positively charged helium atom.


I saw her to execute the program.


For the pressure to be reduced to safe limits the foundations may be widened.


Real water vapor and steam are known to be completely invisible.


We consider nuclear energy be the prime source of heat energy.

Формы инфинитива




Perfect Continuous


To build

To be building

To have built

To have been building


To be built


To have been built


Регулярное действие

Параллельные действия

Предшествование действию глагола - сказуемого

Период времени

Функции инфинитива в предложении



Подлежащее - инфинитив занимает позицию перед сказуемым.

For e-mail to get a massage to the other side of the world is a matter of a second or two.

Дополнение-инфинитив занимает место после сказуемого.

It is impossible to imagine our civilization without electricity.

Обстоятельство - инфинитив стоит в начале предложения перед подлежащим или в конце предложения.

To make the program easier, to write and to overcome the problem of intercommunication between different types of machines, higher-level languages were developed such as –BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, Ada, C and other programs.

Определение - инфинитив стоит после существительного, к которому оно относится или субстантивированной части речи.

American people were the first to see a television set in action.

Сказуемое -1)инфинитив следует за глаголом – связкой to be

2)инфинитив является частью составного глагольного сказуемого, если он следует за модальным глаголом, фазовым глаголом, глаголом со значением желания или намерения.

You can watch several programs simultaneously on miniscreens and then produce one of them in full format.

To hesitate is to lose.

The problem is how to do it.

Случаи неупотребления частицы to c инфинитивом

Частица to не употребляется с инфинитивом после:

1. модальных глаголов

2. to let- позволять

to make –заставлять

3. после глаголов восприятия: to see-видеть, to hear-слышать, to feel-чувствовать, to watch-смотреть, to notice-замечать, etc.

4. после выражений: I would rather; you had better…

5. после слов: than, and

6.в вопросах: Why…? Why not…?

Задание 1.Определите формы инфинитива в данных предложениях:

1. Even photographs can be sent and received over telephone wires. 2.To meet such demands in practice, scientists and engineers must work hard as it is clear that a lot of difficulties are to be encountered. 3.These projects have not been put into effect jet, because of the great technological difficulties to be overcome and therefore, the great cost involved. 4.The optical transmission systems will soon be improved to operate at 1.7 gigabits per second and handle 24,000 telephone channels simultaneously. 5. An optical disk is almost indestructible and can store about 1000 times more information than a plastic disk the same time. 6.A DVD-ROM can hold up to 17 GB, about 25 times an ordinary CD-ROM. 7.At present researchers are looking for the most suitable chemical compounds to be used as data storages and trying to determine optimum recording conditions. 8. It is possible for a compound to be superconducting. 9. Jerry was expected to have been told about the celebration. 10. The same program can be run on different types of computer. 11.Networks on different continents can also be connected via satellites. 12. The program seems to be changing. 13. They were said to have moved to a new office. 14. He was lucky to have got this file. 15. It was a pleasure to have been talking with user. 16. It’s very nice of you to have come to see me. 17. I am sorry to have left you alone.

Задание 2. Определите в каких предложениях инфинитив выражает: