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III Choose the correct form of the verbs: right/wrong.

1 If I don’t feel/won’t feel well tomorrow, I stay/I’ll stay at home.

2 If the weather is/will be nice tomorrow, we can go to the beach.

3 It will be hard to find a hotel if we arrive/will arrive late.

4 The alarm will ring if there is/will be a fire.

5 I am/will be surprised if they get/will get married.

6 Do you go/will go to the party if they invite/will invite you?

7 If I am/will be late this evening, don’t wait for me.

8 What would we do, if it rains/will be raining.

9 I’ll be able to understand you, if you speak/will speak slowly.

IV Translate the sentences from Russian into English

1. Если мы сможем разрешить экологические проблемы, мы спасём землю.


2. Люди будут более здоровыми, если загрязнение воздуха будет остановлено.


3. Если разные страны будут испытывать ядерное оружие, это вызовет радиоактивное загрязнение.


4. Если фабрики будут сливать отходы в реки, вода в них будет отравлена.


5. Мы выживем, если будем защищать природу все вместе.


6. Когда поедешь на юг, постарайся не находиться под прямыми лучами солнца долго.


7. Когда мы будем участвовать в теле-шоу, мы будем обсуждать экологические проблемы.


8. Когда экология станет лучше, животные вернутся в места своего обитания.





I wish (if only)

(wish about the present)

+ Past Simple

We express a wish about a present situation which we want to be different.

I wish he was/were with us now.

I wish (if only)

(wish about the present)

+ subject + could +

bare infinitive

We use this pattern for a wish or regret in the present

concerning lack of ability.

I wish he could learn faster.

I wish (if only)

(wish about the future)

+ subject + would +

bare infinitive

(we never say: I wish I would)

We express a wish for a change in the future.

I wish he would stop drinking so much.

I wish (if only)

(regret about the past)

+ Past Perfect

We express a regret or a wish that something happened or didn’t happen in the past.

I wish he hadn’t failed his test.

1. ‘If only means the same asI wish but it is more emphatic.

I wish he could help me. If only he could help me. (stronger, more emphatic)

2. AfterI wish we may usewereinstead ofwasin all persons.

I wish I was/were rich.

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