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Змістовий модуль №5. „Подорожі. Митниця”

Практичне заняття №1

Тема: Мовний етикет. Особливості ведення бізнесу в різних країнах

І. Граматичний матеріал (повторення: частини мови)

Answer the questions:

  1. How many parts of speech in English do you know? Name them.

  2. What are the main grammatical categories of the noun? What can you say about the category of gender in English? How is the plural of the noun formed? (do exercise 1)

  3. Which parts of speech have degrees of comparison? What are these degrees called in English? How are they formed? (do exercise 2)

  4. What kinds of numerals can you name? How are ordinal numerals formed? (do exercises 3-5).

1. Write the plural form of the following nouns: college, writer, family, wife, child, mouse, parrot, house, bird, man, goose, woman, leaf, roof, day, son-in-law, turkey, swine, box, dish, sheep.

2. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives:

short, tall, large, nice, long, big, high, dirty, fast, easy, good, bad, few, busy, near, far, old, late, thin, thick, comfortable, interesting, difficult, narrow.

3. Write in words the following ordinal numerals:

1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 19th, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th, 20th.

4. Write in words.

Model: 13+45=58 (thirteen plus forty-five is fifty-eight).

50–31=19 (fifty minus thirty-one is nineteen).

15 * 2=30 (fifteen multiplied by two is thirty).

30 : 2=15 (thirty divided by two is fifteen).

46+18=64 4+40=44 30:5=6 10:5=2

15-8=7 10+8=18 5*5=25 6*8=48

80-30=50 79-50=29 9*9=81 6*6=36

9+11=20 99+1=100 10:2=5 27:3=9

5) Read and write down the following cardinal numerals in words:

134, 298, 355, 948, 3526, 9011, 193, 561, 7 506 017, 35 616 234.

ІI. Робота над текстом за темою заняття.

  1. Read the text and translate the text into Ukrainian.

  2. Consult the dictionary and write out the translation of the new words.

Communicating Internationally

Somebody observed, "Even a good interpreter does not solve the language problem." Seemingly, similar business terms in English and Japanese often have different meaning. In fact, the Japanese language is so inherently vague that even well-educated people have difficulty communicating clearly among themselves. Experts in the Japanese language estimate that the Japanese are able to fully understand each other only about 85 per cent. The Japanese prefer English-language contracts where words have specific meaning.

The translation and interpretation of clearly worded statements is difficult enough, but when slang is added, the task is almost impossible. It is well illustrated by an exchange between an American and the Chinese officials. When the American answered affirmatively to the Chinese proposal with, "It's a great idea, Mr Li, but who's going to put wheels on it?", the interpreter, who did not understand the phrase but being afraid to lose face, turned to the Chinese party and said, "And now the American has made a proposal regarding the automobile industry." So, the entire conversation was disrupted by the interpreter's blunder.

Linguistic communication, no matter how imprecise, is explicit in its meaning, but much business communication de­pends on implicit messages that are not verbalized. E. T. Hall, a professor of anthropology, says, "In some cultures, messages are explicit; the words carry most of the information. In other cultures, less information is contained in the verbal part of the message since more is in the context." Hall divides cultures into high-context and low-context. Communication in a high-context culture depends heavily on the context or non-verbal aspects of communication, whereas low-context culture depends more on explicit, verbally expressed messages. Managers in general, probably, function best at a low-context level because they are accustomed to reports, contracts, and other written docu­ments.

In a low-context culture, one gets down to business quickly. In a high-context culture it takes considerably longer to conduct business because of the need to know more about a business person before a relationship develops. Business people simply do not know how to handle a low-context relationship with their partners. Hall suggests that in the Middle East, if you are not willing to take the time to sit down and have coffee with people, you'll have a problem. You must learn to wait and not to be too eager to talk business. You can talk about unimportant matters like weather, health, family or ask, "How are you feeling?" but avoid asking personal questions because people are apt to get suspicious. Learn to make what we call chit-chat. If you don't, you can't go to the next step. It's a little bit like a courtship – the preliminaries establish a firm foundation for a relationship.

Even in low-context cultures, our communication is heavily dependent on our cultural context. Communication mastery is not only the mastery of the language but also the mastery of customs and culture.


high-context culture – культура, у великій мірі залежна від контексту

low-context culture – культура, яка мало залежить від контексу

  1. How is the information expressed in a high-context culture? What can be said about a low-context culture?

  2. Representatives of what culture are easier to deal with?

  3. What are the fundamental components of the mastery of communication?

ІІІ. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням

1. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian.

2. Consult the dictionary and write down the new words and their translation.