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Let's Speak English1.doc
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2. Substitute the underlined parts of the following sentences for the words and word combinations from the Text.

1. The Russian Federation is situated in Europe and Asia.

2. Its entire area is above 17 million square kilometers.

3. There are different types of climate in Russia.

4. The land of Russia differs a lot.

5. The Volga River is very significant to Russia.

6. Canals connect all the rivers.

7. The Volga River falls into the Caspian Sea.

8. Russia is next to fourteen countries.

9. Russia is a leading producer of cement, metal-cutting machines, timber and others.

10. Russia holds one of the principal places in Europe in industrial productivity.

11. Moscow was established in 1147.

12. The history of Russia originates from the year 862.

13. The federal government is composed of three branches: law-making, making and carrying out decisions and laws; and lawcourts and the administration of justice.

14. The lawmaking power is placed in control of the Federal Assembly.

15. The President may reject the proposed law draft.

16. The white stripe represents the earth, the blue one means the sky and the red one expresses the freedom.

17. The national emblem of Russia springs up from the heraldic emblem of Ruricovitchies.

3. Choose the antonyms from the right column to the phrases given in the left one.




to include

to head

to initiate









to be rich

1. illusion

2. thin

3. to finish

4. secondary

5. shallow

6. to include

7. narrow

8. modern

9. not many

10. to be poor

11. severe

12. small

13. unpromising

14. to go behind

15. lush

4. Say what is true and what is false. Correct the false sentences.

1. The territory of the Russian Federation is situated in the Western part of Europe and in the Eastern part of Asia.

2. Russia is not washed by seas and oceans.

3. The climate of Russia is various.

4. The land of Russia varies a little.

5. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Russia.

6. Russia is poor in natural resources.

7. The population of Russia is not very high.

8. There are no places of interest in Moscow.

9. The present Constitution of the Russia Federation was adopted in 1991.

10. The Federal Assembly consists of three chambers.

11. The Prime Minister is commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

12. The first action of the Prime Minister on appointment is to form the government.

13. The state symbol of Russia has two horizontal stripes: white and red.

5. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the area of the Russian Federation?

2. What seas and oceans is Russia washed by?

3. What is the climate in the North, central part and South of the country?

4. What plains is Russia located on?

5. What can you say about the rivers and lakes in Russia?

6. What natural resources is Russia rich in?

7. What are the borders of Russia?

8. What branches of industry does Russia have?

9. What is the population of the country?

10. What is Moscow famous for?

11. What is the political system of the country?

12. What does the federal government consist of?

13. What is the Upper Chamber?

14. What is the Lower Chamber?

15. What is the President responsible for?

16. What can you say about the executive power, the judicial branch and the Federal Assembly?

17. What does the state symbol of Russia symbolize?

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