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  1. Booking train tickets

Clerk – C, Anatoly Petrovsky- A.P.

C.: Amtrak. May I help you?

A. P.: I'd like to book two roundtrip tickets to Boston.

C: Okay. When are you leaving?

A. P.: Next Sunday.

C: What time do you prefer?

A. P.: AS far as I know, there is a train that leaves for Boston at 9 A. М. I'd like to go by that train.

C: Do you prefer a smoking car or a car for nonsmokers?

A. P.: A smoking car, please.

C: I'll reserve for you two tickets for the nine o'clock Sunday train.

A. P.: Roundtrip tickets?

C: Yes.

A. P.: How much is it?

C: 16S dollars.

A.P.: When does the train arrive in Boston?

C: At 11.45 A. M. Your name, please?

A. P.: Anatoly Petrovsky. Where can I get the tickets?

C: At the railroad station, window No. 9.

  1. Hotel reservations

Anatoly Petrovsky - A.P., Doris Могgan - D.M.

Embassy Hotel, Chicago: Embassy Hotel.

D.М.: Good morning. My name is Doris Morgan. Can I help you?

A.P.: Good morning. I'm calling from New York. I'd like to have a reservation for next Monday. My name is Anatoly Petrovsky.

D.М.: We have several hotels in Chicago. Which area are you interested in?

A. P.: I prefer downtown.

D. M.: АН-right. Do you want a single or a double room?

A. P.: A single room, please.

D. M.: Okay, Mr. Petrovsky.

A. P.: Is it a front room or back room?

D. M.: It's a front room. But our hotel is located on a quiet street.

.A. P.: What's the price of this room per night?

D. M.: Seventy dollars a night. How long do you expect to stay?

A. P.: I'll be slaying for a week. Will the room be reserved for me? Okay?

D. M.: You are all set. Could I have your telephone number?

A. P.: (212) 431-2211. I'll pay by credit card.

D. M.: See you next week, Mr. Petrovsky. Thank you for calling us.

Words and word combinations to be remembered

to check in – зарегистрироваться (в гостинице)

Would you spell your last name, please? – Как пишется ваша фамилия по буквам

at least until Wednesday – по крайней мере, до среды

I may stay longer than that – Но, может случиться, что останусь дольше.

to give smb. a ring – позвонить кому-нибудь

to fill out the registration card – заполнить регистрационную карточку

put your signature right here – Поставьте свою подпись вот здесь.

Room service is available from 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. – Доставка еды в номер возможна между 6 час. утра и 10 час. вечера.

to dial an order from the telephone – сделать заказ по телефону из номера гостиницы.

a coffee shop – кафе

in the lobby – вестибюле

a bellboy – коридорный

Enjoy your stay! – Надеюсь, что вам здесь понравится.

Could you show me some blouses in solid color? – Покажите мне, пожалуйста, одноцветные блузки

the fitting room is to your left – примерочная налево

We need at least one piece of identification. – Нам нужно хотя бы одно удостоверение личности.

driver's license – водительские права

What colors do the shoes come in? – Какие цвета у вас есть?

in a higher, lower, and medium heel – на высоком/ низком и среднем каблуке.