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IV. Put the sentences a-f back in the gaps 1-6 of the article.

a. A special cage protects you from the most dangerous animal in the world.

b. The 360° views are incredible.

с. It is now a national memorial and museum.

d. This is the best place to go dancing and have a good time.

e. The 122 rooms have beautiful furniture, satellite television, internet connection and lots of space,

f. Some advice: you should always compare prices before you buy.

V. Work in pairs. Imagine you have a free trip to Cape Town but you can only see three things. Which of the places would you like to visit most? Decide which three places are the best to go to.

VI. Match column a to column в to make sentences about things you can do in Cape Town.


1. You can go walking

2. You can go sightseeing

3. You can go diving

4. You can go dancing

5. You can go shopping for souvenirs

6. You can go swimming


a. at the Dockside nightclub.

b. on Robben Island.

с. at the Green Point Market on Sundays.

d. with sharks in Gansbaai.

e. at some of the beaches around Cape Town.

f. on the top of Table Mountain.

VII. Anny and Nick are visiting Cape Town. Complete the sentences and put the adjectives in brackets into the superlative form. Where are they in each conversation?

1. – What about this souvenir for my brother?

– I don't know. It's__souvenir in the shop! (expensive)

2. – Look at this place! I think it's the ___ club in town, (big)

– It's also very expensive, and I don't like dancing. Let's go to a different place.

3. – Why don't you want to go?

– Because it's_thing in the guide book! It's also ___. (crazy, dangerous)

4. – The guidebook says this is ___ part of Cape Town.

– Wow. You can see everything from up here, (high)

5. – Who is Nelson Mandela?

– He's ___ person in modern South African history! (important)

VIII. Make questions with the phrases below about your native city. Use the superlative form of the adjectives. Make two more questions of your own.

Pattern: What's the best place to go shopping for clothes?

1. good place to go shopping for clothes?

2. interesting monument?

3. dangerous part of the city?

4. nice park?

5. bad time of year to visit the city?

6. important festivals in the city?


I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:

over - над

along – вдоль

across – через

up – вверх

down - вниз

into – внутрь

out of – из

round - вокруг

onto – на что-либо

through – сквозь

from ... to – из…в

bridge – мост

hedge – кустарник

straight – прямо

turning – поворот

crossroad – перекресток

traffic lights – светофор

We use prepositions of movement to show the direction in which somebody or something is moving. These include: over, along, across, up, down, into, out of, round, onto, through and from ... to... .

Note: When we talk about a means of transport, we use the preposition by.

e.g. by car / bus / train / taxi / plane / boat

BUT: on foot