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Conversion consists in making a new word from some existing word by changing the category of a part of speech, the morphemic shape of the original word remaining unchanged. The new word has a meaning which differs from that of the original one though it can more or less be easily associated with it. It has also a new paradigm peculiar to its new category as a part of speech.

There are 2 main ways of conversion:

  1. verbs converted from nouns and other parts of speech: skin—to skin, brave (adj)—to brave, down (prepos)—to down

  2. the nouns converted from verbs: to cut— a cut

Especial case of conversion is substantivation of adjectives that is nouns formed from adjectives. Depending on their degree of substantivation adjectives are divided into:

  • fully subtantivated

  • partially subtantivated

Fully subtantivated adjectives share all grammatical characteristics of nouns. They can be used with indefinite, definte, zero article, in the singular or the plural, common or possessive case: criminal, native, male, female.

Partially subtantivated adjectives are also used with the definite article without any endings and refer to a group of people: the dead, the blind, the poor.


Shortening (Contraction) is a way of forming new words by cutting off a part of their prototypes.

Shortened words are especially popular with the people who wok together and talk about the same things. there are many shortenings in the speech of students: grad- graduation, prof- professor, gym- gymnasium

Shortened word may be a variant or synonym of its prototype: doc-doctor (They have the same meaning).

Sometimes shortened words become separate words with different meaning: fan- fanatic (old English), fence-defence

When a word is shortened several changes may take place:

  1. spelling may be changed in order to preserve pronunciation: microphone- mike, to double- to dub

  2. stylistic connotation may change: doctor(neutral)- doc (colloquial)

  3. denotative meaning may change: history - story (shortened) different meanings

Classification of shortenings is based upon the position of clipped part:

  1. shortening with initial clipping: phone made from telephone, fence from defence)

  2. shortening with final clipping: hols from holidays, vac from vacation, props from properties, ad from advertisement

  3. shortening in which both the beginning and ending: flu from influenza, fridge from refrigerator

  4. shortening in which the middle part is dropped: specs- spectacles, maths- mathematics, mam-madam

There is a special case of shortening. It is called abbreviation.

Abbreviation is the way of shortening when the initial letters stand for word they begin: U.N.O. from the United Nations Organisation, M.P. from Member of Parliament.

Depending on the way they are read abbreviations are divided into:

  • those read alphabetically: BBC, USA

  • acronyms read as common English words: UNESKO- United Nations educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, NATO- North Atlantic Organisation, UFO- Unidentified Flying object, VIP- very important person, DIY- do it yourself

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