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Британский парламент

Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии является унитарным, т.е. единым государством. Все четыре образующие его части – Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс и Северная Ирландия – представлены в едином парламенте, высшем законодательном органе страны, заседающем в Вестминстерском дворце, который расположен в самом центре Лондона.

Главные функции парламента – законодательство, контроль над действиями правительства, санкционирование налогов и государственных расходов. Рассматриваемые в парламенте законопроекты называются биллями. Почти все они вносятся министрами от имени правительства. После принятия билля обеими палатами парламента, палатой лордов и палатой общин, законопроект утверждается личной подписью монарха и становится «актом парламента», т.е. законом Соединенного Королевства. Следует отметить, что с 1707 года не было случая, когда кто-либо из британских монархов отказался поставить свой автограф на таком документе.

Words and expressions to be used:










on behalf of


от имени

to ratify



Supplementary Material

Listening comprehension exercises

Text 1

A Warning to Beginners”

Here are some facts about life in Europe. Listen to the text and find out if the English do the same things or not.

  1. On Sundays the poorest person puts on his best suit and the life of the country becomes happy, bright and colourful.

  2. In Europe people don’t often talk about the weather.

  3. Sunday papers appear on Monday.

  4. In Europe some people like cats, others don’t.

  5. Europeans have good food.

  6. In Europe people speak loudly and clearly.

  7. Europeans are proud of the things they know and try to show how clever they are.

  8. In Europe people cry and quickly get angry.

  9. People are either honest with you or they lie to you.

  10. Many Europeans think that life is a game.

Text 2


Listen to the text and answer the following questions:

  1. How did the British spoil tea?

  2. What will they think of you if you refuse to have a cup of tea?

  3. What should you do and say if someone brings you a cup of tea at five o’clock in the morning in an English home?

  4. When do the English usually have tea?

  5. In what cases should you drink additional cups of tea?

  6. What drinks does the author usually have during the day?

  7. How do you like to have your tea?

Text 3

How to Be Rude”

Listen to the text and say whether the following statements are True, False, or Not Given:

  1. To be very rude to people in Europe, you can make up terrible stories about them.

  2. English people are rude in the same way as Europeans.

  3. If somebody tells you an untrue story, in England you call him a liar.

  4. Bad language was widely used in England a hundred years ago.

  5. Foreigners who lived in England many years ago probably introduced rude expressions to the English language.

Text 4

The Language”

Listen to the text and answer the following questions:

  1. How many words does the ordinary Englishman use most?

  2. What word is the most popular with the English to describe weather, restaurants, clothes, people etc.?

  3. What is the easiest way to show that you have a good accent or no foreign accent?

  4. What words does the author recommend to learn to look clever and intelligent?

  5. Why is it easier to write in English than to speak it?

  6. Is it always better to speak quietly in good German than to shout loudly in bad English on a bus or in the street?

  7. Will you follow the author’s advice?

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