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Тема 1

Anatomical Terms. Structural Organization of the Body

scalp – скальп (волосистая часть головы)

forehead – лоб

eyebrow, eyelid, eyelash – бровь, веко, ресница


cheek – щека

canine tooth – зуб-клык

incisor tooth – зуб-резец

premolar toothпремоляр (малый коренной зуб)

molar tooth моляр (большой коренной зуб)




chin – подбородок

salivary glandслюнная железа

thyroid gland щитовидная железа



chest mediastenum – средостение

sternum – грудина

main bronchus, bronchiole, alveolus – главный бронх, бронхиола, альвеола

breast (mammary gland), nipple, areola – грудь (молочная железа), сосок, ареола

back, loinспина, поясница

abdominal wall – брюшная стенка

umbilicus - пупок

iliac fossa – подвздошная ямка


groinпах, паховая область


peritoneal cavityбрюшная полость

small (large) intestine / bowel – тонкая (толстая) кишка

lesser (greater) omentum – малый (большой) сальник

aorta – аорта

inferior vena cava – нижняя полая вена

upper (lower) limbsверхние (нижние) конечности

shoulderплечо (верхний участок грудной клетки сбоку от шеи)

axillaподмышечная ямка

upper armплечо (часть конечности от туловища до локтя)



hand – кисть руки

palm of the hand – ладонь

finger, thumb, knuckle, finger nail – палец кисти, большой палец кисти, сустав пальца, ноготь пальца кисти

buttock – ягодица

thigh – бедро

shin – голень

calf – икра

heel – пятка

foot – стопа

sole of foot – подошва стопы

ankleголеностопный сустав, лодыжка

toe, big toe, toe nailпалец стопы, большой палец стопы, ноготь пальца стопы

Тема 2

Diet Therapy. Managing Total Parenteral Nutrition. Managing Intravenous Fluid Therapy

diet / nutrition – питание

to feed a patient – кормить больного

high-vitamin (high protein, high fibre) dietвитаминизированное (высокобелковое, с повышенным содержанием клетчатки) питание

low fat (low residue, low salt / salt-free) dietдиета с низким содержанием жира (бесшлаковая, бессолевая)

supplemental feeding / dietary supplement / extra food – дополнительное питание

artificial feeding / nutrition – искусственное питание

artificial feeding through a tube (via operative fistula, by nourishing enema) - искусственное питание через зонд (операционный свищ, питательную клизму)

dietetic therapy / treatment – диетотерапия

parenteral feeding / nutrition – парентеральное питание

appetizing diet – диета, возбуждающая аппетит

full value dietполноценное питание

rational dietрациональное питание

balanced dietсбалансированное питание

bland / sparing diet – щадящая диета

liquidised dietдиета с использованием слизистых супов, жидких каш и т.д.

strict / rigid (fasting) diet – строгая (разгрузочная) диета

minced dietдиета с использованием измельченной (протертой) пищи

vegetarian dietвегетарианская диета

weight reducing diet – диета, снижающая вес

three times a day diet – трехразовое питание

intensified nutrition – усиленное питание

foodstuffs / food products – продукты питания

high-calorie food – высококалорийная пища

high quality / good food – качественная пища

fresh / newly cooked food – свежая пища

heavy” food – “тяжелая” пища

food taking – прием пищи

mode of cooking food – форма приготовления пищи

daily ration – суточный рацион

to fill in calculator’s list / card – заполнять порционник-меню

caloric value / content of the daily ration – калорийность суточного рациона

Тема 3

Nursing Manipulations

general duty nursing (bedside nursing, home nursing, psychiatric nursing ) – общий уход за больными (уход за больными с постельным режимом, сестринский уход на дому, уход за психически больными)

observation of the patient / supervision over the patient – наблюдение за пациентом

to carry out prophylactic medical examination – проводить диспансеризацию

to fill in patient’s card – заполнять медицинскую карту

under the supervision of the physician – под наблюдением врача

applying an ice-bag - применение пузыря со льдом

hygienic proceduresгигиенические процедуры

to clip hair (nails) – подстригание волос (ногтей)

to wash legs (head) (to wash a patient intimately) – мытье ног (головы) (подмывание больного)

to wipe down skin with a disinfecting solution – протирание кожи дезинфици-рующим раствором

to change bedclothesсмена постельного белья

anthropometry - антропометрия

weighing - взвешивание

measuring the circumference of the thorax – измерение окружности грудной клетки

spirometry - спирометрия

venepuncture - венепункция

to perform duodenal intubation - дуоденальное зондирование

catheterization of the urinary bladder – катетеризация мочевого пузыря

to apply cupping glasses, mustard plaster, heat compress – постановка банок, горчичников, согревающего компресса

to introduce a flatus tube – постановка газоотводной трубки

to give / administer an enema – постановка клизмы

to administer oxygen by a nasal tube – давать кислород через носовой катетер

to fill in temperature chart – заполнять температурный лист

to take temperature – измерять температуру

Тема 4

Roles and Functions of the Nurse

A contemporary nurse possesses knowledge and skills in a variety of areas. In the past, nurses provided care and comfort while they carried out specific nursing functions, but changes in nursing have expanded the roles of nurses to include health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration, and concern for the whole client (see box above).



