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1. Proof-reading

Proof-reading means finding the extra words that do not belong in a text


Read the text for general understanding. Look at the whole sentence, not just at the numbers lines. Underline words you think are wrong and read the sentence (not the line!) without it. Does it sound right? Incorrect words can occur only once in a line.

For questions 00 – 15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is

correct put a tick (√) by the number. If a line has a word which should not be there,

write the word next to the line. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).

Living in London

0 ‘When a man is tired of the London, he is tired of life’. ___the___

00 From my own experience, this saying of the 18th ____√____

01 century writer, Dr Johnson, is definitely right: London _________

02 has a lot to offer. When I was first arrived in London _________

03 for to study English, I thought that I would spend most _________

04 of my spare time in studying. But very soon I was going __________

05 out on every evening, either to the theatre or to jazz __________

06 clubs (because that London has many famous clubs). __________

07 My weekends were also full: I would go to sports __________

08 events, to exhibitions, or just wander around. I used to __________

09 joke that I was renting a room that I wasn't spending __________

10 any time in it! Luckily, I also realised that I was not __________

11 studying enough and started staying at home more, and __________

12 studying much more harder. I learnt that you should __________

13 never feel that you must to do everything that is __________

14 available. Still, I am sure that if you ever visit in __________

15 London, you will agree with what Dr Johnson had said. __________

2. Key-word transformation

Important points

  • Remember that you should not change the word that you are given.

  • Think about the word you are given and the kind of structures you use with this word.

  • In completing the second sentence think about both the changes you have to make the given word fit and the things that stay the same from the original sentence. For example, make sure you use tenses consistently.

For questions 1 – 10, complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the given word. There is an example at the beginning.

Example: I started working here four years ago. (have)

I have been working here for four years.

1. The last time I went to Brussels was two years ago. (been)

I ……………………………… for two years.

2. I’ve never heard such a silly story. (silliest)

It’s …………………………………… ever heard.

3. He hasn’t been to work for a week. (since)

It’s a …………………………………. to work.

4. How long ago did they move into their house? (moved)

How long ……………………………………….. into their house?

5. It’s a month since I saw him. (for)

I …………………………………………………. a month.

6. When did you buy that suit? (bought)

How long ………………………………. that suit?

7. How long is it since you tidied your room? (ago)

How long ……………………………………… your room?

8. When did you last go to London? (time)

When ……………………………………… went to London?

9. We’ve never been on an aeroplane before. (first)

It’s the ……………………………………. on an aeroplane.

10. I haven’t finished my homework yet. (still)

I …………………………………………. homework.

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