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Useful expressions and linking words/phrases

  • to list and add points: in the first place, to start/begin with, secondly, thirdly, finally, in addition (to this), furthermore, moreover, besides. etc.

  • to introduce or list advantages: the man/first/most important advantage of…, one/another/an additional advantage of…., one point of view in favour of…., it is often suggested/believed/argued that…., some/many people suggest/feel argue that…., some/many people are in favour of/are convinced that…. etc.

  • to introduce or list disadvantages: the main/most important disadvantage/drawback of...., one/another/an additional disadvantage of…., one point/argument against…, some/many people are against…, etc.

  • to introduce examples/reasons/results: for example/instance, such as, like, in particular, therefore, for this reason, because, as, since, as a result, etc.

  • to show contrast: on the other hand, however, still. but, nonetheless, nevertheless. although, even though, despite/in spite of (the fact that), etc.

  • to introduce a conclusion: in conclusion, to conclude/sum up, all in all, finally, lastly, all things considered, taking everything into account/consideration, etc.

d) Read the article again and replace the linking words/phrases in bold with synonymous ones. Then, say which of the linking words/phrases in the article are used to:

a) list/add points

c) show contrast

b) introduce reasons/results

d) introduce a conclusion

e) Underline the correct linking word/phrase.

  1. Besides/Despite, television affects the way we think.

  2. Many people are against/argue that we need advertisements in order to keep up to date with the latest products on the market.

  3. One point of view against/in favour of travelling is that it allows you to meet people from different cultures.

  4. Even though/Nevertheless most people nowadays use a computer at work, it will be a while before we stop putting our ideas down on paper.

  5. For instance/Still, people who know how to play a musical instrument are usually popular and make friends more easily than others.

f) Read the paragraph below and underline correct linking word/phrase.

There are many advantages to having children at an early age. 1) To begin with/In addition to this, when you are young, you have a lot of energy. This means you can cope quite easily with children’s demands for constant care and attention. 2) To conclude/Secondly, young parents can relate to their children and 3) therefore/ nevertheless understand them better. 4) Yet/Finally, when you become a parent at an early age, you are still young enough to enjoy life when your child becomes independent.

Exercise 7


  1. Put ticks () to show which verbs go with which forms of transport.

1 car

2 bus

3 train

4 plane

5 bicycle

6 ferry

get into/out of

get on/off

take off/land







  1. Put a number 1 – 6 next to the nouns in the box, depending on which type of transport they are associated with. Some can go into more that one category.

_ handlebars

_ runway

traffic _ lights

_ trolley

check-in _ desk

_ deck

one-way _ street

_ joyrider

_ life jacket

_ tyres

_ traffic jam

_ tunnel

_ slip road

_ trailer

ticket _ collector

_ track

_ spare tyre

_ lay-by

_ platform

_ jetty

service _ station

_ horn

_ timetable

_ porter

_ seat belt

_ carriage

season _ ticket

_ cargo

hand _ luggage

_ cabin

crash _ helmet

_ coach

_ gangway

_ port

_ customs

3) Read the clues and fill in the missing words in the puzzle. What is the vertical word?

  1. To go past another vehicle because you are moving faster (8)

  2. A home on wheels that is pulled by a car (7)

  3. A hard surface on which aircraft take off and land (6)

  4. A moveable bridge that people use for getting on or off a ship (7)

  5. A road that leads onto or off a motorway (4, 4)

  6. A person whose job is to carry suitcases at a railway station, airport, etc. (6)

  7. The goods that are carried in a ship or aircraft (5)

  8. A place where petrol and other goods are sold to motorists (7, 7)

  9. An underground passage, for example for a road or railway (6)

  10. The curved metal bar at the front of a bicycle that you hold when you are riding it (10)

  11. A journey to one or more places and back again, often by a different route (5, 4)

  12. A long line of cars, etc. that cannot move or that can only move very slowly (7, 3)

  13. The place where government officials check your luggage (7)

  14. Where you register as a passenger and weigh in your luggage at an airport (5-2, 4)















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