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The Kremlin

The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. It is the oldest historical and architectural centre of Moscow.

Fist it was a wooden fort. Under Dmitry Donskoy the Kremlin was built of white stone. During the reign of Ivan III the walls of white stone were replaced by new redbrick walls and towers. The Tzar invited Italian architects to construct the cathedrals. The Assumption Cathedral was built in 1475-79. The Russian Tzars and Emperors were crowned here. The Archangel Cathedral was the burial place of the Russian Princes and Tzars. The Annunciation Cathedral was erected in 1484. It is famous for the icons painted by Andrey Rublev and his apprentices.

Ivan the Great Bell Tower, one of the most remarkable structures of the 16th century, rises in the centre of the Kremlin. It unites all the Kremlin Cathedrals into a majestic ensemble.

On the stone pedestal at the foot of the Bell Tower stands a Tzar-Bell – the largest bell in the world. Not far from it one can see a Tzar-Cannon.

Another fine example of Russian architecture is the Faceted Palace. It was built in 1487-91.

One of the well-known Kremlin museums is the Armoury Chamber. It was built in 1851. The famous golden cap of Monomach, the first Russian imperial crown of Catherin II, made of gilt silver and many other precious historical items are exhibited there.

wooden fort деревянная крепость

stone камень

reign правление

redbrick красный кирпич

invite приглашать

construct, erect строить, возводить

the Assumption C. Успенский собор

to be crowned короноваться

burial place место захоронения

the Annunciation C. собор Благовещения

paint рисовать

apprentice ученик

remarkable замечательный

rise возвышаться

at the foot у подножия

Faceted Palace Потешный дворец

Armoury Chamber Оружейная палата

precious изысканный

gilt позолоченный

8. Imagine that one of you is an American tourist who has just returned home from the trip to Moscow and another one is an American tourist too, but you have just returned from Astrakhan. So you are meeting at home and discussing your impression of the Kremlin in Moscow and Astrakhan.


the Present Simple

the Present Simple Tense (настоящее простое или неопределенное) используется при следующих условиях:

- мысли и чувства (I think so, I like it);

- утверждениях, фактах и действиях, которые являются истиной в течение долгого времени (We live quite near);

- повторяющихся действиях (We come here every week).

Утвердительная форма образуется при помощи подлежащего, выраженного именем существительным или местоимением (остальные случаи будут рассмотрены позже) и сказуемым, выраженным глаголом в начальной форме (I/you/we/they get). В третьем лице единственном числе глагол оканчивается на «s» или «es» (It gets busy at weekends. Mary catches the early train).

  1. Если глагол оканчивается на s, sh, ch, x, то добавляется окончание es:

pass – passes wash - washes

catch – catches mix – mixes

  1. Если глагол оканчивается на о, то добавляется окончание es:

go – goes do – does

3. Если глагол оканчивается на согласную y, то окончание изменяется на ies:

hurry – hurries copy – copies

В тех случаях, когда перед y - согласная, то происходит прибавление s без изменений y:

stay – stays enjoy – enjoys

Отрицательная и вопросительная формы

Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do (does в 3л. ед.ч.), отрицательных – don’t + (doesn’ + в 3л. ед.ч.). При образовании вопросительных и отрицательных предложений буква s в смысловом глаголе не пишется.

(I/you/we/they do not get (or) don/t + get)

(He/she/it does not get (or) doesn’ + get)

(Do I/you/we/they) get?)

(Does he/she/it get?)

Exercise 1. Look at each underlined verb and say what kind of meaning it expresses. Is it a thought, a feeling, a fact or a repeated action?

Matthew loves sport. a feeling

Sarah often works late at the office. a repeated action

  1. I hate quiz programmes.

  2. We play table tennis every Thursday.

  3. The computer belongs to Emma.

  4. These plates cost £20 each.

  5. I believe it’s the right thing to do.

  6. I’m hungry. I want something to eat.

  7. I’m usually go to work by bus.

  8. It’s OK. I understand your problem.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences by putting in the verbs. Use the present simple. You have to decide if the verb is positive or negative:

Claire is very sociable. She knows (know) lots of people.

We’ve got plenty of chairs, thanks. We don’t want (want) any more.

  1. My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He …. (speak) French.

  2. Most students live quite close to the college, so they ….. (walk) there.

  3. My sports kit is really muddy. This shirt ……… (need) a good wash.

  4. I’ve got four cats and two dogs. I …………………. (love) animals.

  5. No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He ……………………. (eat) breakfast.

  6. What’s the matter? You ………………………… (look) very happy.

  7. Don’t try to ring the bell. It ………………………………….(work).

  8. I hate telephone answering machines. I just …… (like) talking to them.

  9. Matthew is good at badminton. He …………… (win) every game.

  10. We always travel by bus. We ………………………… (own) a car.

Exercise 3. Complete the conversation. Put in the present simple forms.

Rita: Do you like (you/like) football, Tom?

Tom: I love (I/love) it. I’m a United fan. (1) …………………………….. (I/go) to all their games.

Nick usually (2) ………………………. (come) with me.

And (3) ……………………………. (we/travel) to away games, too.

Why (4) ………………………………. (you/not/come) to a match some time?

Rita: I’m afraid football (5) …………………………. (not/make) sense to me – men running after a ball. Why (6) ……………………………. (you/take) it so seriously?

Tom: It’s a wonderful game. (7) ……………………………. (I/love) it. United are my whole life.

