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  1. Раскройте скобки, употребив Present, Past или Future Continuous . Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.Listen! Somebody (knock) at the door. 2. At ten o’clock tomorrow morning she (have) her music lesson. 3. When you telephoned I (have dinner). 4. Please, be quiet! The baby (sleep). 5. When I got up this morning the sun (shine) brightly. 6. At this time tomorrow afternoon I (take) my final English examination. 7. Ann seems to be very busy. I guess she (prepare) her History lesson. 8. Mary (play) the piano when I arrived. 9. At this time next year he (study) at the University. 10. Listen! I think the telephone (ring).

  1. Употребите страдательный залог вместо действительного. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.The Browns take their children to school in a car. 2. We buy bread in the nearest shop. 3. Mother cooks all meals for us. 4. They always invite her to their parties. 5. People formerly used the Tower of London as a prison. 6. She let the stranger in. 7. They gave me two shilling change at the shop. 8. I saw him downstairs five minutes ago. 9. We shall examine the students of the group 7 first. 10. They will allow me a ride on a bicycle. 11. They will allow the children to watch TV. 12. We shall tell her to come at five.

  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сказуемое в страдательном залоге.

1.He was well spoken of by all his friends. 2. They left before the hour of the next meeting had been agreed upon. 3. We were listened to with much surprise. 4. He was never properly looked after. 5. She was laughed at by everybody. 6. The visitors were looked at with great interest. 7. Tell him he is waited for. 8. My brother will be paid well for his job.

  1. Вставьте can, may, must или их эквиваленты. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.Her English is very poor, she …study very hard. 2. … you lend me your dictionary? 3. He …not speak English last year. 4. He …to stay here for a month. 5. Nobody met me when I came because I … to arrive by the ten o’clock train but I …not get a ticket for it. 6. Paula … not go to the meeting last week. She was ill. 7. I…to speak to him tomorrow, but now I have no time. 8. I don’t usually work on Saturday but last Saturday I…to work.

  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастие.

1.At the conference they discussed new methods used in building. 2. Being very busy I couldn’t attend the lecture of the famous mathematician. 3. Having successfully passed their examination the students went to the exhibition. 4. The article translated by the student is very interesting. 5. Having analyzed several s problems of this type he knew how to solve them. 6. Having been sent to the wrong address the letter didn’t reach him. 7. The leaves lying on the ground reminded of autumn. 8. These machines will be sent to the plant being constructed in this region.

  1. Вы пишете письмо своему другу. В нем вы сообщаете новости о себе и других людях. Используйте слова, чтобы составить предложения. Употребите Present Perfect .

Dear Chris, lots of things have happened since I last wrote you.

1.I, go, to Italy. – I have gone to Italy. 2. I, buy, a new car. 3. My father, start, a new job. 4. Charles and Sarah, go, to Brazil. 5. Susanne, have, a baby.