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tions is subject to 5) ______ and can give rise to conflict. A resolution of the conflict is likely to be complex and difficult.

6) ______ for special examination arrangements on grounds of a specific learning difficulty or of a physical disability is made by schools to the Department of Education and Science. The identification of candidates in need of special provision at examinations 7) ______ a judgment about the difficulties a candidate would experience in an examination setting, and the extent to which the examination setting would prevent the candidate from demonstrating achievements. Because of this, as well as for other reasons, the need for greater school 8) ______ in the identification process is indicated, though this will not be without its difficulties.

During an examination unforeseen circumstances (e.g., illness, death of a relative, accident, trauma) can arise which seriously 9) ______ with a candidate’s performance. Obviously, any reconsideration of a candidate’s work in the light of reported difficulties during an examination would 10) ______ departing from the marking scheme which is 11) ______ to the work of all candidates.

The principles on which the provision of special arrangements might be based are not formally 12) ______ and are

13)______ from present practice in this country as well as practice elsewhere. However, there are some issues that still need to be addressed. It may be that, following discussion and resolution of these issues, further principles may

14)______ that may be added to the existing ones.

Ex. 10. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1.Когда министра попросили высказать свое отношение к вопросу, он дал такое запутанное объяснение, что никто из присутствующих не смог понять его позицию.

2.Хороший репортер должен уметь привлечь внимание читателей к наиболее важным моментам, не вдаваясь в подробности.

3.В связи с недавними столкновениями враждующих группировок, в стране на неограниченный срок было введено чрезвычайное положение.

4.Появление двух супердержав, обладающих ядерным оружием, показало, что столкновение между ними неизбежно привело бы к уничтожению цивилизации.

5.Трудовое соглашение (контракт) определяет обязанности работника, продолжительность рабочего дня и размер зарплаты.

6.Когда переговоры уже подходили к концу, президент неожиданно заявил, что не позволит втягивать страну в войну и не потерпит иностранного вмешательства во внутренние дела государства.

7.В случае возникновения чрезвычайной ситуации, вы можете взять с собой только самые необходимые вещи.

8.Проведенные исследования показали, что разговоры по мобильному телефону мешают вождению автомобиля.

9.Не было смысла учить массы людей читать, когда не было достаточного количества печатных станков, чтобы обеспечить всех книгами.

10.Мы советуем вам подавать заявление о приеме в университет как можно раньше, не дожидаясь последнего дня ( before the deadline).

11.Считается, что новые технологии способствуют непрерывному развитию общества, заставляя его приспосабливаться к изменениям.

12.Определение “устойчивое развитие” не раз подвергалось критике, так как оно неточно отражает суть этого понятия.

13.После драматических выборов 2001 оказалось, что новый американский президент обладает меньшей легитимностью, чем его предшественники. (use “emerge”).

14.По существу, позиция лейбористов по этому вопросу мало отличается от позиции консерваторов.


Discussion questions:

1.Global environmental hazards: which are more alarming?

global warming

ozone depletion

toxic and nuclear waste

… (continue the list)

2.“We want action – unless the price is too high”. What does Time / CNN poll suggest? (analyse the data in ex .11)

3.In what ways can you change what you do so as to help solve the environmental problems facing our planet?


Role Play

Panel Discussion: Think globally, Act Locally. Role 1. Chairperson (U.K.)

You must open the meeting and give a short introductory speech explaining the purpose of this discussion (what communities and individuals can contribute to solving global ecological problems). You are to introduce the speakers, make sure everyone gets their say and no one dominates the discussion. You are to sum up the main points made and close the meeting.

Use File 1, part 1.

Role 2.Robert Gifford, Ph.D. (Canada)

You are an environmental psychologist. You are to speak about the results of the studies conducted with the purpose of examining the ways individuals influence the environment. Say how people hurt the environment; don’t go into details.

Use file 1, part 2.

Role 3. Deborah Duran (U.S.)

You are an ecopsychologist. You are going to speak about the “ignorance” factor in the destruction of the Earth.

Use File 1, part 3.

Role 4. Christina Sommers (U.S.)

You are an ecologist. You are going to speak about environmental myths. Use File 2.

Role 5/6. Caroline and Philip Linffet (U.K.)

You are a couple from Chorley, Lancashire. You are going to speak about your experiences of going “green”.

Use File 3.

Role 7. Pedro Costa (Brazil)

You are a Curitiba citizen. You are to speak about Curitiba’s experience of addressing ecological problems.

Use file 4.

