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Eating out/ meals

Vocabulary 4

to cook – готовить

to boil – варить, кипятить

to fry – жарить (в большом количестве масла)

to bake – запекать

to roast – жарить (на сковороде)

to grill – жарить на гриле

to heat – подогревать

to freeze (froze, frozen) - замораживать

to slice – резать на ломтики

to cut with a knife – резать ножом

to prepare – готовить

barbecue – барбекю (способ приготовления мяса или название соуса)

meat – мясо

fish – рыба

garnish – гарнир

sauce – соус

dressing – заливка для салата, глазурь на торте

mayonnaise – майонез

porridge – каша

corn – кукуруза

cornflakes – кукурузные хлопья

soup – суп

noodle-soup – суп-лапша

bullion (broth) – бульон

vegetables (овощи):

cucumber – огурец

beetroot – свекла

tomato – помидор

potato – картофель

mashed potato – толченый картофель

cabbage – капуста (кочанная)

fruit (фрукты):

apple – яблоко

orange – апельсин

tangerine – мандарин

peach – персик

grapes – виноград (всегда мн. число)

plum – слива

banana – банан

a bunch – связка, гроздь, охапка, пучок

a loaf – буханка, кочан

a slice – ломтик, ломоть

a pack – пачка, упаковка

a carton – коробка, упаковка (типа тетрапак для молока, кефира и т.п.)

a handful – горсть

a dozen – дюжина

sweets – сладости

candy – конфета

dessert – дессерт

(first, second) course – (первое, второе) блюдо

beverages/ drinks – напитки

soft drinks/strong (alcohol) drinks – безалкогольные/алкогольные напитки

to have something for dessert (breakfast, lunch, dinner) – съесть что-то на десерт (завтрак, обед, ужин)

to have breakfast (lunch, dinner) – завтракать (обедать, ужинать)

to have a bite - перекусить

to have a sweet tooth – быть сладкоежкой

to stick to a diet, to be on a diet – придерживаться диеты, сидеть на диете

to lose weight, to put on (to gain) weight – терять вес, набирать вес

substantial meal – существенная еда

to be thirsty (hungry) – испытывать жажду (голод)

fast food - быстрое питание, еда в ресторанах быстрого питания

healthy food – здоровая еда

vegetarian – вегетарианец, вегетарианский

russian (chinese, french etc.) cuisine – русская (китайская, французская) кухня

canteen – столовая

café – кафе

restaurant – ресторан

to be on the menue – быть в меню

at the table, on the table – за столом, на столе

to lay the table – накрывать на стол

to clean the table – убирать со стола

table cloth – скатерть

plate – тарелка

dish – блюдо (большая тарелка), во множ. числе - посуда

to wash the dishes – мыть посуду

cup – чашка

spoon – ложка

fork – вилка

knife – нож

to be a good cook/ to be good at cooking – хорошо готовить

to taste something – пробовать на вкус

tasty (delicious) – вкусный

stale (fresh) bread – черствый (свежий) хлеб

hard (soft, tender) meat – жесткое (мягкое, нежное) мясо

crispy – хрустящий

sour – кислый

bitter – горький

sweet – сладкий

spicy – острый (перченый или с большим количеством специй)

salty – соленый

hot – горячий

greasy – жирный

to chew – жевать

to swallow – глотать

a) Text 4. Meals

In most the countries people have three or four meals a day. A day is usually started with breakfast: what people have for breakfast depends on many things. First of all, men usually have a more substantial breakfast than women. Secondly, what people prefer to eat can depend on their national traditions. A traditional English and American breakfast can include toasts with marmalade (or pancakes with syrup), fried eggs with bacon, some vegetables and tea or coffee. Oatmeal has been known as a typically English breakfast for many years already. But now many people all over the world know that it is a very healthy and important part of a morning meal. An alternative to porridge can be also cornflakes, which are eaten with milk.

At about noon people in Europe and the USA usually have lunch – earlier it used to be just a light meal consisting of some salad or sandwiches. But nowadays it is already a more substantial meal which can include a noodle-soup or some vegetable soup or meat broth for example and even some meat or fish course with garnish, and some sweets or fruit for dessert.

In Russia people usually wait till two or three in the afternoon to have their midday meal. And we call it dinner. It usually consists of three courses: a vegetable soup on meat broth, for example, cabbage soup (schi) or beet-root soup (borsch), a meat course with some garnish (for example, mashed potato) and a dessert.

At about five o’clock English have their traditional five-o’clock tea. By the way the British prefer their tea very strong and white. They have it with some cookies or pies. In the USA tea as a special meal is not so common.

At about six or seven in the evening (sometimes even later) English people and Americans have dinner. For them it is usually the most substantial meal of the day. Sometimes they go to a restaurant to have dinner, or cook it at home. They can have a vegetable salad with a mayonnaise dressing, roasted meat with potatoes, or grilled fish and ice-cream or a cake for dessert.

If a person doesn’t stick to a diet, he or she can have one more light meal before going to sleep – supper – which includes a glass of milk with cookies or some salad or a bowl of curds with sugar.

b) Ask your groupmates:

– что они едят на завтрак

– какое у него (нее) любимое блюдо

– предпочитает ли он (она) легкий завтрак или плотный

– придерживается ли он (она) какой-то особой диеты

– где он (она) любит есть вне дома

– часто ли он (она) ходит в кафе, ресторан

– что за блюда он (она) обычно берет

– что он (она) предпочитает мясо или рыбу

– какие фрукты и овощи он (она) любит больше всего

– какие напитки и соки

– умеет ли готовить

– что за блюдо получается у него (нее) лучше всего

– кто в семье накрывает на стол, убирает со стола, моет посуду

c) Different food is measured differently: milk in glasses or cartons (коробки тетрапак) or bottles, eggs in Britain – in dozens. Make all possible combinations of the food from the right column with the suitable phrases from the left column:

a loaf of

a pack of

a bottle of

a glass of

a cup of

a pair of

a kilo of

a litre of

a handful of

a spoon of

a bowl of

a piece of

a number of

a bunch of

a dozen



















* Additional Information:

In Great Britain there is a special way of measuring food: for example, instead of kilograms they have pounds (1 pound= 500 g), instead litres (l) – quarts. One quart equals 1/4 gallon (1 gallon = 4.5 l), or 2 pints (1 pint = 0.56 l). Milk is usually measured in gallons and quarts, beer – in pints.

d) Text 4a. Read the dialogues and act them out.