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abuse n злоупотребление

anarchy n анархия

argue v утверждать, доказывать, аргументировать, приводить доводы; it is

argued утверждается

assertion n утверждение

clear-thinking adj здравомыслящий

commit crime v совершить преступление

common sense n здравый смысл

concept n понятие

confusion n смешение

consider v определить, полагать, считать, принимать во внимание, учитывать;

consideration n соображение

consistent adj последовательный, непротиворечивый

defined by law установлено законом

descriptive adj описательный

desert v оставлять, покидать; бросить (семью)

doctrine n доктрина, учение

economics n экономика

enforce v обеспечивать соблюдение или исполнение, принудительно проводить

в жизнь;

enforced принудительно примененный, обеспеченный правовой санкцией

establish v устанавливать

to a large extent в значительной мере

framework n система, правовые рамки, пределы, каркас, остов

guide v руководить, вести; be guided by руководствоваться

implement v провести в жизнь, осуществить

implementation n исполнение; implementation of justice отправление


impose v налагать (обязательства), предписывать, устанавливать, возлагать,


inherit v наследовать

interaction n взаимодействие

justice n правосудие, справедливость

law n право, закон

law of gravity закон всемирного тяготения

lobby (in Parliament) n кулуары, лобби; lobbying агитация в кулуарах,

закулисная обработка членов парламента; лоббирование

mercy killing n убийство из сострадания, эйтаназия, умерщвление неизлечимых


minority n меньшинство

motive n мотив, повод

nation n государство, нация, народ

necessarily adv обязательно

notion n понятие, представление

painful illness болезнь, сопровождающаяся мучительными болями

penalty n наказание

phenomenon n явление; phenomena n pl явления

precise adj точный

prescriptive adj предписывающий

pressure group n инициативная группа, группа влияния

propose v предлагать, выдвигать

public laws n публичные законы (касающиеся всех)

retain v удерживать, сохранять

revolutionary n революционер

ridicule v осмеивать

rule n норма, правило

skill n искусство, умение, ловкость, мастерство; skilled (highly trained)


solely adv исключительно, только

tend v иметь тенденцию, склоняться

well-being n благополучие, благосостояние

within their power в пределах их полномочий / власти; в их компетенции

Reading tasks

A Comprehension check.

1 Give your own example of a descriptive law and a prescriptive law.

2 Mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the text.

a Social customs and rules are both enforced by governments.

b Many laws reflect social customs.

c Unlike social customs, laws are usually international.

d In all societies relations between people are regulated by customs and traditions.

e The speed limits imposed on a driver is an example of a prescriptive law.

f In general it is very easy to escape justice.

g Both customs and rules are enforced by governments.

B Answer these questions.

1 What does the word “law” refer to?

2 What is a descriptive/prescriptive law?

3 What is understood by prescriptive laws in all societies?

4 What is the difference between a custom and a law?

5 Do governments have any motives in making laws?

C Put the verb into the correct form, present, future, past simple or present perfect.

The fact that English law 1) _______(function) without major revolutions for upwards of nine hundred years is one of the great stabilizing factors of the English legal and political traditions. Of course there has been constant change throughout the centuries. But because change 2) _______(be) gradual most people 3) _______(feel) a sense of security in their personal and political lives. As time 4) ______(pass), however, it 5) ______(become) necessary to adopt rules governing the conduct of individuals toward one another. Certain laws were enacted. The purpose of law 6) ______(be) to bring some measure of order, of predictability into what would otherwise be the chaos of community living. It 7) ______ (give) protection to property. It 8) ______(ensure) that individuals’ rights are guaranteed by rules laid down in advance. Law is defined as any rule that society 9) _______(enforce).

Law generally 10) ______(represent) the developing common morality of human beings. There 11) ______(be) a close relationship between law and morality. Law not only 12) ______(have) its origin in morality, but also is easier to enforce when citizens 13) ______ (yield) to government for moral reasons.