Role 8. Peter Jones (U.S.) (optional)

You are a journalist with The Time. You are to speak about the results of Time / CNN poll: How much are Americans prepared to sacrifice in order to curb global warming?

Use the material in ex.11.

Each participant is expected to suggest ways of dealing with the problem locally.

Files are given in Appendix IV.


Ex. 11. Write a survey report on American attitudes to the measures aimed at curbing global warming. (180–200 words). Make use of devices in part IV, unit 9, Writing 2.


We want action-unless the price is too high

Is global warming a very serious






problem, a fairly serious problem,









not a very serious problem or not at














all serious?



43 %

32 %









Not at


14 % Not
























Are the emissions of gases like

When it comes to protecting the

carbon dioxide causing global tem-

environment, does the government

perature increases?

give in to business interests too of-

Yes …………………64%





No …………………..23%

Yes ……….…………69%


No …………….…….26%

Would you be willing to pay an exWould you personally be willing to



tra 25c per gal. of gas to reduce


support tough government actions


pollution and global warming?


to help reduce global warming




even if each of the following hap-




pened as a result?


NOV. 90 MAR. 01






Your utility




bills went up…….47%….49%












A mild increase




in inflation……….54%……39%


Should the government require im-


Should President Bush develop a


provements in fuel efficiency for


plan to reduce the emission of gas-


cars and trucks even if this means


es that may contribute to global


higher prices and smaller vehicles?






Yes …………………67%




No ………………….26%

From a telephone poll of 1,025 adult Americans taken for TIME / CNN on March 2122 by Yankelovich Partners lnc. /Harris. Sampling error is ±3.1%. “Not suresomitted.

READING 2. Science or Fiction?

Pre-reading questions:

1.Look through the extracts below and say which is taken from а scientific journal and which from a science-fiction book. Why do you think so? What makes the extracts different?

I. When Nellie contacts her friend Winston through the Internet connection in her brain, he is already, biologically speaking, dead. It is his electronic mind double, a virtual reality twin, that greets Nellie in their virtual Parisian cafe. What’s surprising here is not so much the notion that human minds may someday live on inside computers after the bodies have stopped functioning. It’s the fact that this situation is closer at hand than most people realize. Within

30 years, the minds in those computers may just be our own.

II. Duplicate self or friends; new humanoid plastic 1990 models, guaranteed against all physical wear. From $7,600 to our $15,000 de luxe model.

Clients must have a mould made of their body and a colour index check of their eyes, lips, hair, skin, etc. Clients must expect to wait for two months until their model is finished.

2.Do you like science fiction books? Who is your favourite author? Have you read any books by Ray Bradbury, a wellknown American science-fiction writer?

Below is a story from one of his best-known books ”The Illustrated Man” (1951).

Who are the robots in the story? Scan the text to find out.

Text 1.

Marionettes, Inc.

They walked slowly down the street at about ten in the evening, talking calmly. They were both about thirty-five, both eminently sober.

“But why so early?” said Smith. “Because,” said Braling.

“Your first night out in years and you go home at ten o’clock.” “Nerves, I suppose.”

“What I wonder is how you ever managed it. I’ve been trying to get you out for ten years for a quiet drink. And now, on the one night, you insist on turning in early.”

“Mustn’t crowd my luck,” said Braling.

“What did you do, put sleeping powder in your wife’s coffee?” “No, that would be unethical. You’ll see soon enough.”

They turned a corner. “Honestly, Braling, I hate to say this, but, you have been patient with her. You may not admit it to me, but marriage has been awful for you, hasn’t it?”

“I wouldn’t say that.”

“It’s got around, anyway, here and there, how she got you to marry her. That time back in 1979 when you were going to Rio – “


“Dear Rio. I never did see it after all my plans.”

“And how she tore her clothes and rumpled her hair and threatened to call the police unless you married her.” “She always was nervous, Smith, understand.”

“It was more than unfair. But you married her anyhow.”

“I had my business to think of, as well as my mother and father. A thing like that would have killed them.” “And it’s been ten years.”

“Yes,” said Braling, his grey eyes steady. “But I think perhaps it might change now. I think what I’ve waited for has come about. Look here.”

He drew forth a long blue ticket.

“Why, it’s a ticket for Rio on the Thursday rocket!” “Yes, I’m finally going to make it.”

“But how wonderful! You do deserve it! But won’t she object? Cause trouble?”

Braling smiled nervously. “She won’t know I’m gone. I’ll be back in a month and no one the wiser, except you.” Smith sighed. “I wish I were going with you.”

“Poor Smith, your marriage hasn’t exactly been roses, has it?”