The nurse directly helps the client to regain health through the healing process. The nurse addresses the holistic health care of the client, including helping the client and family restore emotional and social well-being.


The nurse, before taking any action, interprets available information and decides the best approach for the individual client. These decisions can be made alone, with the client and family, or with other health care pro­fessionals.


The nurse maintains a safe environment, helps pre­vent injury, and protects the client from possible adverse effects related to treatment. The nurse also protects the client's human and legal rights and assists him or her in asserting those rights if the need arises.


The nurse delegates responsibility, supervises other health care workers, manages the resources of the practice setting, and coordinates activities


The nurse assists the client's return to maximal functioning through teaching and helping the client to cope with changes associated with illness or disability


The nurse cares for the client as a person through emotional support. The client needs help in reaching therapeutic goals.


The nurse is continually involved in promoting com­munication among all people affected by the client's' needs. Communication is critical in meeting the needs of clients, families, and communities


The nurse explains concepts and facts about health care to the client, reinforces learning, and evaluates progress. Teaching is individualized and may be formal or informal

Career Roles. Career roles are specific employment positions. Most skills required for the expanded roles of the 1980s and 1990s are taught in baccalaureate nursing programs. These skills are now directed toward the generalist practitioner. The newer requirements for nursing specialization are redefining the term "expanded role" (Mechanic, 1988). Nursing specialties have input into the educational requirements for these roles and career opportunities (see box at left).

One method of redesigning nursing roles has been the focus of differentiated nursing practice. This practice had early design in the educational setting where graduate-expected competencies were based on different types of educational experiences. Differentiated practice is now expanding into clinical practice as new nursing roles incorporate primary nursing and case management principles (Harkness et al., 1992). Broadly defined, differentiated practice structures roles and functions of nurses according to education, experience, and competence, while recognizing the importance of all roles to create a community of professional nursing practice (Koerner, 1992). For example, in such a system there is a clear difference between the responsibilities of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse versus one with an associate's degree.



Nurse educators work in schools of nursing, staff development departments, and client education departments. They provide educational programs for student nurses and nurses and teach clients about self-care and home care. They usually are required to have graduate nursing education


Clinical nurse specialists work in critical, acute, long-term, and community health care agencies (Figure 1-5). They often specialize in managing specific diseases, and they function as clinicians, educators, managers, consultants, and researchers. They have master's degrees in nursing


Nurse practitioners are certified to provide health care to clients, usually in outpatient or community settings. Adult nurse practitioners provide primary care to adults; family nurse practitioners provide primary care for families; pediatric nurse practitioners provide care for infants and children; gerontology nurse practitioners provide care to older adults; and obstetrics-gynecology nurse practitioners provide primary care for women. Most have master's degrees in nursing.


Certified nurse-midwives are certified by the American College of Nurse-Midwives to provide independent care for women during normal pregnancy, labor, and delivery. They practice in conjunction with a health care agency, which provides assistance


Nurse anesthetists are registered nurses who have advanced training in anesthesiology. They provide surgical anesthesia under the supervision of an anesthesiologist and administer anesthetics to clients during minor surgery.


Nurse administrators manage client care within a health care agency. They may hold middle-level (e.g., head nurse) or upper-level (e.g., director) management positions. They usually have baccalaureate degrees in nursing and may have master's degrees.


Nurse researchers investigate nursing problems to improve care and to define and expand the scope of nursing practice. They may be in academic, independent, or community settings. They must have a graduate degree in nursing. In some settings, a doctoral degree is required

Health Care Team

In most practice settings, the nurse works with other health care professionals to provide total care for clients (see box below). The involvement of many persons in the client's health care can pose risks for fragmenting care. Because nurses have the greatest opportunity to interact with all professionals in the health care team, they often coordinate and integrate services within the care plan.



A physician is a professional who has earned a degree of doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy and has passed a licensing examination. Most physicians specialize their practice of medicine. Nurses work closely with physicians under supervision or as collaborators.


Physician assistants have medical training and work under the direction of physicians in hospitals, clinics, and private offices (they do not practice in Canada). Nurses work with them as they do with physicians.


Therapists are licensed to assist in the examination and treatment of clients in special ways (i.e., as physical, occupational, or respiratory therapists). Their education varies but usually involves 4-year programs. Nurses collaborate with them and evaluate their work.


Pharmacists are licensed to formulate and dispense drugs. They may have bachelor of science degrees or doctorates in pharmacology. Pharmacists provide valuable information to nurses about drugs and their use and effects.


Social workers are trained to counsel and refer clients to appropriate agencies. They have baccalaureate or master's degrees. Nurses work together with them to identify the best resources for the client, particularly when the client returns home.


Chaplains offer spiritual support and guidance to clients and their families. They may be employed by an agency or provided by a church in the community. A client may request a chaplain, or a nurse may refer the client to one.



