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МУ Ставцева 1,2,3 2008.doc
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Вариант 5

I. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на зна-чение слова there.

1. In this article there were some surprising facts on the nature of mag-netism.

2. Siberia is a highly developed industrial region because there are many natural resources there.

II. Запишите и переведите предложения. Объясните, на что указы-вает в слове plan окончание -s, как с апострофом (), так и без него:

а) глагол-сказуемое в Present Simple в 3-м лице единственного числа;

б) множественное число имени существительного;

в) притяжательный падеж имени существительного, стоящего в единственном или во множественном числе.

1. You can get the plans’ details in the library of your Institute.

2. The chemical laboratory plans to expand its activity considerably.

3. At the next meeting we will discuss the laboratory’s plans to acquire new equipment.

III. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода имени существительного с левым определением.

1. The device installation will take our specialists several days.

2. The manager’s five-month business tour has come to an end.

3. Electric locomotive research institute will be working at a new prog-ram for three years.

IV. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательного и наречия.

1. A wider applications of computers makes our labour easier and more efficient.

2. The colder the atmosphere, the louder are the echoes.

3. This book on physics gives the most detailed explanation of different laws.

V. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.

1. Will anybody analyze these data in your scientific laboratory?

2. Any body that is in motion usually travels to some object in space.

3. These researchers are doing some important work at our plant.

VI. Запишите предложения. Выпишите из них сказуемые, опре-делите их видо-временные формы и укажите их инфинитив. Пере-ведите предложения.

1. The managers and engineers of the plant will look for a new techno-logy to improve the production process.

2. We know that George Stephenson designed a locomotive in 1829.

3. Any researcher applies some safety measures in his experimental work.

VII. Прочитайте весь текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 3, 4 и 5.


1. The USA is a belt country about 1,400 miles wide extending across the North American continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. Its area is much larger than that of Europe. The main land mass of the country is in temperate zone. The climate conditions are under the influence of the great mountains and the winds. That is why the USA is simultaneously one of the hottest and one of the coldest, one of the wettest and one of the driest countries in the world.

2. The USA is largely an urban state. After the 1930s there was a steady decline in the number of people living on farms. Large-scale migration of population from the rural to urban areas has been one of the major population movements of the 20th century. The capital of the country is Washington, situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia, but there many towns, larger in size than the capital: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Los Angeles.

3. One of the main reasons of the USA’s industrialization and a high level of its economic development is the abundance of natural resources. The country is rich in iron ore, non-ferrous metals, coal, natural gas and other resources.

4. It is one of the world’s greatest manufacturers of power, coal and oil, motor vehicles and aircraft and some other products. Besides machinery, automobiles and other industrial goods, the USA exports agricultural products, especially cotton, wheat, maize.

5. Training qualified personnel for national economy is done by different higher schools. There is no national system of higher education in the United States. Its separate institutions range from two-year colleges to complex universities, from technical institutes to classical liberal arts (гуманитарный) colleges. The institutions may be small or large, rural or urban, private or public, highly selective or open to all. They offer courses in all fields and areas of national economy. Another function of universities is to organize a wide-scale research. There are even special research institutes within some of the universities. One of the main scientific centers is the National Academy of Sciences which is doing research in eleven areas: mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology and others.

VIII. Прочитайте 1-й абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос: Why is there a wide variety of climates in the USA? Запишите и переведите вопрос и ответ.