“Not exactly, married to a woman who overdoes it. I mean, after all, when you’ve been married ten years, you don’t expect a woman to sit on your lap for two hours every evening, call you at work twelve times a day and talk baby talk. And it seems to me that in the last month she’s gotten worse. I wonder if perhaps she isn’t just a little simple-minded?”

“Ah, Smith, always the conservative. Well, here’s my house. Now, would you like to know my secret? How I made it out this evening?”

“Will you really tell?”

“Look up there!” said Braling.

They both stared up through the dark air.

In the window above them, on the second floor, a shade was raised. A man about thirty-five years old, with a touch of grey at either temple, sad grey eyes, and a small thin moustache looked down at them.

“Why, that’s you!” cried Smith.

“Sh-h-h, not so loud!” Braling waved upward. The man in the window gestured significantly and vanished. “I must be insane,” said Smith.

“Hold on a moment.”

They waited.

The street door of the apartment opened and the tall spare gentleman with the moustache and the grieved eyes came out to meet them.

“Hello, Braling,” he said. “Hello, Braling,” said Braling.

They were identical.

Smith stared. “Is this your twin brother? I never knew – “

“No, no,” said Braling quietly. “Bend close. Put your ear to Braling Two’s chest.”

Smith hesitated and then leaned forward to place his head against the uncomplaining ribs.

Tick -tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick.

“Oh, no! It can’t be!” “It is.”

“Let me listen again.”


Smith staggered back and fluttered his eyelids, appalled. He reached out and touched the warm hands and the cheeks of the thing.

“Where’d you get him?”

“Isn’t he excellently fashioned?” “Incredible. Where?”

“Give the man your card, Braling Two.”

Braling Two did a magic trick and produced a white card:


Duplicate self or friends; new humanoid plastic 1990 models, guaranteed against all physical wear. From $7,600 to our $15,000 de luxe model.

“No,” said Smith. “Yes,” said Braling.

“Naturally,” said Braling Two. “How long has this gone on?”


“I’ve had him for a month. I keep him in the cellar in a toolbox. My wife never goes downstairs, and I have the only lock and key to that box. Tonight I said I wished to take a walk to buy a cigar. I went down to the cellar and took Braling

Two out of his box and sent him back up to sit with my wife while I came on out to see you, Smith.” “Wonderful! He even smells like you: Bond Street and Melachrinos!”

“It may be splitting hairs, but I think it highly ethical. After all, what my wife wants most of all is me. This marionette is me to the hairiest detail. I’ve been home all evening. I shall be home with her for the next month. In the meantime another gentleman will be in Rio after ten years of waiting. When I return from Rio, Braling Two here will go back in his box.”

Smith thought that over a minute or two. “Will he walk around without sustenance for a month?” he finally asked. “For six months if necessary. And he’s built to do everything – eat, sleep, perspire – everything natural as natural is.

You’ll take good care of my wife, won’t you, Braling Two?”

“Your wife is rather nice,” said Braling Two. “I’ve grown rather fond of her.”

Smith was beginning to tremble. “How long has Marionettes, Inc., been in business?” “Secretly, for two years.”

“Could I … I mean, is there a possibility –” Smith took his friend’s elbow earnestly. “Can you tell me where I can get one, a robot, a marionette, for myself? You will give me the address, won’t you?”

“Here you are.”

Smith took the card and turned it round and round. “Thank you,” he said. “You don’t know what this means. Just a little respite. A night or so, once a month even. My wife loves me so much she can’t bear to have me gone an hour. I love her dearly, you know, but remember the old poem: “Love will fly if held too lightly, love will die if held too tightly.” I just want her to relax her grip a little bit.”

“Good luck to you. Smith. Do drop around while I’m in Rio. It will seem strange, if you suddenly stop calling by, to my wife. You’re to treat Braling Two here, just like me”.

“Right! Good-bye. And thank you.”

Smith went smiling down the street. Braling and Braling Two turned and walked into the apartment hall. On the crosstown bus Smith whistled softly, turning the white card in his fingers:

Clients must be pledged to secrecy, for while an act is pending in Congress to legalize Marionettes, Inc., it is still a felony, if caught, to use one.

“Well,” said Smith.

Clients must have a mould made of their body and a colour index check of their eyes, lips, hair, skin, etc. Clients must expect to wait for two months until their model is finished.

Not so long, thought Smith. Two months from now my ribs will have a chance to mend from the crushing they’ve taken. Two months from now my hand will heal from being so constantly held. Two months from now my bruised underlip will begin to reshape itself. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful... He flipped the card over.

