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Unit 4 states and systems

Vocabulary 1

A Types of government

Word Building

Look at the abstract nouns given in the first column. Which of them denote types of government and which mean political beliefs?

Abstract Noun










Social Democracy


B Political System

Match the words from the box with the explanations. The first is done for you.

ambassador delegate patriot ringleader terrorist chairperson minister president sovereign traitor

a) This person may be the elected head of state. president

b) This person is responsible for a government department. ________

c) This person leads others to make trouble. __________

d) This person represents their country abroad. ___________

e) This person loves their country. ___________

f) This person represents others at a meeting or conference. ________

g) This person betrays their country. __________

h) This person may be the head of state by birth. ___________

i) This person uses violence rather than the political system for political ends. __________

j) This person is the head of a formal meeting. __________

Use of Articles 1

We usually use zero article before the names of particular people:

  • President Bush is to make a statement later today.

  • The name of Nelson Mandela is known all over the world. However, we use the:

■ when there are two people with the same name and we want to specify which one we are talking about:

  • That's not the Stephen Fraser I went to school with.

■ when we want to emphasise that a person is the one that everyone probably knows:

  • Do they mean the Bill Clinton, or someone else? When it is used this way, the is stressed and pronounced /ði:/.

■ with an adjective to describe a person or a noun to describe their job:

  • the late (= dead) Buddy Holly the artist William Turner

the Aboriginal writer Sally Morgan the wonderful actor Harrison Ford

■ when we talk about a family as a whole:

  • The Robinsons are away this weekend. (= the Robinson family)

Notice that a/an, or sometimes zero article, is used with a name to mean that someone else has or does not have the particular excellent qualities of the person named:

  • Jane plays tennis well, but she'll never be (a) Steffi Graf.

We can also refer to a painting by a famous artist as, for example, 'a Van Gogh'.

You can use a/an before a person's name if you don't know the person yourself. Compare:

  • There's a Dr Kenneth Perch on the phone. (= I haven't heard of him before) Do you want to talk to him?

  • Dr Perch is here for you. (= I know Dr Perch)

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