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History of political ideas.docx
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As an independent branch of knowledge the political science was generated at the end of the XIX-th century.

Before that for a long time there were different political as a part of the philosophical, social and economic knowledge, reflecting concrete historical conditions of this or that period.

All together there are 3 periods of the development of the political knowledge:

  • religious-mythological representations

  • political philosophy

  • political science

I Religious-mythological representations - the idea of a divine origin of policy and power - gods are direct governors of the people

II. From antique time different political ideas were united in political philosophy.

Antique political theories


Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

427 до н. э. Афины

347 год до н. э. Афины(-347)

“Политик”, “Государство”, “Законы”

Учение об идеальном государстве

Основные интересы:

этика, эстетика, политика, образование, философия математикa

Platon's political philosophy (427-347 BC)

The basic works - "Politician", "State", "Laws"

1. Substantiation of principle of division of labour as bases of social structure and state construction;

2. Substantiation of state as a main institute and necessary form of the organization of a human society.

“I see close destruction of that state where the law is not valid and is under someone's the power. “

3. Theory of ideal state.

Ideal state – is a fair power of the best individuals, based on fair laws and public property.

The main aim of the ideal state - satisfaction of requirements of citizens in interests of the majority of the population. Personal interests should submit to interests of the state and society as a whole;

4. Allocation of groups of philosophers, soldiers and workers (farmers and handicraftsmen). Philosophers exercise administration of a society, soldiers are military and police force, workers provide a society with material means;

5. Classification of forms of the states:

Correct forms

- Aristocracy (power of ruling class, wise and noble philosophers) as the best form of the state;

- Monarchy ( power of one individual);

Wrong forms

- Timocracy ( power based on violence and wars);

- Oligarchy (power based on a property );

- Democracy (power of deprived and uneducated crowd ),

- Tyranny ( power based on lawlessness and slavery).

Аристотель ριστοτέλης

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

384 год до н. э. (-384)

Стагир, полуостров Халкидики

7 марта 322 до н. э.(-322-03-07)

Халкида, остров Эвбея


Теория государства

Период: Античная философия

Основные интересы: этика, политика, наука о жизни, логика, экономика

The basic work "Politics"

1. Theoretical substantiation of occurrence of the state - main reason of occurrence of the state - distinctions of natural qualities of the people, determining relations between slaves and slaveholders;

- state is a product of development and the necessary form of existence of people;

- definition of the person as ”political animal” – person, who lives out of the state, is either an animal, or a god.

2. Classification of forms of the state

Correct forms

- Politia as the best political system ( power of the middle class, power of the educated and rich majority)

- Monarchy (the power of one individual)

- Aristocracy (the power of the few individuals)

Wrong forms

- Democracy (power of the uneducated people)

- Tyranny (the power based on lawlessness and slavery)

- Oligarchy (power based on a property ).

3. Substantiation of a priority of the state interests corresponding to private interests

These and other positions of antique political philosophy show a rational view at the world and its political institutes.

Political theories of the Middle Ages ( 5-14centuries)

During Middle Ages the antique heritage has been lost and political views have got again religious character. The concept of divine determination of the state became a basis of so-called theological approach for study of questions of a policy and the state

Power is defined as organization of life on the earth determined by god. Church is basis of the state.

Theological approach recognizes the necessity of the state power, however it is considered as result of divine determination. The religion is a necessary condition of existence of political institutes

Августин Аврелий

Дата и место рождения

Дата и место смерти


Значительные идеи

13 ноября 354 (0354-11-13) Тагаст, Нумидия

28 августа 430(0430-08-28) (75 лет) Гиппон, близ Карфагена

”О граде божьем”

Теологическая (теократическая) теория государства

Avgustin Avrely (354 430)

The basic work About town of god

1. Recognition of necessity of state power. Church is basis of state power. Avgustin Avrely underlines: “ State, not subordinated to church , does not differ from gang of robbers”

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