Marionettes, Inc., is two years old and has a fine record of satisfied customers behind it. Our motto is “No Strings Attached”. Address: 43 South Wesley Drive.

The bus pulled to his stop; he alighted, and while humming up the stairs he thought, Nettie and I have fifteen tho u- sand in our joint bank account. I’ll just slip eight thousand out as a business venture, you might say. The marionette will probably pay back my money, with interest, in many ways. Nettie needn’t know. He unlocked the door and in a minute was in the library. Humming, he opened the desk and filched the bankbook. “Just take eight thousand dollars is all,” he said. “No more than that.” He stopped. “Wait a minute.”

He rechecked the bankbook frantically. “Hold on here!” he cried. “Ten thousand dollars is missing!” He leaped up. “There’s only five thousand left! What’s she done? What’s Nettie done with it? More hats, more clothes, more perfume! Oh, wait – I know! She bought that little house on the Hudson she’s been talking about for months, without so much as a by your leave!”

He stormed into the bedroom, righteous and indignant. What did she mean, taking their money like this? He bent over her. “Nettie!” he shouted. “Nettie, wake up!”

She did not stir. “What’ve you done with my money!” he bellowed.

She stirred fitfully. The light from the street flushed over her beautiful cheeks.

There was something about her. His heart throbbed violently. His tongue dried. He shivered. His knees suddenly turned to water. He collapsed. “Nettie, Nettie!” he cried. “What’ve you done with my money!”

And then, the horrid thought. And then the terror and the loneliness engulfed him. And then the fever and disillusionment. For, without desiring to do so, he bent forward and yet forward again until his fevered ear was resting firmly upon her round pink bosom. “Nettie!” he cried.



* * *

As Smith walked away down the avenue in the night, Braling and Braling Two turned in at the door to the apartment.

“I’m glad he’ll be happy too,” said Braling.

“Yes,” said Braling Two abstractedly. “Well, it’s the cellar box for you, B-Two”. Braling guided the other creature’s elbow down the stairs to the cellar.

“That’s what I want to talk to you about,” said Braling Two, as they reached the concrete floor and walked across it. “The cellar. I don’t like it. I don’t like that toolbox. “I’ll try and fix up something more comfortable.” “Marionettes are made to move, not to lie still. How would you like to lie in a box most of the time?” “Well – ”

“You wouldn’t like it all. I keep running. There’s no way to shut me off. I’m perfectly alive and I have feelings.” It’ll only be a few days now. I’ll be off to Rio and you won’t have to stay in the box. You can live upstairs.” Braling Two gestured irritably. “And when you come back from having a good time, back in the box I go.” Braling said, “They didn’t tell me at the marionette shop that I’d get a difficult specimen.”

“There’s a lot they don’t know about us,’ said Braling Two. “We’re pretty new. And we’re sensitive. I hate the idea of you going off and laughing and lying in the sun in Rio while we’re stuck here in the cold.”

“But I’ve wanted that trip all my life,” said Braling quietly.

He squinted his eyes and could see the sea and the mountains and the yellow sand. The sound of the waves was good to his inward mind. The sun was fine on his bared shoulders. The wine was most excellent.

I’ll never get to go to Rio,” said the other man. “Have you thought of that?” “No, I –“ “And another thing. Your wife.”

“What about her?” asked Braling, beginning to edge toward the door. “I’ve grown quite fond of her.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying your employment.” Braling licked his lips nervously. “I’m afraid you don’t understand. I think – I’m in love with her.”

Braling took another step and froze. “You’re what?”

“And I’ve been thinking,” said Braling Two, “how nice it is in Rio and how I’ll never get there, and I’ve thought about your wife and – I think we could be very happy.”

“Th-that’s nice.” Braling strolled as casually as he could to the cellar door. “You won’t mind waiting a moment, will you? I have to make a phone call.”

“To whom?” Braling Two frowned. “No one important.”

“To Marionettes, Incorporated? To tell them to come get me?” “No, no – nothing like that!” He tried to rush out the door.

A metal-firm grip seized his wrists. “Don’t run!” “Take your hands off!”


“Did my wife put you up to this?” “No.”

“Did she guess? Did she talk to you? Does she know? Is that it?” He screamed. A hand clapped over his mouth. “You’ll never know, will you?” Braling Two smiled delicately. “You’ll never know.”

Braling struggled. “She must have guessed; she must have affected you!” Braling Two said, “I’m going to put you in the box, lock it, and lose the key. Then I’ll buy another Rio ticket for your wife.”

“Now, now, wait a minute. Hold on. Don’t be rash. Let’s talk this over!” “Good-bye, Braling.”

