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Bank holiday - Банківське свято

to wait [weit] - чекати

Santa Claus [´sæntə´klɔ:z] - Санта Клаус

wealth [welθ] - багатство

to symbolize [´simbəlaiz] - символізувати

New Year’s Eve [i:v] - переддень Нового року

pearl [pə:l] - перлина

chocolate [´t∫αklǝt] - шоколадний

cross [krαs] - хрест

pastime [´pα:staim] - розвага

Ulster [´Λlstǝ] — Ольстер

Isle of Man [´ail əv mæn] — острів Мен

to consist of [kən´sist] — складатися

slope [sləup] — схил

undamaged [´Λn´dæmidℨd] — неушкоджений

custom [´kΛstəm] — звичай, традиція

to appear [´əpiə] — з’являтися

Boxing day [´bαksiŋ dei] — день на святках

fox-hunting [´fαks hΛntiŋ] — полювання на лисиць

witch [wit∫] — відьма

entertain [´entə´tein] — розважатися

to pretend [pri´tend] — уявляти

pumpkin [´pΛmpkin] — гарбуз

treat [tri:t] — частування

  1. What public holidays are there in Great Britain?

  2. What kind of celebration the New Year holiday is observed in Great Britain?

  3. When do English people celebrate Easter?

  4. When do English people celebrate Bank Holidays?

  5. How do English people celebrate Christmas Day?

  6. What do the British celebrate at Easter?

  7. What is Easter Monday and how do people spend it?

  8. What is egg-rolling?

  9. Who is the winner in such competitions?

  10. What is Boxing day?

  11. How do people in the country usually celebrate it?

  12. What does Halloween mean?

  13. What is it connected with?

  14. How do people celebrate it?

  15. What do children ask when they knock at the door?

Iw # 9.2 National Celebrations in the usa

1. Read and translate the text in a written form.

1. Read and translate the text in a written form.

January: the 1st of January — New Year’s Day

the 15th January — Martin Luther King Day

February: the third Monday — President’s Day

the 14th of February — St Valentine’s Day

May: the fourth Monday — Memorial Day

July: the 4th of July — Independence Day

September: the first Monday — Labour Day

October: the 12th of October — Columbus Day

the 31st of October — Halloween

November: the 11th of November — Veterans Day

the fourth Thursday — Thanksgiving Day

December: the 25th of December — Christmas

Americans share three national holidays with many countries:

Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.

Easter, which falls on a spring Sunday that varies from year to year, celebrates the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For Christians, Easter is a day of religious services and the gathering of family. Many Americans follow old traditions of colouring hard-boiled eggs and giving children baskets of candies. On the next day, Easter Monday, the president of the United States holds an annual Easter egg hunt in White House lawn for young children.

Christmas day, December 25, is another Christian holiday, it marks the birth of the Christ Child. Decorating houses and yards with lights, putting up Chrismas trees, giving gifts, and sending greeting cards have become traditions even for many non-Christian Americans.

New Year’s Day, of course, is in January. The celebration of this holiday begins the night before, when Americans gather to wish each other a happy and prosperous coming year.

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