"Professionalism of nursing will be achieved only through the professionalhood of its members" (Margarita Styles, 1982). Nursing is not simply a collection of specific skills, and the nurse is not simply a person trained to perform specific tasks. Nursing continues to evolve into a profession. No one factor absolutely differentiates a job from a profession, but several characteristics are basic to any true profession. Sociologists ranging from Flexner in 1900 to Caplow in 1950, Etzioni in 1960, and Levenstein in 1985 have studied the characteristics of professions. They agree that some core characteristics are true for any profession. These include education, theoretical body of knowledge, the provision of a specific service, the autonomy of members, and a code of ethics. Nursing clearly shares, to some extent, each of these characteristics and faces controversial issues as nurses strive for greater professionalism.

Education. An earlier section describes the three ba­sic types of educational preparation for registered nurses. As a profession, nursing requires that its members possess a significant education, but the issue of educational standardization is a major controversy in nursing today. Most nurses agree that nursing education is of great importance to practice and that nursing education along with continuing education must respond to the changes in health care created by scientific and technological advances.

Theory. Nursing knowledge has been developed through nursing theories. Theoretical models are frameworks for nursing curricula and clinical practice and also lead to research that increases the scientific basis of nursing practice. A theory is a way of understanding a reality, and, in this general sense, all practicing nurses use theories they have learned as a part of their clinical practice. Theoretical frameworks help nurses to understand the scope of their practice and to select interventions most likely to assist clients to an improved state of health.

Service. Nursing, like other professions, provides a specific service. Today, nursing is a vital part of the health care delivery system, providing holistic and com­prehensive services to clients with varying needs. Nurses are now the largest group of professionals in this system. Approximately 2 million people are now registered nurses, and one study indicates that approxi­mately 80% of them are employed (Aiken and Millinix, 1987).

Autonomy. Autonomy means that one is reasonably independent and self-governing in decision making and practice. It has been difficult for nurses to attain the degree of autonomy enjoyed by some other professionals. Some data suggest that the history of nursing has been a struggle by nurses for autonomy in the face of different societal expectations (Cohen, 1992). In the past, physicians, hospital administrators, and others in the health care delivery system have found nursing auton­omy difficult to understand and support. Through clinical competence and greater educational preparation, however, nurses are increasingly taking on independent roles in nurse-run clinics, collaborative practice, and advanced nursing careers. A 1992 nursing research study indicated a positive relationship between the highest level of nursing education and the autonomy of nursing roles (Schutzenhofer, 1992).

Greater responsibility and accountability come with increased autonomy. Accountability means the nurse is answerable, professionally and legally, for the type and quality of nursing care provided to clients. The nursing profession regulates accountability through standards of practice, nurse practice acts, nursing audits, and certification.

Code of Ethics. Nursing has had a code of ethics since 1903. The code of ethics describes the goals and values of the nursing profession and establishes a code of conduct by which nurses function. Ethical principles within the code provide a foundation for nursing practice. In addition, nurses incorporate their own values and ethics into their practice.

The term nursing process was first introduced by Lydia Hall in 1955. In 1966 Virginia Henderson identified basic nursing actions as independent functions and stated that the nursing process uses the same steps as the scientific method. Since 1973, nursing educators and clinicians began to use the five-step process model on a regular basis.

Nursing process is a systematic problem-solving method for providing individualized care for clients in all states of health. The client is viewed as an individual and a member of a social unit that includes the family and significant others. The nurse includes the client and family and significant others in each step of nursing care.

The nursing process has five interrelated steps: assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. During the assessment phase, information about the client is gathered to identify client problems. The collected information is analyzed, and specific client health care problems are stated during the nursing diagnosis step. During the planning step, goals expected outcomes and nursing care are planned with the client. Actual nursing care is delivered during the implementation phase. The evaluation step allows the nurse and client to evaluate the success of nursing care through achievement of client goals and expected outcomes. These sequential steps provide a systematic format that ensures continuity of client care and maintenance of professional standards while assisting clients to regain, maintain, or promote health.

The nursing process is the unifying concept of nursing; it is the method by which nursing is practiced systematically and provides the means by which nurses demonstrate accountability and responsibility to clients and families.

Overview of nursing process

The purposes of the five-step nursing process are to establish a client data base; identify the clients health care needs; determine priorities of care, goals and expected outcomes; establish a nursing care plan and provide nursing interventions to meet client needs; and determine the effectiveness of nursing care in achieving client goals.

Relationship of steps of nursing process

Each step of the nursing process is essential to the problem solving technique and is closely interrelated with the other four steps. During assessment, the nurse collects data about the client from a variety of sources. This information is used for problem identification so that planning and implementation are appropriate to the client’s needs; it is also the basis for accurate evaluation.

Nursing diagnosis involves formulating diagnostic statements that identify the client’s health-related problems. The accuracy of these statements depends on the thoroughness of the assessment, including data collection, sorting and clustering, and validation. The identified nursing diagnoses form the framework for the nursing care plan. Nursing diagnoses thus provide the nurse with an individualized client-centered focus.

