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IV. Listening practice

  1. A. Listen to the following text and mark with “t (true)”, “f (false)”, “ng (not given” the following statements:

1. A pleasant smile is an indication of a friendly and open attitude to your partner.

2. It is positive, verbal signal sent to a person.

3. Smiling does not mean that a person you are speaking to is your close friend.

4. When you see someone you know, or would like to make contact with, do smile.

5. A closed posture isn’t the cause of many conversational problems.

6. Open posture is often called the “thinking pose”.

7. Open posture gives off “stay away” signals to others.

8. To overcome closed posture try to keep your hands away from your mouth, and keep your arms uncrossed.

9. To be most effective try to get too close to your partner.

10. It is good when you place yourself within communicating distance of the other person.

11. A closed posture usually leads to different misunderstandings between people.

12. Extroverts are always going to interrupt everyone who appears to be deep in thought.

13. Our mouth is our main “signal sender».

14. Without receptive signals another person will most likely not understand you.

15. Crossed arms tend to indicate an offensive frame of mind.

B. Listen to the text once again and make a list of additional “rules of relationships”:

V. Writing practice

Choose any of the given topics and write an essay (150 -180 words)

1. Universal rules of relationships

  1. Rules of work relationships

  2. Rules for people we can’t get on with

  3. How to demonstrate good social skills

VI. Revision test № 2

I. Find in the list of English words and word combinations equivalents to the following Russian words:

1. ладить (с коллегами)

2. ранжировать (располагать по степени важности)

3. общие показатели (признаки)

4. выработать ряд правил

5. близкий друг

6. взаимоотношения с супругами

7. подчиненные

8. вышестоящие (сотрудника)

9. публично критиковать

10. обсуждать по секрету

11. возвращать долги

12. нарушать правила;

13. замещать кого-то;

14. чернить, клеветать на (оговаривать) кого-то

a) get on well,

b) to denigrate somebody,

c) one of the main sources of job satisfaction;

d) general markers;

e) to repay debts;

f) a close friend;

g) relationships with spouses

h) work colleagues,

i) subordinates;

j) to look in the eye;

k) to criticize publicly;

l) to discuss in confidence (privately);

m) to generate a number of rules;

n) to break the rules;

o) to ask for help;

p) to stand up for somebody;

q) to rate r) superiors

II. Give synonyms to the following words:

1. to range

2. to say bad things about somebody in his (her) absence

3. to pay back

4. recommendations

5. to replace somebody in his (her) absence

6. a fair part of work

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