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History of political ideas.docx
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2. State power is result of divine determination

Фома Аквинский Thomas Aquinas

Канонизирован католической церковью 18 июля 1323

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

1225 год(1225) замок Роккасекка, близ Аквино

7 марта 1274(1274-03-07) монастырь Фоссануова, около Рима

«О правлении государей»

«Сумма теологии»

Теологическая (теократическая) теория государства

Foma Akvinsky (1225-1274)

The basic work ”About board of sovereigns”

  1. Theological concept of the state (the origin and existence of the state is determined by god)

2. Classification of forms of the state

“Good forms” – a monarchy, aristocracy and democracy

“Bad forms” – tyranny, oligarchy

Political theories in Renaissance and period of New time

Renaissance - XIV-XVI centuries

This period was marked by revolution in outlook – transition from medieval theology to real interests and requirements of the person. Period of feudalism

Никколо Макиавелли

философ, политик, писатель

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

3 мая 1469 Флоренция(1469-05-03)

21 июня 1527(1527-06-21) (58 лет) Флоренция


Концепция светского государства и политики

Принцип политического реализма (цель оправдывает средства)

Nikkolo Makkiavelli (1469-1527)

The basic work "Sovereign"

1) Substantiation of political science as science about political and state power

2) Concept of the secular state and a policy, free from religious doctrines. Definition of state as political form of the organization of a society. Necessity of the state is caused by egoistical human nature

3) Substantiation of principles of political realism. In their actions governors should be guided only by reasons of practical character and expediency. All means are permitted for achievement of political aims ( aim justifies the means). This position is connected with concept of makkiavellism - politicians can ignore norms of morals in a case if their actions are directed on state prosperity.

Philosophy of a utopian socialism

Томас Мор

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

7 февраля 1478, Лондон

6 июля 1535(1535-07-06) (57 лет), Лондон

“ О наилучшем устройстве на новом острове Утопия”

Утопический социализм

Томмазо Кампанелла Tommaso Campanella

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

5 сентября 1568,Калабриа(1568-09-05)

21 мая 1638(1639-05-21) (70 лет), Париж

“Город солнца”

Утопический социализм

1) Concept of the ideal society on the basis of a public property ;

2) Idea of distribution according requirements;

3) Theory of transformation of the state in a system of control over society and manufacture

4) Idea of overcoming of contrast between physical and intellectual work, and also between city and village

5) Representations of democracy as a principle of the device of the ideal state.

New time (XVI-XIX вв) – an epoch of bourgeois revolutions and strengthening of capitalist foundations. Formation of new class structure with bourgeoisie as a main class.

The theory of the natural right has been put forward - all people have an inalienable law to life, work and private property.

Томас Гоббс Thomas Hobbes

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

5 апреля 1588(1588-04-05)

Королевство Англия

4 декабря 1679(1679-12-04) (91 год)

Королевство Англия

” О гражданине”,

” Левиафан”

Теория общественного договора

Направление: Западные Философы

Период: Философия XVII века

Основные интересы: Теория государства и права, История, Этика, Геометрия

The basic works ”About the citizen”, "Leviafan"

- Natural equality of people (physical and intellectual) defines their equality in all areas of a life

- Theory of the public agreement (protection of natural rights and property defines necessity of the conclusion public agreement between individuals and delegation of power to the state)

Джон Локк John Lock

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

29 августа 1632, Рингтон, Англия

28 октября 1704(1704-10-28) (72 года), Эссекс, Англия

“Два трактата о правлении”

Идеология либерализма

Теория общественного договора

Теория разделения властей

Направление: английская философия

Период: Философия XVII века

Основные интересы: Метафизика, политическая философия, философия сознания, образование

John Lock (1632-1704)

The basic work «Two doctrines about board”

1. The theory of liberalism proving a personal freedom and equalities of people

2. Substantiation of social – political process is a transition from natural conditions of people to civil society

3. State plays a main role in the course of transition from natural conditions of people to a civil society. Mission of the state is acceptance of laws, maintenance of an order, realization of justice and preservation of freedom and the property of citizens.

