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Sample Essays (From “Practice Exam Papers for the Russian National Exam” CenterCom, 2005)

Task: Extreme sports have become more and more popular. However, some people say they are a risk to health. What can you say for and against doing extreme sports?

Extreme sports have become very popular in some countries. Those who do them are mainly people who are physically fit and enjoy the excitement of white water rafting, bungee jumping and sky surfing. However, there may be risks connected with extreme sports that may discourage people from doing them.

Many people consider that there is nothing that compares to the thrill that extreme sports can give you. They help you to overcome your fear of danger and develop your powers of concentration. In addition, they are cheap enough for almost anyone to take part in and do not require a lot of special equipment. Some enthusiasts say that they help them with stress in their everyday lives.

On the other hand, some doctors argue that people who go in for risky sports regularly may have health problems later in life. These include damage to your knees and ankles which may even bring on arthritis when you are older. Furthermore, some health professionals say that people over thirty should not take part in extreme sports because they are not so fit and they could injure themselves.

To sum up, it may be wise to consider the risks to your health before taking up an extreme sport and to avoid it if you think you might not be really healthy. If you are willing to accept the risks, then there is nothing to stop you from enjoying extreme sports.

Task: Most people think that it is necessary to do physical exercises regularly. What is your opinion on the people who are physically weak and do not keep fit?

The benefits of taking regular exercise are numerous. They range from preventing chronicle health conditions to boosting confidence and self-esteem. Everybody understands the importance of regular physical activity, but far from everybody brings themselves to be physically active.

I strongly believe that people can always find time for taking exercise. Not only playing sports counts as a healthy activity. It might as well include walking up the stairs instead of using lifts or gardening. Exercising regularly boost the immune system, reduces the risk of heart conditions and lowers high blood pressure. It also makes us feel happy.

However, some people rather than make time for regular exercise make excuses for not taking it. These excuses may be lack of time due to work, poor weather and what not. I am sure that such an approach to one’s health is completely wrong. One can always find time for physical activity, if one wants to. People reluctant to be active are usually physically weak. Frankly speaking, my attitude to them can be described as pity. The list of possible consequences is endless. Their carelessness may lead to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and blood sugar levels. If they don’t keep themselves fit they are also sure to have psychological problems such as stress.

In summary, regular physical activity is vital for health. People who ignore this simple principle are certain to face lots of negative consequences later on. Everyone should remember that health is above wealth.

Task: Package holidays are very popular with some holidaymakers. Other travellers say that making your own holiday plans is better. What can you say for and against going on a package holiday?

More people are travelling abroad for their holidays these days. While some prefer to plan their own trips, others choose to go on package holidays where everything is arranged for you.

With package deals there is no need to book hotels or flights. There is always a guide to help you if you have to face any problems. The guide mill be able to speak the local language and will know the area you are visiting well. In addition, you can see a lot in a short time because everything has been programmed for you. You know exactly how much your holiday costs. The only thing you have to think about is how much you need for personal expenses like souvenirs. However, you may have to spend your holiday with people you have nothing in common with.

On the other hand, making your own plans lets you choose what you want to see. You can go to places that are not normally visited by tourists. Also, there is more flexibility, so you can take as much time as you want to see places you are interested in. Moreover, you have the opportunity to learn some of the local language, culture and customs.

To sum up, individuals can decide which way of travelling suits them more. Whether you go on a package holiday or you make your own plans depends on how adventurous you are and how much you can afford.

Sample Essays (from “Oxford Tests for the Russian State Exam”, 2007)

Task: International tourism has grown a lot in recent years, with more and more people travelling to other countries. However, some people say that this has disadvantages as well as advantages. What can you say for and against the growth in international tourism?

It is certainly true that international tourism has grown a lot in recent years, and this is mostly because more and more people can afford to travel abroad now. The cost of air travel is now a lot lower than it used to be and there are plenty of flights to all parts of the world. Many countries now rely on the income from tourists.

This has advantages. People see other parts of the world and learn about the people in other countries. This is very good for international relations because people increase their knowledge of each other. And it is a very good experience in life to travel to other countries, meet the people who live there and see other ways of life. Furthermore, some local people can make more money than they used to from tourists.

However, there are disadvantages too. Tourism causes damage to the environment. Air travel produces pollution and large numbers of tourists in a place that used to be quiet and unspoilt are harmful for the environment in those places. Also, the life of the local community can be destroyed if their old industries and ways of earning money are replaced by tourism. The local people often do jobs that are not well paid in the tourism industry instead of things like fishing. Their quiet villages that have been the same for many years suddenly change and are full of hotels.

I think that the growth in international tourism will continue but it is hard to say whether the advantages or disadvantages of it are greater.

Task: Some people say that young people should have as much fun as possible and enjoy themselves during their youth. Others, however, believe that young people should think seriously about their futures and plan for them. What can you say for and against the idea that youth is a time for having fun?

Of course most young people want to have as much fun as possible while they are young. At the same time, older people, particularly their parents and their teachers, think that they should pay attention to the future.

I think that your youth is a time when you should enjoy yourself as much as you can. For a lot of young people, their youth is a time when they do not have any responsibilities and they can do things that they want to do. They can make lots of new friends and have a good social life without thinking about the future. If they are lucky, they can travel and they can experience a feeling of freedom that they cannot have later in life. They can make mistakes, too, and it does not matter too much. They can try things and find out what they like and what they do not like. And they can simply enjoy themselves while they have the opportunity.

On the other hand, I also think that it is a good idea for young people to give some thought to their futures. We live in a competitive world, and if you wait a long time before deciding on what kind of career you want, it can be too late to get into that career. It is a very good idea to make a plan for the future and to take a right action in order to succeed in that plan.