During the planning step of the process, a care plan is formulated. It is individualized based on the assessment and nursing diagnoses. The care plan contains client goals with expected client outcomes and appropriate nursing interventions. Expected outcomes are the criteria used to evaluate the effectiveness of care.

Implementation is the action step of the nursing process. During this step, individualized client care is delivered according to the care plan. Interventions are continually modified as deemed necessary by an ongoing nursing assessment of the client’s responses.

The last step of the process is evaluation. The nurse determines the client’s progress toward meeting expected outcomes and achieving goals and the success of the nursing interventions. This step provides for revision of the nursing care plan as necessary to resolve the client’s health problems.

The entire process is sequential and interrelated; each step depends on the previous one. The sequence is logical in that client information is gathered before determining the client’s health care needs. Nursing care is provided according to the plan, and nursing care is evaluated in terms of achievement of expected outcomes. It is dynamic in that any step may be reviewed and revised during evaluation. It is dynamic flexibility that allows the nurse to respond to changing client needs.

Theoretical Comparison

The focus of nursing process is problem identification and resolution. Problem solving and the scientific method are theoretical approaches used to identify and resolve problems in nursing and other professions. The nursing process shares several characteristics with the problem-solving and scientific methods. The components of both can be correlated with each step of nursing process.


When the nursing process is used to organize and deliver nursing care, the client becomes an active participant in an individualized health care process. Through the planning phase, the care plan communicates to the health care team the client’s specific problems, the prescribed interventions, and the expected outcomes of care. The client receives comprehensive and consistent care. The evaluation of successful achievement of expected outcomes and quality improvement studies document the quality of care promoted by the use of the nursing process. The nursing process also assists in cost containment because nursing care is based on client needs.

The nurse benefits from the structured approach, with economy of time and energies, enhanced professional growth, a sense of profession, and increased job satisfaction. The profession of nursing is advanced through nursing’s unique role in overall client care. The nursing process provides the means by which nurses increase their autonomy and fulfill their professional and legal responsibilities. Complete and accurate documentation of each step demonstrates professional competence, responsibility, and accountability in meeting client health care needs.


  • Formulate legislation governing nursing practice and education;

  • Formulate regulation interpreting nurse practice acts so that nurses and others better understand the law;

  • Develop curricula for nursing education;

  • Establish criteria for measuring the quality of nursing care, education, and research;

  • Prepare job description used by employers of nurses;

  • Guide the development of nursing care delivery systems;

  • Provide knowledge to improve nursing administration, practice, education, and research;

  • Guide research to establish an empirical knowledge base for nursing;

  • Identify the domain and goals of nursing.






To gather, verify, and communicate data about client so data base is established

  • Collecting nursing health history

  • Performing physical examination

  • Collecting laboratory data

  • Validating data

  • Clustering data

  • Documenting data

Nursing diagnoses

To identify client health care needs and responses to health problems so as to direct nursing care

  • Identifying client problems

  • Formulating nursing diagnoses

  • Documenting nursing diagnoses


To identify client’s goals; to determine priorities of care to determine expected outcomes, to design nursing strategies to achieve goals of care

  • Identifying client goals

  • Establishing expected outcomes

  • Selecting nursing actions

  • Consulting

  • Delegating actions

  • Writing nursing care plan


To complete nursing actions necessary for accomplishing plan

  • Performing nursing actions

  • Reassessing client

  • Reviewing and modifying existing care plan


To determine extent to which goals of care have been achieved

  • Comparing client response to expected outcomes

  • Analysing reasons for results and conclusions

  • Modifying care plan

Тема 5

Common Symptoms

anorexia / loss of appetite – анорексия (потеря аппетита)

hyperphagia – повышенный аппетит

polydipsia – усиленная жажда

nausea – тошнота

queasiness – недомогание

malaise – дискомфорт

tiredness / fatigue – усталость

lassitudeапатия, утомление

diminished staminaпониженная сопротивляемость

languorвялость, апатия


rigor – озноб

chilly sensation – зябкость

hot flush – приливы

intolerance for heat or cold – непереносимость жары или холода

excessive (night) sweatingобильное (ночное) потоотделение

pruritus / severe itching of the skin – сильный кожный зуд

dry cough – сухой кашель

cough productive of sputum – кашель с мокротой

haemoptysis – кровохарканье

hiccup – икота

shortness of breath – одышка

wheeze / stridor – стридор, свистящее дыхание

palpitation – сердцебиение

dyspnoea on exertion / exertional dyspnoe – одышка при физической нагрузке

orthopnoea – ортопноэ, вынужденное положение сидя для облегчения дыхания при одышке

