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Unit 24 Low and Medium Resistance Measurements

The D.С potentiometer can be used for measuring resi­stances of very low value, such as instrument shunts. This is really a laboratory or test room method, and is based on the comparison of one resistance against another by an indi­rect method. It employs the potentiometer for the accurate measurement of the drop in voltage across both the shunt under test and another shunt of known resistance, when both are carrying the same current.

Medium Resistance Measurement.

This is perhaps the most frequently used workshop method of measuring resistance, using an indicating voltmeter and ammeter. The resistance being measured can be left connected in its normal working circuit if desired, with the ammeter and voltmeter added.

If the current I flowing through the resistance is measured in amperes when a voltage V is applied across the resistance, then, by Ohm's law, the resistance R is given by:

R =V:I ohms

The required range of voltmeter and ammeter to be used and the voltage of the supply necessary, if this be different from the resistor's normal working circuit, will depend on the size and rating of the resistance being tested. A high-value resistance will tend to require a high-voltage source, a high-range voltmeter, and a low-current range ammeter, whereas a low-value resistance will require in most cases a low-volt­age, high-current source, a low-range voltmeter and high-range ammeter. The exact requirements will, of course, de­pend also on the rating of the resistance, as well as the instru­ments available.


I. Find in the text synonyms for:

to demand, dimension, accurate, while, quantity, probably, to wish.

II. Give English equivalents for:

испытываемый, по желанию, точно так же, как; имеющийся в наличии.

III. Find in the text:

1) the Present Participles Active and Passive, the Past Partici­ples and state their functions; 2) the Infinitive used Attributively.

IV. Translate and memorize such technical terms:

high-value resistance, a high-range voltmeter, high-current source, high-range ammeter, a low-range voltmeter, low-current range ammeter.

V. Put questions to the text.

VI. Translate the following questions and answer them:

1. Когда используется потенциометр постоянного тока? 2. На чем основан лабораторный метод измерения сопротивления? 3. Для какой цели используется потенциометр? 4. Как можно определить сопротивление? 5. От чего зависят изменения сопротивления?

VII. Retell the text.