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34. Japanese continental system

1. Japanese indigenous law was based on the clan system, with each clan forming a collective unit of Japanese society. Yamatai must have been the first central government which succeeded in securing the required power through the leadership of Queen Himiko, who was reputed to be a shaman.

2. This leads to the assertion that Yamatai had its own primitive system of law, perhaps court law, which enabled it to maintain government over competing clan laws.

3. As a result, the whole legal system formed a primitive legal pluralism of court law and clan law.

4. It can also be asserted that this whole legal system was ideologically founded on the indigenous postulate which adhered to the shamanistic religio-political belief in polytheistic gods and which was called kami and later developed into Shintoism Masaji Chiba.

5. Two qualifications can be added to these assertions. First, some Korean law must have been transplanted, albeit unsystematically; this can be seen by the rank system in court law and the local customs among settled immigrants.

6. Second, official law was not clearly distinguished from unofficial law; this was due to the lack of written formalities, although court law was gradually emerging into a formal state law as far as central government was concerned.

7. For these reasons, it cannot be denied that a primitive legal pluralism had developed and is based on court and clan law, partially with Korean law and overwhelmingly with indigenous law.

Choose one paragraph from the following reading that best suits each statement.

35. Common law system

1. The ancient law of England based upon societal customs and recognized and enforced by the judgments and decrees of the courts. The general body of statutes and case law that governed England and the American colonies prior to the American Revolution.

2. The principles and rules of action, embodied in case law rather than legislative enactments, applicable to the government and protection of persons and property that derive their authority from the community customs and traditions that evolved over the centuries as interpreted by judicial tribunals.

3. A designation used to denote the opposite of statutory, equitable, or civil, for example, a common-law action. The common-law system prevails in England, the United States, and other countries colonized by England.

4. It is distinct from the civil-law system, which predominates in Europe and in areas colonized by France and Spain.

5. The common-law system is used in all the states of the United States except Louisiana, where French Civil Law combined with English Criminal Law to form a hybrid system.

6. The common-law system is also used in Canada, except in the Province of Quebec, where the French civil-law system prevails.

7. Anglo-American common law traces its roots to the medieval idea that the law as handed down from the king's courts represented the common custom of the people. It evolved chiefly from three English Crown courts of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

Choose one paragraph from the following reading that best suits each statement.

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