paroxysmal nocturnal dispnoeaночная пароксизмальная одышка

intermittent claudication – перемежающаяся хромота

dysphagiaнарушение глотания

odynophagiaболь при глотании

waterbrash / heartburn/ pyrosis – изжога

belching / eructation – отрыжка

vomiting – рвота

haematemesisкровавая рвота

indigestionдиспепсия, расстройство пищеварения

abdominal distension – растяжение живота

abdominal bloating – вздутие живота

constipation – запор

diarrhea – диаррея, понос


rectal bleedingкровотечение из прямой кишки

melaenaкровь в кале

faecal incontinenceнедержание кала

microscopic haematuria - микрогематурия

increased urinary frequency – частое мочеиспускание

stranguryболезненное мочеиспускание

scaldingжжение при мочеиспускании


nocturiaночная полиурия, никтурия

urinary incontinence – недержание мочи

urethral dischargeвыделения из мочеиспускательного канала

ejaculatory failureрасстройство эякуляции


dysmenorrhoeaдисменорея, болезненные менструации

dysfunctional uterine bleedingдисфункциональные маточные кровотечения

irregular mensesнерегулярные менструации


headacheголовная боль

lightheadedness / giddiness / vertigo – головокружения

epileptic fitэпилептический припадок

blackoutпотемнение в глазах

parasthesia / tinglingпарестезия, покалывание, пощипывание

hypoaesthesia / numbnessгипестезия, онемение

ataxiaатаксия, расстройство координации движений

visual impairment – ухудшение зрения

visual failure – потеря зрения

blindness – слепота

blurred visionзатуманенное зрение

diplopiaдиплопия, двоение в глазах

visual field lossсужение поля зрения


stiffnessтугоподвижность суставов


immobility – неподвижность

hearing impairment – ухудшение слуха

deafness – глухота

tinnitus – шум в ушах

epistaxisносовое кровотечение

nasal stuffinessзаложенность носа

sneezing attacks – приступы чихания

nasal crusting – корки в носу

lacrimation – слезотечение

sore throat – фарингит, ангина

hoarseness of the voice – хриплость голоса

Тема 6

Diseases. Diagnosis

curable disease – излечимая болезнь

infections / contagious disease – инфекционная болезнь

hereditary diseaseнаследственное заболевание

venereal disease (V.D.) / bad blood – венерическое заболевание

child disease / disease of childhood – детская болезнь

cholelithiasis – желчекаменная болезнь

intestinal disease / disturbance – кишечное заболевание

coronary disease / ischemic heart disease – ишемическая болезнь сердца

urolithiasis – мочекаменная болезнь

adhesive disease / peritoneal adhesions – спаечная болезнь

serum sicknessсывороточная болезнь

iatrogenic disease / iatrogenyятрогенное заболевание

incurable diseaseнеизлечимая болезнь

unrecognized diseaseнераспознанное зеболевание

relentlessly progressive diseaseнеуклонно прогрессирующее заболевание

grave / serious diseaseсерьезное заболевание

associated / concomitant diseaseсопутствующее заболевание

repeat / recurrent diseaseповторное заболевание

recurrence / relapse of a disease – возврат / рецидив заболевания

temporary remission of a disease – временное ослабление болезни

duration of a diseaseдлительность заболевания

advanced caseзаболевание в запущенной стадии

disease of unknown etiologyзаболевание неизвестной этиологии

source of trouble – источник заболевания

outcome of a disease – исход болезни

acute (indefinite) onset of a disease – острое (неясное) начало болезни

exacerbation, acute condition – обострение болезни

bad after-effects of a disease – тяжелые последствия болезни

signs / symptoms of a disease – признаки / симптомы болезни

attack / episode of a disease – приступ болезни

precursors of a disease – предвестники болезни

prevention of a disease – предупреждение болезни

favourable (unfavourable, doubtful, fatal) prognosis for a disease – благоприятный (неблагоприятный, сомнительный, смертельный) прогноз болезни

manifestations of a disease – проявления болезни

advanced / neglected case – запущенный случай болезни

mild (severe), acute (chronic) form of a disease – легкая (тяжелая), острая (хроническая) форма болезни

morbidity / sick rate - заболеваемость

to fight against a disease – бороться с болезнью

to catch / contract a disease – заразиться

to control / check / arrest / stop an attack of a disease – купировать приступ болезни

to recur, to reappear (of a disease) – проявляться вновь, рецидивировать (о болезни)

to progress (of a disease) – развиваться , прогрессировать (о болезни)

to inherit a disease – унаследовать болезнь

to treat smb. for a diseaseлечить кого-нибудь по поводу болезни

differential diagnosisдифференциальный диагноз

uncertain diagnosisнеопределенный / неясный диагноз

wrong diagnosis, misdiagnosisнеправильный / ошибочный диагноз

final diagnosisокончательный диагноз

diagnosis on dischargeдиагноз при выписке больного

admission diagnosisдиагноз при поступлении больного

diagnosis founded on the assessed data of given treatmentдиагноз, основанный на оценке результатов проведенного лечения

diagnostic mistake / errorдиагностическая ошибка

to overlook a diagnosisдопустить ошибку в диагнозе

to confirm a diagnosis –подтвердить диагноз

to make a diagnosis, to diagnose (a case) – поставить диагноз

alarming symptom of a disease – настораживающий симптом болезни

generalized symptoms of a disease – общие симптомы болезни

predominating symptom of a disease – превалирующий симптом болезни

augmentation of symptoms of a disease – нарастание симптомов болезни

symptom-complex, symptom-group, set of symptoms syndrome – симптомоком-плекс болезни, синдром

