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13 States convention written constitution

brief document 26 amendments Founding Fathers

checks and balances branches War of Independence

1 A good example of a __________ is the Constitution of the Unites States.

2 It is a relatively __________ of some 12 pages.

3 The constitutional __________ which was to adopt a new constitution, officially opened on May 25, 1787, in Philadelphia.

4 The 55 delegates who drafted the Constitution included most of the outstanding leaders or __________.

5 George Washington, the Military hero of the __________, was the presiding officer.

6 Under the Constitution power was further divided among the three __________ of the national government.

7 These three powers established a so-called system of __________.

8 When the Constitution was written in 1787, there were only __________.

9 Over the past 200 years __________ have been adopted.

C Fill in the gaps with one of the modal verbs: can, may, must, cannot, may not.

Under the Constitution, no member of one branch of government 1) _____ be a member of the two others. The President of the United States is not and 2) _______ be, a member of Congress (the legislative branch). Any member of Congress who wishes to become President of the United States 3) _____ resign from that body before accepting the Presidency (Gerald Ford resigned from Congress in 1975 on becoming President). At the same time the President 4) _____ or 5) ______ be, a member of the political party with a majority in Congress. No member of the Government (the executive branch) with the exception of the Vice President (who presides over the Senate) 6) ____ also be a member of Congress.

Vocabulary tasks

A Find in the text the English equivalents for the following expressions.

1 принять конституцию

2 добавить поправки

3 ветви государственной власти

4 обеспечить права и свободы

5 обвиненный в нарушении закона

6 съезд делегатов

7 структура государственной власти

8 гарантировать права жителей

9 достичь чрезмерной власти

10 не дело правительства

B Match the terms with their definitions.


system of checks and balances


a system or body of fundamental principles to which a nation or state is constituted and governed by




constitutional amendments of 1791




general conference devoted to a special object




a preliminary copy of a document




a mechanism to control the abuse of power


the Bill of Rights


body of persons sworn to render verdict on question submitted to them in court of justice




added article in the US Constitution




the introductory part of a document

C Complete the sentence with the best answer (a, b, or c) according to the information in the text.

1 Adopted in 1787, the Constitution was finally ratified and came into force

a in 1788

b in 1789

c in 1790.

2 Many people contributed to writing the Constitution, though one of the three great is regarded as the father of the Constitution:

a George Washington

b James Madison

c Alexander Hamilton.

3 The Constitution provided that federal laws would be made only by

a the Government

b the Supreme Court

c the Congress.

4 The drafters of the Constitution saw that the future might bring a need for changes, that’s why they provided

a a method of adding amendments

b the power to veto acts passed by the Congress

c the evolution of governmental institutions.

5 The system of checks and balances was established in order

a to check whether all the bills become law

b to balance the political forces during elections

c to give each branch of government the means to restrain the other two.

Over to you.

For discussion:

1 Compare the Bill of Rights in England and the Bill of Rights in the USA.

2 Speak on the adaptability of the American Constitution to new conditions, its stability and the role it played in the history of the USA and some other countries.

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