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Business Letter Writing Strategies.doc
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Ideas in writing can be connected in three different ways:

1. By using a conjunction

TIME – before, after, while, when, and

REASON – because, so that, and, such a...that

CONTRAST – but, although

e.g. I called her back so that I could confirm some details. The goods were repacked while we were very busy.

2. By using a linking adverbial phrase (often starting a new sentence):

TIME – before that, after that, and then, during this time

REASON – because of this, this is why, as a result, consequently

CONTRAST – nevertheless, however

e.g. I wanted to confirm some details. That is why I called her back. The goods were repacked on Monday. During this time I was busy.

3. By using a preposition:

TIME – before, after, during

REASON – because of, due to

CONTRAST – in spite of

e.g. I called her back because of the need to confirm some details. The goods were repacked during a very busy time.


1. Group the following expressions according to the part of the letter they mark – opening, body of the letter, closing:

We look forward to…, We are interested in…, This letter is to inform you that…, We wish to inform you that…, We thank you for your letter dated…, To your regret we shall have to…, Please could you…, At your request we send you…, Your prompt reply would be appreciated… .

2. Fill in the table with the appropriate expressions given below:

Структурные МКС

Эмоционально-оценочные МКС

Интенциональные МКС

Аргументирующие МКС

Контактные МКС

We look forward to…

I regret to inform you that…

Thank you for your letter of…

This is owing to …

Dear Sirs…

This is owing to…, I regret to inform you that…, This is because of …, I am delighted to inform you that…, We would be pleased to receive…, Dear Mrs. Jones…, We refer to your advertisement in…, We require…, We are writing to inform you…, To the attention of…, We must apologise for… .

3. Group the following expressions into two columns according to the information they present – positive or negative :

I sincerely regret that…, Please accept our apologies for…, We thank you for your invitation.., We are sincerely happy to join you…, It is a great pleasure to receive your letter of…, I very much appreciate having a reply from you…, I send you my best wishes and kind regards…, Unless you… we will have to…, If your company do not… I will be forced to… .

4. Match the expressions in English with their Russian equivalents:

1. We have the honour to invite you…

2. Allow us to invite you…

3. It would give us a great pleasure if you could visit…

4. We would like to invite you to…

5. Many thanks for your invitation…

6. We would be grateful if you could visit…

7. We thank you for your invitation…

8. We are pleased to accept your invitation…

9. We regret we cannot accept…

10. We are very grateful for your kind invitation…

11. Unfortunately we are not able to accept your invitation…

а. Большое спасибо за ваше приглашение…

б. К сожалению, мы не можем принять Ваше приглашение…

в. Приглашаем Вас…

г. Имеем честь пригласить Вас…

д. Разрешите пригласить Вас…

е. К сожалению, мы не сможем принять…

ж. Мы были бы признательны, если бы Вы смогли посетить…

з. Нам было бы очень приятно, если бы Вы смогли посетить…

и. Мы очень признательны за Ваше любезное приглашение…

к. Благодарим за Ваше приглашение…

л. Нам приятно принять Ваше приглашение…

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