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Test “types of natural disasters”

Task 1. Rewrite the sentences with the Reported Speech.

  1. Tom says, “I want to visit my friend this weekend.”

  2. Jerry says, “I’m studying English a lot at the moment.”

  3. Cheryl asks her, “How long have you lived here?”

  4. Christopher asks me, “Do you want to dance?”

  5. Ronald asks me, “Where does Maria park her car?”

  6. She tells me, “I have already passed the exams.”

  7. The teacher tells the students “Don’t use the dictionary.”

  8. He says, “Be ready to write a test.”

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the module.

  1. It is well-known that the ___________ are given the female names, for example Catherine in the USA.

  2. People who suffered from the catastrophes are called ____________.

  3. In order to survive in a catastrophe it is very important to find a safe and comfortable ________.

  4. Many buildings __________ during the earthquakes.

  5. In spring when the snow is melting and the river level raises the chance for a ________ is high.

  6. The __________ of the earthquake can be measured on the Richter scale.

  7. The land can be called _______ if plants are extensively grown there.

Task 3. Decide which sentences do NOT match with the title of the text.

Disaster Prevention

One of the most important decisions you will have to make is "Should I Evacuate?"

It is important for you and your family to have a plan that makes you as safe as possible in your home.

You should not forget to discuss the latest news with your neighbors.

You should select an evacuation destination.

Disaster supply kit consists of water, food, clothing, medicines, cash, and documents in a waterproof container.

The disaster supply kit is a useful tool when you evacuate as well as making you as safe as possible in your home.

You should call the police and tell them that the disaster is coming.

You should keep a written plan and share your plan with other friends or family.

Module 2. Recovering from Natural Disasters

Task 1. Study the information below and complete the sentences with the appropriate forms.

behave-ior /bi’heivjə/

behave /bi’heiv/

behave-ioral / bi’heivjərəl/

behave-iorism / bi’heivjərizm/

behave-iorist / bi’heivjərist/

  1. She _________ towards me more like a friend than a mother.

  2. His _______ has been very strange recently.

  3. The term “Behavior” is in the center of a scientific trend called____________.

  4. She was ashamed of her children’s bad ____________.

Task 2. Read and learn the new words/phrases by heart. Then read the text.



Травма, рана



Непреодолимый, подавляющий




to recover





Отказ, отрицание



Ответ, реакция, отвечать



Неблагоприятный, враждебный




well being

/wel ‘biiη/




Лечить, заживать