So I think both attitudes are right. Young people should enjoy themselves while they can but they should also be serious about the future.

Task: Living in a city has many disadvantages. Living in the country also brings its own share of problems. What can you say for and against living in a city?

Life in a big city is often contrasted with life in the country, with the former meaning the root of all evil and the latter suggesting a paradise on earth. However, people have always been attracted to big urban centres, and to some they indeed become a promised land. Let’s examine some of the reasons for such differences of attitude and opinion.

As far as the advantages of living in a big city are concerned, these are above all the professional and cultural opportunities offered to its inhabitants. In a big city, every day seems to bring new exciting prospects. What is more, the throngs of people with whom this excitement is shared can also be seen as a positive factor since some people feel safe in a crowd. Thus a big city brings change and variety to human existence.

On the other hand, many of a big city’s attractions have their dark sides, too. Access to career options means stress and competition. The city’s cultural potential, however immense, is not affordable to everybody. Moreover, people in a big city are more vulnerable, often falling victim to crime on its mean streets. And as for constant change and excitement, they involve noise and traffic jams.

To conclude, it appears that life in a big city is a mixed blessing. However, it is up to each of us to decide whether to live in a big city despite its problems, or to stay away from it despite its attractions.

Task: In European countries children after they are 18 are supposed to live on their own. What is your opinion? What can you say for and against living with your parents?

It is understandable that parents treat their children as babies. Still, independence is very important to the young who want to discover the changing world themselves. That’s why living with the elder generation can be hard.

Adults forget that their sons and daughters are not babies any more; they are young people who have their own likes and dislikes. Parents don’t understand the needs of the young. Elders often say that what is hot with the young is inappropriate, but ten years later it becomes fashionable. For example, the Beatles sounded loud and strange to my granny, and now it is the classical music of the 20th century. At the same time youngsters can’t learn to live on their own and be responsible for their lives if parents often take care of them. Teenagers have to get to know what it is to be grown-ups.

But living with parents makes life warmer. You feel their love and learn to show love, to cooperate. People who live in the family usually care for other people more than those who live on their own. Such people make stronger families. Parents can help with everyday duties as well.

That’s why the idea of whether kids should be allowed to live with their parents seems very important. As for me, I personally would like to live with my mother and father and support them after I am of age.

Task: Freedom of press is one of the most valued achievements of democracy. But many people suffer from journalistic mistakes. What is your opinion? What can you say for and against freedom of press?

Press is often called the fourth branch of power, and it is not less important than the other three. But it is the power which can cause good and bad.

One can’t but agree that mass media keep people informed about what is happening in the world. Newspapers and political talk shows usually have serious discussions on home and foreign affairs and teach people to understand how the world develops. Tabloids have articles about fashion and stars of cinema and television, which are interesting to the young to learn how to find their style and way in life. Journalistic investigations help the society to learn about the things politicians would like to keep on the shadow. That’s why newspapers, television and radio are useful for a democratic society.

Nevertheless there are publications which don’t follow the rules of the democratic press. These brainwashing journalists write false materials to form a wrong public opinion. They try to make people think badly of good people and projects. The black PR companies are especially popular during the pre-election period. Some writers use unchecked materials, some are fooled, but the result is that people get the wrong information. Publishers, when they want to raise their ratings and get more money, they use intolerable means such as pirate materials, intimate photos and lots of advertisements.

So the press can be a tool of democracy and the tool of tyranny. It depends mostly on the people who make it.

Task: Some people think they can be happy only being rich, while others don’t care too much for money. What is your opinion? What can you say for and against the idea that money is the main thing in one’s life?

It is impossible to imagine now that people used to live without money. Money has become part and parcel of our life. It is common knowledge that “money makes the world go round”. People work for money, they go out to spend money, they sometimes make friends for money, they even love and die for money.

There is hardly any person in the world who does not want to have enough money to live a modest life. But a lot of people dream of being enormously rich because they associate money and happiness. The harder they work, the more money they spend on entertainments, expensive clothes, tasty food and drinks. And this is their way of life which makes them happy. As to me, I do not support this point of view. People should remember that they earn money to live, but not live to earn money.

My attitude to money is different. I think that we never know if people like us for our money or not, because the best things in life are free. I mean such eternal values as love, happiness and friendship. You do not need to work harder in order to deserve these things. Otherwise, working too hard and being over-ambitious are the two main causes of unhappiness. Indeed, “the love of money is the root of all evil”.

To sum up, people should use money as a servant but not as their master. Money is not the only thing that contributes to happiness, but at the same time it is impossible to live without money. It is up to each of us to decide what the main thing of our life is.

Task: In western countries after secondary school, students very often do not continue immediately with their studies, but they take a one year break, called a ‘gap year’, when they travel or do voluntary work.

Write an essay and present the different aspects of such an idea.

In today’s world of fierce competition, it is important for young people to get well-prepared for the challenges of the future. Thus the institution of the gap year can be regarded as a step in the right direction though it is not without its problems.

In its favour, the gap year seems to be useful psychologically as it helps young people understand their needs and interests better before they actually commit themselves to any particular career path. Besides, the gap year has educational advantages because it offers a lot of opportunities to learn about the world and one’s own place in it. For all these reasons, the gap year can be regarded as a positive social institution.

However, as critics are quick to point out, the gap year can in fact be harmful as it interrupts with the rhythm of learning and often makes it difficult for students to return to their studies. In addition, unfortunately not every young person can afford to travel around the world and many of them end up sitting around at home, which can be very demotivating.

All in all, the gap year may arouse mixed feelings, but still thousands of people every year take a year off. One can only hope they will use it fruitfully, minimizing the dangers and taking full advantage of its benefits.