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  1. Соедините два предложения, используя Perfect и before или after.

Образец: She went on holiday. She took the examination.

She went on holiday after she had taken the examination.

She had taken the examination before she went on holiday.

1.He mended the chair. His mother returned. 2. They left home. The postman came. 3. They painted their flat. Their parents visited them. 4. Egor read about some well-known British artists. Then he visited the Tate Gallery. 5. He saw every show in town. Then he left.

  1. Напишите предложения в косвенной речи.

1.He said, “I shall go to the theatre tomorrow”. 2. Pete said, “I am glad to see you”. 3. I asked, “Can Jane help me?” 4. He asked, ”What language do you study?” 5. He said, “Go home as soon as possible”. 6. We asked, “How many subjects do you study in the second year?” 7. He said, “Don’t talk in class”.


Вариант 2.

  1. Выберите правильную форму местоимений.

1.She speaks to (we, us) every morning. 2.(He, him) is going to Kiev on vacation. 3.(Yours,your) record is scratched and mine is too. 4.Mr Jones cut (hisself, himself) shaving. 5.We like (our, ours) new car very much. 6.The dog bit (she, her) on the leg. 7.You’ll stick(you, your, yourself) with the pin if you are not careful. 8.Everyone has to do (their, his) own research. 9.Just between you and (I, me), (I, me) don’t like this food. 10.You take care of (your, yours) things and I’ll take care of (my, mine).

  1. Выберите правильные слова.

1.He doesn’t have (many, much) money. 2. She bought (that, those) cards last night. 3. Do you know(somebody, anybody) in London? – Yes, (a few, a little) people. 4. Ken was in hospital for two days but (anybody, nobody) went to see him. 5. I haven’t bought (nothing, anything) for Jane’s birthday. 6. There isn’t (any,no) milk in the fridge. 7. We had (many, a lot of) rain in July last year. 8. I would like (a few, a little) cheese on my bread.

  1. Вы на экскурсии в Национальном музее. Вы рассматриваете картины. Вставьте there is, there are, there was, there were, there will be и переведите историю на русский язык.

Welcome to the National Museum, ladies and gentlemen. We’ve only got one hour and … a lot to see, so let’s start.

On your left, you can see a painting by Rembrandt. …seven works by Rembrandt here now. Last year … eight but sadly …a robbery at the museum some months ago and the painting was stolen.

For those of you who are interested, … a major exhibition of Rembrandt’s work in London at the moment and one next year in Amsterdam. I’m sure … a lot of visitors to both exhibitions.

Now in this room … a very famous painting by Picasso. And this painting on the right is very interesting. It’s by an Italian artist but we don’t know which one. Oh no! It’s disappeared! … another robbery only some minutes ago! Quick! Phone the police!

  1. В следующих предложениях дана неверная информация. Исправьте их, написав в каждом случае по два предложения.

Образец: The sun goes round the earth.

The sun doesn’t go round the earth.

The earth goes round the sun.

1.The River Dvina flows into the Black Sea. 2. Hares catch wolves. 3. The sun rises in the north. 4. They speak French in England. 5. Carpenters make things from iron.