Vocabulary tasks

A The word AUTHORITY has the following meanings in Russian:

1 власть

supreme authority – верховная власть

2 полномочие, право, права, компетенция

to act on smb’s authority – действовать на основании полученных


3 pl. власти, начальство, администрация

local authorities – местные власти, органы местного самоуправления

4 авторитет, вес, влияние

to have authority with smb. – пользоваться авторитетом у кого-либо

5 авторитет, крупный специалист

he is an authority on law – он является авторитетом в области права

6 авторитетный источник

to quote one’s authorities – ссылаться на авторитетные источники

Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents.

1 competent authority a превышать свои полномочия

2 law-enforcement authorities/agencies b власть / полномочия парламента

3 lawful authority c законная власть

4 on good authority d из надежного источника

5 the authority of Parliament e иметь / осуществлять власть

6 to abuse one’s authority f неограниченные полномочия

7 to endue with authority g наделять полномочиями кого-либо

8 to gain in authority h облечь властью

9 to hand over one’s authority to smb. i передавать свои полномочия кому-либо

10 to have / to exercise authority j подрывать чей-либо авторитет

11 to undermine smb.’s authority k правоохранительные органы

12 to vest smb. with authority l авторитетный специалист

13 unrestricted authority m приобретать всё большую власть

B Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions.

1 норма

2 в пределах полномочий

3 публичные законы

4 обычаи

5 наказание

6 нарушать нормы поведения

7 обеспечивать соблюдение законов

8 гражданское право

9 отправление правосудия

10 эйтаназия

11 здравый смысл

C Match the following legal terms with their Russian equivalents.

1 legislation a полномочие

2 legal system b орган исполнения судебных решений и

3 tribunal приговоров; полицейский орган

4 authority с применить правовую норму / закон

5 body d судейский корпус

6 law enforcement agency е принудительно применимая (правовая) норма

7 judgment f расследование, запрос

8 to enforce law g судебная система, правовая система

9 rule h орган, корпус

10 the judiciary i законодательство

11 inquiry j суд, орган правосудия, трибунал

12 enforceable rule k судебное решение, приговор

l (правовая) норма, правило

D Introduction to law: basic terms.

The following terms introduce you to the law and basic legal terminology. Below are the definitions. Find the definition for each term.

authority court govern judge

legal system lawyers legal action

law enforcement agency

legislation rule the judiciary tribunal

1 a body that is appointed to make a judgment or inquiry tribunal

2 a country’s body of judges __________

3 an act or acts passed by a law-making body __________

4 behaviour recognized by a community as binding or enforceable

by authority __________

5 legal proceedings __________

6 an official body that has authority to try criminals, resolve disputes, or make

other legal decisions __________

7 an organization responsible for enforcing the law, especially

the police __________

8 a senior official in a court of law __________

9 the body or system of rules recognized by a community that are enforceable

by established process __________

10 the control resulting from following a community’s system

of rules __________

11 members of the legal profession __________

12 to rule a society and control the behaviour of its members __________

E Introduction to law: basic concepts.

Complete the following text about basic legal concepts using the following words and phrases. Use each term once.

authority court govern judges legal systems

law enforcement agency lawyers legal action tribunal

legislation rule the judiciary

Why do we have laws and 1) legal systems ? At one level, laws can be seen as a type of 2) _______ which is meant to 3) ________behaviour between people. We can find these rules in nearly all social organizations, such as families and sports clubs.

Law, the body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions and 4) ________is used to govern a society and to control the behaviour of its members. In modern societies, a body with 5) ________, such as a 6) ________ or the legislature, makes the law; a 7) ________, such as the police, makes sure it is observed.

In addition to enforcement, a body of expert 8) ________ is needed to apply the law. This is the role of 9) ________, the body of 10) ________ in a particular country. Of course, legal systems vary between countries, as well as the basis for bringing a case before a court or 11) ________. One thing, however, seems to be true all over the world – starting a 12) ________ is both expensive and time-consuming.

F Give Russian equivalents to the following word partnerships.

Over to you

“Mercy killing should not be punished”. Write a paragraph containing two points for and two against this statement. Then discuss your answer with other students.

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