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I. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is taxation so complex and different in different countries?

2. Why are taxes imposed?

3. What are the sources of a state revenue?

4. What kind of governments usually require more money?

5. What country in the EU has one of the highest levels of social security and the heaviest level of taxation?

6. What does this country have as a result of it?

7. Why have indirect taxes on spending risen in the EU in the past decade?

8. Has the government's overall tax take changed in the UK in the past decade?

9. What can taxation policy reflect?

10. How are things encouraged and discouraged by taxation policy?

II. Match English words and word combinations from column (a) with Russian words from (b) below:



standard of living

налоговые сборы

level of tax

налог на расходы

tax revenue

уровень жизни

set against tax

ставка налога

sales tax

делать налоговый вычет

tax on spending

налоговая гавань

tax haven

косвенный налог

cut taxes

общая сумма собранных налогов

local tax

снижать налоги

indirect tax

подлежащий налогообложению

subject to tax

уровень налога

tax rate

налог с продаж

overall tax take

местный налог

III. Find in the text and write out English equivalents for the following Russian word combinations:

Снижать прямые налоги на доходы; облагать высоким налогом; соответствовать местным условиям; отражать приоритеты; снижать общую сумму налога; определить наиболее общие принципы; подлежать налогообложению; общественные проекты на общее благо; быть ограниченным из-за высоких налогов; поощрять накопление.

IV. Pick up antonyms from (b)

  1. Complex, rise, apparent, subject to tax, low, contribute, substantially, indirect, increase, desirable, encourage.

  2. Collect, real, a little, simple, tax-free, reduce, discourage, high, fall, undesirable, direct.

V. Supply the articles where necessary.

1. … money collected from taxes is … main source of revenue.

2. … money … government requires depends on its political philosophy.

3. Governments on … left tend to help … disadvantaged sections of … society.

4. Governments on … right are minimally involved in … lives of … individuals.

5. At … same time Swedes have one of … highest standards of living in … world.

6. In … most Western countries … tax burden on … individual has fallen in the past decade.

7. … way in which … taxes are collected may have changed.

8. … high level of … tax imposed on … smoking and … drinking may discourage them.

9. … taxes are not popular, but … most people understand that they are necessary.

10. Communal projects for … common good must be paid for.

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