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Міністерство освіти й науки, молоді та спорту

Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет

Кафедра іноземних мов

Навчально-методичний посібник

з англійської мови

для студентів факультету документальних

комунікацій та менеджменту

Рівне - 2011

ББК 81.43 Англ – 923

Автор. знак Н.15

УДК 811.111(07)

Навчально – методичний

посібник з англійської мови

Укладач: Дуброва А.С. – Рівне: РДГУ, 2011

Рецензенти: Федоришин О.П. кандидат пед. наук, зав. кафедри

романо- германського філології Рівненського

інституту слов’янознавства Київського слов’янського


Рекомендовано до друку рішенням кафедри іноземних мов

та науково-методичною радою РДГУ.

Пропонована методична розробка розрахована на студентів факультету документальних комунікацій та менеджменту


Посібник для практичних занять з англійської мови призначений для студентів вищих навчальних закладів факультетів документальних комунікацій та менеджменту.

Матеріал викладено згідно програми з англійської мови для немовних спеціальностей.

Мета посібника – поглиблення і розширення навичок усного і письмового мовлення, збагачення словникового запасу, набуття навичок правильного розуміння і перекладу оригінального англійського тексту по спеціальності, багатого лексикою і складними граматичними конструкціями.

В посібник включені оригінальні тексти, взяті із статей, опублікованих в англійських та американських науково – популярних журналах.

Вправи, що знаходяться після кожного тексту, мають граматичний або лексичний характер.

Посібник має на меті допомогти студентам в їх самостійній роботі над лексичним матеріалом англійської мови з цього фаху.


Management as a science

Management Science is concerned with developing and applying models and concepts that may prove useful in helping to illuminate management issues and solve managerial problems. The models used can often be represented mathematically, but sometimes computer-based, visual or verbal representations are used as well or instead.

The range of problems and issues to which management science has contributed insights and solutions is vast. It includes scheduling airlines, both planes and crew, deciding the appropriate place to site new facilities such as a warehouse or factory, managing the flow of water from reservoirs, identifying possible future development paths for parts of the telecommunications industry, establishing the information needs and appropriate systems to supply them within the health service, and identifying and understanding the strategies adopted by companies for their information systems.

The staff within Lancaster’s Department of Management Science work with all these problems and many more. Their research in management science is concerned with developing novel methods and approaches to well-known problem areas, and also the use of established approaches to understand new areas of application. Teaching within the Department utilizes these latest ideas to convey the practical importance of Management Science to organizations.

Management in all business areas and human organization activity is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.

Because organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as human action, including design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system. Management can also refer to the person or people who perform the act of management.


Marketing Management

Management by definition is a function of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling. Any managerial system at, any managerial level is characterized in terms of these general functions.

Management is revealed in a variety of specific activities. Marketing management refers to a broad concept covering organization of production and sales of products, which is based on consumer requirements research. All companies must look beyond their present situation and develop a long-term strategy to meet changing conditions in their industry. Marketing management, therefore, consists of evaluating market opportunities, selecting markets, developing market strategies, planning marketing tactics and controlling marketing results.

Strategic planning includes defining the company’s long-term as well as specific objectives, such as sales volume, market share, profitability and innovation, and deciding on financial, material and other resources necessary to achieve those objectives.

In problems of market selection and product planning one of the key concepts is that of the Product Life Cycle. The products pass through various stages between life and death (introduction growth – maturity – decline) is hard to deny. Equally accepted is the understanding that a company should have a mix of products with representation in each of these stages. Companies can make far more effective marketing decisions if they take time to find out where each of their products stands in its life cycle.

However, the concept of the product life cycle seems frequently forgotten in marketing planning, which leads to wrong decision-making. These may well be seen in the following story.

A supplier of some light industrial equipment felt that the decline in the sales of his major product was due to the fact that it was not receiving the sales support it deserved. In order to give extra sales support to this problem case a special advertising campaign was run. This required cutting into marketing budgets of several promising products that were still in their “young” growth phase. In fact, the


major product has long since passed the zenith of its potential sales and no amount of additional sales support could have extended its growth. This became quite clear in the end-of-year sales results which showed no improvement. the promising products, however, went into gradual sales decline.

In short, management has failed to consider each product’s position in its life cycle.

What can you say about:

  • management as a science;

  • marketing management as a specific activity;

  • the concept of the Product Life Cycle?

Think and answer.

  • What is the difference between sales management and marketing management?

  • Why is the Product Life Cycle considered one of the key concepts in marketing?


управління, менеджмент

Product Life Cycle

життєвий цикл товарів






управлінський, керівничий


спад, зниження



cut into

скорочувати, забирати



due to

завдяки, внаслідок

broad concept

широке розуміння





sales support

стимулювання збуту