Тема 7

Hospital and the other Medical Services. Departments and Medical Staff of Hospital

city / municipal hospital – городская больница

infectious diseases hospital – инфекционная больница

general hospitalсоматическая больница

multi-field / multi-type hospital – многопрофильная больница

emergency hospitalбольница скорой медицинской помощи

military hospital – военный госпиталь

dispensary – диспансер

children’s out patient department – детская поликлиника

adult policlinicвзрослая поликлиника

feldsher-obstetric stationфельдшерско-акушерский пункт

subnormality hospitalбольница для умственно отсталых

psychoneurologic boarding-schoolпсихоневрологический интернат

geriatric homeдом престарелых

first-aid stationстанция скорой помощи

prenatal dispensary - женская консультация

maternity home – родильный дом

to direct / refer smb. to a hospital – направлять в больницу

to admit / to place / to take smb. to a hospital - госпитализировать

to be / stay in hospital – лежать в больнице

to enter a hospital / to be admitted to a hospital / to be hospitalized – поступать в больницу

to discharge smb. from a hospital – выписывать из больницы

to be discharged from a hospital – выписываться из больницы

planned hospitalization – плановая госпитализация

urgent / emergency hospitalization – экстренная / неотложная госпитализация

admission for treatmentгоспитализация для лечения

admission for active and dynamic observationгоспитализация с целью активного наблюдения

admission for making a diagnosisгоспитализация с целью установления диагноза

medical personnel (of a hospital) - медицинский персонал (больницы)

junior (head, paramedical) personnelмладший (руководящий, средний) медицинский персонал

medical (nursing) staff – штат врачей (медсестер)

doctor / physician / medical doctor (MD) – врач

doctor on duty / duty doctor / physician on call - дежурный врач

attending medical doctor / doctor in charge – лечащий врач, палатный врач

morbid anatomist – патологоанатом

therapeutist / therapist – терапевт

surgeon – хирург

obstetrician-gynecologist – акушер-гинеколог

traumatologist – травматолог

psychiatrist, alienist – психиатр

expert in resuscitation - реаниматолог

senior nurse (feldsher) - старшая медсестра (фельдшер)

charge / ward nurse – палатная медсестра

community [district] / visiting nurse – участковая патронажная медсестра

dressing-room nurse – перевязочная медсестра

general duty nurse – медсестра общего профиля

geriatric nurseмедсестра по уходу за престарелыми

scrub / theater / instrumental nurse – операционная медсестра

nurse-dietitian – диетсестра

masseur – массажист

laboratory assistant – лаборант

multidisciplinary team (MDT) – мультидисциплинарная (многопрофильная) бригада (команда) специалистов

social workerсоциальный работник

hospital department / unit – отделение больницы

decentralized (centralized) admitting office / admissions office / admissions department – децентрализованное (централизованное) приемное отделение

box receptacle / isolation ward – бокс

entrance hall for waiting – вестибюль для ожидания

ward for diagnosticsдиагностическая палата (смотровая)

dressing room - перевязочная

X-ray roomрентгеновский кабинет

sanitary inspection room – санитарный пропускник

Тема 8

Case Report. General Examination of a Patient

case report / patient’s history / case record / medical history – история болезни

medical card, in-patient card – карта стационарного больного

history taking – собирание анамнеза

family history (FH) / hereditary history – семейный / наследственный анамнез

social history (SH) – социальный анамнез

allergological history – аллергологический анамнез

history of present illness – анамнез болезни

life history / past history (PH) – анамнез жизни

harmful patients habitsвредные привычки больного

to be addicted to – иметь пристрастие к …

occupational / industrial hazards – профессиональные вредности

a patients personal details – индивидуальные характеристики больного

identification data – паспортные данные

identification number (unit number) – номер (амбулаторной карты, истории болезни)

home address – домашний адрес

date of birth – дата рождения


name, full name – имя, полное имя

next of kin – ближайшие родственники

disability – инвалидность

education – образование

pension - пенсия

sex (female, male) – пол (женский, мужской)

occupation / professionпрофессия

marital status (married, single, divorced, widow, widower) – семейное положение ( женат / замужем, не замужем / холост(ой), разведен / разведена, вдова, вдовец)

home circumstancesсемейные обстоятельства

religion: beliefs and practicesрелигия: вера и религиозные отправления

ethnic origin / race (Mongoloid, Negroid, Caucasian) – этническая группа /раса (монголоид, негроид, европеоид)

belongings (valuables) – вещи (ценности) больного

special needs – особые отметки

general examination of a patient – общее обследование больного

comparative auscultation – сравнительная аускультация

to listen to / sound / examine with a phonendoscope (stethoscope) – выслушивать фонендоскопом (стетоскопом)