Rita: How much (8) …………………………. (it/cost) to buy the tickets and pay for the travel?

Tom: A lot. (9) ……………………………… (I/not/know) exactly how much.

But (10) ………………………………. (that/not/matter) to me.

(11) …………………………….. (I/not/want) to do anything else.

(12) ……………………………. (that/annoy) you?

Rita: No, (13) …………………………. (it/not/annoy) me.

I just (14) ………………………….. (find) it a bit sad.

The Present Continuous

Настоящее продолженное время (Present Continuous Tense) употребляется для выражения действия, длящегося в:

а) момент речи:

Switch off the light. Выключи свет.

The baby is sleeping. Ребенок спит (в данный момент).

Ann is busy now. Анна сейчас занята.

She is laying the table. Она накрывает на стол.


The baby usually sleeps in this room. Ребенок обычно спит в этой ком-


It is Ann who usually lays the table. Обычно Аня накрывает на тол.

It is her household duty. Это ее домашняя обязанность.

б) настоящий период времени (не обязательно в момент речи):

Two friends are talking. Две подруги разговаривают.

“I’m reading an interesting book «Я (сейчас) читаю интересную

now”, says one of them книгу», - говорит одна из них.

«Я читаю» означает, что девушка читает не в момент речи, а начала читать книгу и все еще ее читает.

- I know Mary is busy these days. - Я знаю, что Мэри занята эти


- Yes, she is making a new dress. - Да, она шьет новое платье.


I don’t have much free time, so I У меня мало свободного времени,

read books only in the evenings. поэтому я читаю только по вече-


I know that Mary makes Я знаю, что Мэри сама шьет.

her dresses herself.

Форма Present Continuous может употребляться для обозначения действия, относящегося к ближайшему будущему, когда выражается намерение совершить действие, или речь идет о заранее намеченном действии. В этом случае в английском предложении обычно имеется обстоятельство времени, указывающее на будущее время:

She is coming tomorrow. Она приезжает завтра.

I’m leaving in five minutes. Я ухожу через пять минут.

He is taking his exam on Monday. Он сдает экзамен в понедельник.

Выражение to be going to do something - собираться что-то сделать также обозначает действие будущего времени:

We are going to the theatre tonight. Мы пойдем в театр вечером.

He is going to be a lawyer. Он будет (собирается стать) юристом.

to be going to do something - может иметь другой оттенок значения.


A man is going along the road. There is a hole in front of him. He is going to fall into the hole.

В данном примере говорящий выражает предложение, что может случиться, а не то, что человек собирается сделать.

Look, the clouds are so black. Посмотри, какие черные тучи.

It is going to rain. Дождь собирается.

I feel so bad. I think Я чувствую себя очень плохо.

I’m going to be sick. Наверное я заболею.

Следующие глаголы обычно не используются в длительном времени

like live hate want need prefer

know realize suppose mean understand believe remember

belong contain consist depend seem

Exercise 1. Rachel is in the computer room at college. Complete her conversation with Andrew. Put in a present continuous form of the verb:

Andrew: What are you doing? (you/ do)

Rachel: I’m writing (I/ write) a letter to a friend. He’s a disc jockey. Vicky and I ________ (try ) to organize a disco.

Andrew: That sounds a lot of work. How _____ (you/ find) time for your studies?

Rachel: Well, as I said, Vicky _________ (help) me. __________ (we/ get) on all right. _________ (we/ not/ spend) too much time on it. __________ (it/ not/ take) me away from my studies, don’t worry about that. Oh, sorry, __________ (you/ wait) for this computer?

Andrew: Yes, but there’s no hurry.

Rachel: _________ (I/ correct) the last bit of the letter. I’ve nearly finished.

Exercise 2. What can you say in these situations? Add a sentence with the present continuous:

A friend rings you up in the middle of “Neighbours”, your favourite soap opera. Is it important? I’m watching “Neighbours”.

1. A friend is at your flat and suggest going out, but you can see rain outside. I don’t want to go out now. Look, ______________

2. A friend rings you up at work. Sorry, I can’t talk now. _____________

3. You want to get off the bus, but the man next to you is sitting on your coat. Excuse me, ________________

4. A friend wants to talk to you, but you have just started to write an important letter. Can I talk to you later? ________________

5. You have been ill, but you’re better now than you were. I’m OK now. _____________

Exercise 3. Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong:

1. I’m seeing the manager tomorrow morning. RIGHT

2. I’m feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat? ___________

3. Are you believing in God? ___________

4. This sauce is great. It’s tasting really good. ___________

5. I’m thinking this is your key. Am I right? ___________

Exercise 4. Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple:

  1. Are you hungry? DO YOU WANT something to eat? (you/ want)

  2. Jill is interested in politics but she __________ to a political party.(not/belong)

  3. Don’t put the dictionary away. I __________ it. (use)

  4. Don’t put the dictionary away. I __________ it. (need)

  5. Who is that man? What __________? (he/ want)

  6. Who is that man? Why __________ at us? (he/ look)

  7. George says he’s 80 years old but nobody _________ him. (believe)

  8. She told me her name but I _________ it now. (not/ remember)

  9. I _________ of selling my car. (think) Would you be interested in buying it?

  10. I ______ you should sell your car. (think) You _____ it very often. (not/ use).

  11. Air __________ mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. (consist)

Revise grammar (The Present Simple and Continuous) to be ready for the test.