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III. Grammar

Exercise 7. Find in the text where the Participle I, II is used. Define its functions.

IV. Language

Exercise 8. Find in the text and put down English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Иметь общее, придерживаться того же стиля, общие названия, художники –современники, в сравнении с, строгий направляющий принцип, художественные движения, временная линия истории искусства, единая местность, богатство цвета, система подмастерья, выражать видение, дополнительный подход, личный художественный стиль, получать доверие через опыт, расширить базу знаний, выделять художественные идеалы, копировать стили художников, изображать тему; использовать форму, цвет, композицию.

Exercise 9. Make up the possible word combinations out of the following and translate them:

1. inner

2. way (of)

3. predominant

4. to handle

5. painterly

6. art

7. to compose

8. driving

9. to acquire

10. historical

a. the medium

b. skills

c. artwork

d. vision

e. force

f. convenience

g. movement

h. approach

i. fashion

j. expression

Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given below:

1. To really … as an artist, you need to focus on a style or two.

2. Style is basically the … in which the artist … his or her subject matter.

3. The apprentice system, through which new artists learned the … , ensured that styles of art were continued from … to … .

4. Each artist has his or her own personal .., which is developed throughout his or her … .

5. Art styles can be … from the past.

6. Beginning artists often … the styles of artists that they admire.

Flourish; lifetime; apprentice; portrays; art style; master; copy; resurrected; manner; trade;

V. Text understanding

Exercise 11. Find in the text and translate a passage describing:

a). main ideas of art movements;

b). ways an artist's personal style is developed;

c). the difference between the Florentine and the Venetian schools of painting;

Exercise 12. Agree or disagree with the statements. Correct the false statements.

Use the expressions for:

Agreement: I agree with you; You are right; Certainly; Exactly so ; I fully support you

Disagreement: I can’t agree with you; I am afraid you are mistaken; Not quite so; This is not true; I disagree with the statement that…

1. It is very important that beginning artists focus on developing their own style.

2. Schools aren’t typically linked to a single location.

3. A school is a group of artists who follow various styles.

4. Artists can’t work in many different styles.

5. An artist's style can change and adapt.

6. The re is no difference between being an artist in the past and at present.

7. An additional aspect of art styles is driving force behind the artwork.

Exercise 13. Answer the questions:

1. What is style? List its stylistic elements.

2. What is the concept of an art movement?

3. What does the apprentice system mean?

4. Why were schools linked to a single location?

5. How is personal style of an artist developed?

6. Is it good for beginner artists to copy the styles of artists they admire? Why?

7. Is there any difference between style, movement and school?

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