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15. Find English equivalents and use them in the sentences, of your own:

поголовье скота; пахотная земля; зерновые культуры; пшеница; овес; ячмень; масличные культуры; кукуруза; сахарная свекла; льняное семя; конопля; волокно; крупный рогатый скот; камбала; сельдь.

16. Find synonyms to the words from the text.

however; dominate; important; rank; considerable; significant; reduce; volume; product; sector; journey; major; efficient; amount; expect.

17. Are these statements true or false? Correct wrong statements.

1. The United Kingdom is the first largest economy in the world.

2. The Industrial Revolution started in the United Kingdom with an initial concentration on the agriculture sector.

3. The branches of the heavy industry are banking and insurance.

4. The British motor industry is an important part of the manufacturing sector.

5. Rolls-Royce holds a major share of the automobile production.

6. The chemical and pharmaceutical industry is underdeveloped in the UK.

7. BAE Systems, this is the world's second and sixth largest pharmaceutical firms based in the UK.

8. The underground coal gasification is an alternative to coal-fired electricity generation.

9. The volume of current UK coal consumption represents reserves that could last the UK about 300 years.

10. Sellafield is the major nuclear reprocessing plants in the UK.

18. In pairs. Ask and answer your own questions using information from the text.

19. Work with a partner. Discuss economic situation in the uk. Is it on the rise or not? Use your answers from the previous exercise.

20. Read and translate the text about production in the uk. Production

Pic. 51. UK exports of goods in 2005

One of the important component of Engineering and allied industries is electronics, audio and optical equipment, with the UK having a broad base of domestic firms, alongside a number of foreign firms manufacturing a wide range of TV, radio and communications products, scientific and optical instruments, electrical machinery and office machinery and computers.

Other important sectors of the manufacturing industry include food, drink, tobacco, paper, printing, publishing and textiles.

Manufacturing is an important sector of the modern British economy. That’s why there is a considerable amount of published research on the subject of the factors affecting its growth and performance. Of late, such things as increases in taxation and regulation have tended to diminish the favourableness of the political-legal environment for UK industry. Within manufacturing, British firms and industries have often lagged behind their overseas competitors in terms of productivity and various other key performance measures. However, Britain – the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution – continues to be one of the most attractive countries in the world for direct foreign industrial investment.

21. Make up a vocabulary of special industrial terms.

22. Make the correct word boundaries and you will know the main industries of the United Kingdom.


23. Find antonyms to the words from the text.

important; component; broad; include; modern.

24. Answer some questions:

1. What equipment is the most important component of Engineering?

2. What important sectors of the manufacturing industry can you name?

3. On what subjects is there a considerable amount of published research?

4. What things have tended to diminish the favorableness of the political-legal environment for UK industry?

5. What competitors do British firms and industries have?

6. Can you name the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution?