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Let's Speak English1.doc
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Active vocabulary to remember

1. artificial [,a:ti’fi∫l]

- искусственный

2. to construct

- строить

3. to contain

- содержать в себе, вмещать

4. to create [kri’eit]

- творить, создавать

5. to display

- показывать, демонстрировать

6. entire [in’taiэ]

- полный, целый

7. a law [lо:]

- закон

8. to locate [lэu’keit]

- определять место, располагать

9. to occupy [‘оkjupai]

- занимать (пространство, время)

10. to represent [,repri’zent]

- представлять, изображать

11. to serve

- служить

12. a site

- участок, место, местоположение

13. a skyscraper

- небоскреб

14. to support [sэ‘pо:t]

- поддерживать, помогать, содержать

15. a temple

- храм


1. Pronounce correctly.

abbreviate [э‘bri:vieit]

organ [‘о:gэn]

America [э‘meriэ]

Pacific coast [pэ‘sifik‘kэust]

Atlantic ocean [эt’læntik‘эu∫n]

pilgrimage [‘pilgrimid ]

bury [‘beri]

plateau [‘plætэu]

Columbia [kэ‘lΛmbiэ]

sculpture [‘skΛlpt∫э]

column [‘kоlэm]

sky-scraper [‘skaiskreipэ]

court [kо:t]

soldier [‘sэuld э]

event [i’vent]

stripe [straip]

George Washington

[‘dζэ:dζ ’wо∫iŋtэn]

supreme [sju’pri:m]

tomb [tu:m]

item [‘aitэm]

United States [ju’naitid’steits]

Mall [mо:l]

various [‘veэriэs]

Maryland [‘meэrilэnd]

Virginia [vэ‘d iniэ]

moment [‘mэumэnt]

Washington [‘wо∫iŋtэn]

navy [‘neivi]

wax [wæks]

2. Express in one word the meaning of each of the following phrases. All the words required are in the Text, you are given the first letter of each word and the number of letters in it.

1. a devotional trip - (p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

2. a place where particular activity happens - (s_ _ _ )

3. a band of colour, among one or more other colours - (s_ _ _ _ _)

4. to make a word shorter - (a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

5. control over others - (p_ _ _ _)

6. a building for public worship in certain religions - (t_ _ _ _ _ )

7. a very tall city building - (s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

8. a written copy of a piece of music - (s_ _ _ _)

9. as a whole, altogether - (a_ _ _ _ _ _ _)

10. a happening, usually an important one - (e_ _ _ _)

11. to put into the grave - (b_ _ _ )

12. a rule that is supported by the power

of government and that governs the

behaviour of members of a society - (l_ _ )

13. to provide with something necessary or useful - (s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ )

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