4. Idea of division of power on legislative (parliament) and executive (the government and courts). The concept of division of power has foreseen modern principles of structure of state bodies.

5. Idea of the public agreement according to which people come to the agreement and create state institutes, called to provide freedom and property.

Jean Jacque Russo (1712-1778)

Жан-Жак Руссо

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

28 июня 1712(1712-06-28)


2 июля 1778(1778-07-02) (66 лет)


”Об общественном договоре или принципах политического права”

Теория общественного договора

The basic work ”About the public agreement or principles of the political right”

1. Theory of the public agreement. Social development is a process of replacement of anthropological (natural) inequality of people by social inequality arising owing to an establishment of a private property. Disagreements between rich and poor people lead to necessity of the conclusion of the public agreement expressed in the state.

2. Sovereignty (leadership of the people) and equality act as a condition of survival of mankind, and the basic criteria of a political system is economic and social status of the people.

German classical philosophy

Иммануил Кант Immanuel Kant

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

22 апреля 1724,Пруссия

12 февраля 1804(1804-02-12) (79 лет),


“К вечному миру”

The basic work To eternal peace”

1. Definition of state as communities of the people, subordinated to rules of law. Appointment of state – regulation of a public life

2. Concept of lawful state - research of functions of law in the state as means of prevention of abusing of the authorities

3. Substantiation of private property as economic basis of a personal freedom.

George Wilhelm Gegel (1770-1831)

The basic work " Philosophy of Law"

1. Private property is an economic basis of a personal freedom

2. Theory of a civil society as area of private interests, which is free from state intervention


Карл Маркс Karl Marx Фридрих Энгельс Friedrich Engels

Карл Маркс Karl Marx Фридрих Энгельс Friedrich Engels

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

5 мая 1818, Трир, Пруссия(1818-05-05)

28 ноября 1820(1820-11-28)

14 марта 1883(1883-03-14) (64 года), Лондон, Великобритания

5 августа 1895(1895-08-05) (74 года)

Идеология марксизма

Материалистическое понимание истории

Теория классов и классовой борьбы

Теория государства


K.Marx (1818 - 1883) and F.Engels (1820 - 1895)

1. Materialistic determination of history ( development of society is defined by development of production );

2. Idea of public property

3 Sphere of a policy is determined by economic relations;

4. Theory of classes and class struggle (existence of classes is connected with certain phases of development of manufacture), definition of class criteria - (position in social production system, property factor) ;

5. Theory of state as political organization of economically ruling class. The state is result of occurrence of a private property and division of a society into classes.

Russian political philosophy of the Х1Х - the XX-th centuries

Александр Иванович Герцен

Виссарион Григорьевич Белинский

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

25 марта (6 апреля) 1812, Москва

30 мая

(11 июня) 1811 Великое княжество Финляндское (1820-11-28)

9 (21) января 1870(1870-01-21) (57 лет), Париж

26 мая (7 июня) 1848(1848-06-07) (36 лет), Санкт-Петербург

Идеология народничества

Народничество (Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky, Alexander Ivanovich Herzen, Vissarion Grigorevich Belinsky)

- Theory of transition of Russia to socialism through a community ( features of russian community approaching it to socialism - common property on land, absence of the right of succession of land, a regular redistribution of land, responsibility of a community for all members)

- Necessity of abolition of a private property on land

- Orientation to peasantry as the basic class of the future socialist revolution

- Substantiation of possibility of transition of Russia to socialism passing capitalism.

Славянофильство Slavyanofilstvo

(Kireevsky, Khomyakov, Danilevsky, Leontev)

  • Idea of necessity of special ways of development of Russia (in comparison with West European). Special features of Russian way - Christian belief, community life, community - family property, visible absence of class struggle , psychological characteristics of Russian people.

Западничество Zapadnichestvo (Granovsky, Soloveyv, Kavelin) - substantiation of development of Russia on the western sample, europeanization of Russian society.

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