to listen to intestinal tones – выслушивать кишечные шумы

to listen to the lungs (heart) – выслушивать легкие (сердце)

to listen to pleural (pericardial) murmur / rub – выслушивать шум трения плевры (перикарда)

bimanual deep palpation – бимануальная глубокая пальпация

superficial sliding palpation – поверхностная скользящая пальпация

comparative palpation – сравнительная пальпация

vocal fremitus palpation – определение голосового дрожания

to palpate gently (thoroughly) – пальпировать осторожно (тщательно)

comparative (topographic) percussion – сравнительная (топографическая) перкуссия

borders of absolute (relative) dullness; area of dullness – границы абсолютной (относительной) тупости; область притупления

percussion sound – перкуторный звук

wooden / bandbox sound – коробочный звук

muffled / blunted soundприглушенный /притупленный звук

dull / thigh soundтупой / бедренный звук

clear / pulmonary soundясный / легочный звук

systems reviewобследование по системам

visible mucous membranesвидимые слизистые оболочки

skin integumentкожные покровы

osteal-articular system; locomotor systemкостно-суставная система; опорно-двигательная система

lymphatic systemлимфатическая система

muscular systemмышечная система

urogenital systemмочеполовая система

nervous systemнервная система

subcutaneous fatподкожная жировая клетчатка

cardiovascular systemсердечно-сосудистая система

respiratory systemсистема органов дыхания

digestive / alimentary systemсистема органов пищеварения

Тема 9

Drug Therapy

pharmacy / chemist’s [shop] / drug-store - аптека

drug / medicine / medicinal remedy / medicinal substance / medicinal preparation – лекарство, лекарственное средство

prescription - рецепт

adult (ad.) (infant (inf.) prescription – взрослый (детский) рецепт

prescription form / blank – рецептурный бланк

to write out a prescription – выписать рецепт

to sign a prescription – подписывать рецепт

pharmacist / chemist / dispenser – фармацевт

pharmaceutical directory – фармацевтический справочник

British National Formulary (B.N.F.) – Британская национальная рецептурная книга

British Pharmacopoeia (B.P.) – Британская фармакопея

British Pharmaceutical Codex (B.P.C.) – Британский фармацевтический сборник

to dispense drugs / to dispense medicines / to deliver prescriptions – отпускать лекарство

presentation – пропись

pharmacological properties – фармакологические свойства

indications (contra-indications) – показания (противопоказания)

mode of administration – метод применения


initial doseначальная доза

minimal effective doseминимальная эффективная доза

safe doseбезопасная доза

age-dependent dose – возрастная доза

maximum permissible (tolerance) dose – максимально допустимая (переносимая) доза

maximum single (daily) dose – высшая разовая (суточная) доза

dose for the course of treatment – курсовая доза

lethal dose (LD) – летальная доза

optimal dose regimenоптимальный режим применения

upper limit of dose range – верхняя граница дозировки

to increase (to lower / reduce) a dose – повышать (понижать) дозу

frequency – частота приема

profile of clinical actions – характер клинических действий

clinical experience – клинические испытания

use in pregnancy and lactation – применение при беременности и лактации

precautions – предостережения

side-effects and adverse reactions – побочные действия и отрицательные реакции

drug interactionsвзаимодействие лекарств

effect of overdosage – передозировка

treatment of overdosageлечение при передозировке

tolerance (intolerance) to a drugпереносимость (непереносимость) лекарства

rate of administering a drug / infusion rateскорость введения лекарственного средства

to administer a drug orally (sublingually) – вводить лекарство через рот (под язык)

to administer a drug parenterally - вводить лекарство парентерально

to administer a drug subcutaneously (sub.Q.) (intramuscularly (I / M), intravenously (I / V) - вводить лекарство подкожно (внутримышечно, внутривенно)

to administer a drug locally / topically (rectally) - вводить лекарство местно (интраректально)

medicinal formлекарственная форма



ointment – мазь

mixture – микстура

tincture – настойка

decoction – отвар

pill – пилюля

powder (compound powder) – порошок (сложный порошок)

solution – раствор

dust – присыпка

suppository – свеча

suspension – суспензия

tablet (tab.) (coated tablet) – таблетка (таблетка, покрытая оболочкой)

liter (l) (cubic centimeter (cc)) – литр (кубический сантиметр)

gram[me] (gr) (milligram[me] (mg), microgram[me] , ounce) – грамм (миллиграмм, микрограмм, унция)

to shake a drug / medicine – взбалтывать лекарство

to rub a drug into … - втирать лекарство в …

to order / administer / prescribe a drug – назначить лекарство

drug for internal (external) useлекарственное средство для внутреннего (наружного) применения

to tolerate a medicine / drug badly (well) – переносить лекарство плохо (хорошо)

to take a drug / to ingest a medicine with food / meals – принимать лекарство во время еды

to take a drug before meals (a.c.) (after meals, on empty stomach) - принимать лекарство до еды (после еды, натощак)

to take a drug a tablespoonful once a day (twice a day, three times a day (t.i.d.), four times a day (q.i.d.)) - принимать лекарство по одной столовой ложке раз (два, три, четыре раза) в день

ready-to-use remedyготовое лекарственное средство

potent medicineсильнодействующее лекарственное средство

anti-arrhythmic remedyантиаритмическое лекарственное средство

pain reliever / killerболеутоляющее лекарственное средство

astringentвяжущее лекарственное средство

antacidантацидное лекарственное средство


antiviral remedyпротивовирусный препарат


antihypertensive / hypotensive remedyгипотензивное лекарственное средство

antipyreticжаропонижающее средство

cholagogueжелчегонное лекарственное средство


expectorantотхаркивающее лекарственное средство


anti-inflammatory agent (non-steroid anti-inflammatory agent) – противовоспалительное (нестероидное) лекарственное средство

vermifuge / anthelminticпротивоглистное лекарственное средство

antihistamineантигистаминный препарат

contraceptive (oral contraceptive) – контрацептив (оральный контрацептив)

antiemeticпротиворвотное лекарственное средство

anticonvulsant remedyпротивосудорожное лекарственное средство

sedativeседативный препарат

purgative (laxative / aperient) – слабительное (легкое слабительное) лекарственное средство

hypnotic / sleeping pillснотворное лекарственное средство



tranquilizer / anxiolyticтранквилизатор, анксиолитик

agent stimulating CNS – стимулятор ЦНС

Тема 10

Common Findings on Examination

present (general) state of the patient – настоящее (общее) состояние больного

satisfactory (grave) condition of the patient – удовлетворительное (тяжелое) состояние больного

state of moderate severity / moderate grave condition - состояние средней тяжести

active (passive) patients positionактивное (пассивное) положение больного

forced patients attitude / positionвынужденное положение больного

asthenic (normostenic, hyperstenic) constitutionастеническая (нормостеническая, гиперстеническая) конституция


reduced (moderate, good) degree of nourishmentпониженная (умеренная, хорошая) степень упитанности

to gain weight – прибавлять в весе

to reduce / lose one’s weight – потерять в весе

heavy (slight) weight lossбольшая (малая) потеря в весе

normally (poorly, excessively) developed subcutaneous fat / fatty tissueнормально (слабо, чрезмерно) выраженная подкожная жировая клетчатка


skin irritationраздражение кожи

skin desquamation / scaling / peeling of the skin – шелушение кожи

pigmented patch – пигментное пятно

decubitus ulcer - пролежень

erythema - эритема

eruption – сыпь, высыпание

blister / bulla / bleb – волдырь / пузырь

erosion – эрозия

macule - пятно

vesicle – везикула / пузырек

skin pallor – бледность кожи

mild (deep) jaundiceслабая (выраженная) желтуха

peripheral (central) cyanosisпериферический (центральный) цианоз

tender (non-tender) lymph nodeболезненный (безболезненный) лимфатический узел

supraclavicular (subclavicular) lymph nodesнадключичные (подключичные) лимфатические узлы

parotid lymph nodesоколоушные лимфатические узлы

inguinal lymph nodesпаховые лимфатические узлы

movable (immovable / immobile) lymph nodeподвижный (неподвижный) лимфатический узел

axillary lymph nodesподмышечные лимфатические узлы

submandibular lymph nodesподчелюстные лимфатические узлы

regional lymph nodesрегионарные лимфатические узлы

cervical lymph nodesшейные лимфатические узлы

lymphadenopathy - лимфоаденопатия

marked (slight) edemaвыраженные (незначительные) отеки

general (local) edema, anasarcaобщие (местные) отеки, анасарка

dependent oedema / gravitational oedema – ортостатический отек

Quincke’s edema – отек Квинке

cardiac (renal) edemaотеки сердечного (почечного) происхождения

ankle oedemaотек голеностопных суставов

joint effusionвыпот в суставе

bony deformity – костная деформация

joint contracture – контрактура сустава

muscle wasting / muscle weakness – мышечная слабость

diffuse (nodular) goitre – диффузный (узловой) зоб

tachycardia (bradycardia) – тахикардия (брадикардия)

triple / gallop rhythm – ритм галопа

pectus carinatum / “pigeon chest”- килевидная грудная клетка / “куриная грудь”

pectus excavatum / funnel-chest - воронкообразная грудная клетка / “грудь сапожника”

barrel-chestэмфизематозная / бочкообразная грудная клетка

intercostal retraction – межреберные втяжения

cracklesповерхностная / подкожная крепитация

clubbing of fingersутолщение концевых фаланг пальцев / “барабанные палочки”

caput Medusaeрасширение подкожных вен передней брюшной стенки / “голова Медузы”

hepatomegaly (splenomegaly) – гепатомегалия (спленомегалия)

rebound tendernessболезненность при внезапном ослаблении давления на стенку живота / симптом раздражения брюшины

succussion splash – шум плеска

shifting dullness of ascitesизменение перкуторной тупости при асците

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