Braling stiffened. “What do you mean, “good-bye”?”

Ten minutes later Mrs Braling awoke. She put her hand to her cheek. Someone had just kissed it. She shivered and looked up. “Why – you haven’t done that in years,” she murmured.

“We’ll see what we can do about that,” someone said.

/Ray Bradbury,“The Illustrated Man”/

Read the text again at leisure and answer comprehension and discussion questions:

1.Why did Braling order a robot which was an exact copy of himself?

2.How does Smith’s attitude toward his friend change as the story develops?

3.Why did Smith want a duplicate of himself?

4.Why were Marionettes’ clients pledged to secrecy?

5.What plan did Smith have in mind?

6.What unpleasant discovery did he make on arriving home?

7.Why did Braling think he had bought a difficult specimen at the Marionettes’ shop?

8.What do you think would happen if the author chose to continue the story?


9.Do you find the ending ominous (зловещий)? Is the ending a kind of warning to mankind?

10.Why, in your opinion, did Braling believe that using a robot substitute to get away from his wife was ethical, while adding sleeping powder to her coffee was not? Do you think Braling’s choice was ethical?

Discussion point

If you were to make a decision, would you ban human cloning?

Genetic science and biotechnology pose the most tortured ethical questions.

Read the extracts below and note the arguments for and against human cloning. Express your own opinion.

I. The consensus among biotechnology specialists is that within a few years – some scientists believe a few months – the news will break of the birth of the first human clone. At that moment, the question that has occupied scientists and ethicists for years about how much man should mess with nature when it comes to reproduction, will drop on every kitchen table, every pulpit (кафедра проповедника), every politician’s desk. A fierce national debate over human cloning is ahead.

The more scared people are of some of this research, scientists worry, the less likely they are to tolerate any of it. Yet, variations on cloning technology are already used in biotechnology labs all across the country. It is these techniques that will allow, among other things, the creation of cloned herds of sheep and cows that produce medicine in their milk. Researchers also hope that one day, the ability to clone adult human cells will make it possible to “grow” new hearts and livers and nerve cells.

But some of the same techniques could be used to grow a baby. Trying to block one line of research could impede another and so reduce the chances of finding cures for ailments such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, cancer and heart disease.

/from Cloning to create life…by Nancy Gibbs, The Time, February 2001/

II. Americans are already queuing up to freeze DNA of their dead loved ones (including pets and racehorses).The underground movement to clone human beings is starting to surface: an American professor and an Italian doctor announced their plans in March 2001.

For many people the difficulties come when biotechnology leaps from stopping disease to adding advantages – enhancing the genes that make you more intelligent, more musical or less homosexual (as it may yet do: it can’t at present). Re-engineering of the human species is a cause of worry. “The species should be how we are, not how we might be.” (William Galston, a professor at University of Maryland). Lee Silver, a Princeton biologist foresees a two-class system, with rich, genetically enhanced “GenRich” lording it over poorer, inferior “Naturals”.

/from America’s next ethical war”, The Economist, April 2001/

Language Work

Phrasal Verbs

Ex. 12. In the left-hand column there is a definition of a phrasal verb and in the right-hand column a sentence in which the verb is used in the text. Fill in the missing phrasal verbs.


to go to bed

to spread quickly (about news, information)

to happen, esp. in a way which seems impossible to control

to tell someone to wait for a short time

to move one’s hand or arm in order to touch, hold or pick up smth

to visit someone informally without arranging a particular time

to stop and visit someone when you are near the place they live

Example of Use

On the one night you managed to get out you insist on _______ early.

It ________, here and there, how she managed to get you to marry her.

It might change now. I think what

I’ve waited for ___________ .

He rechecked his bankbook frantically. ”___________!” he cried.

Smith _______ and touched the warm hands and the cheeks of the thing.

Do _________ while I’m in Rio.

It will seem strange, if you suddenly stop _________, to my wife.


or work

to stop operating; to stop a machine, tool

to leave, to go away

to encourage someone to do smth stupid or dangerous

I keep running. There is no way to


I _________ to Rio and you won’t have to stay in the box.

Did my wife ______ it? Does she know?

Ex. 13. Read the text and replace the underlined parts with the phrasal verbs from the list above to make sentences less formal. Restructure the sentences if necessary.

After his wife’s death Cornelius Barrington, a retired entrepreneur worth millions, spent hours considering how to distribute his wealth, whom to make his main beneficiary. He decided to check how loyal and devoted to him his relatives, friends and employees were by declaring himself bankrupt.

When 1) the news spread that Cornelius Barrington was facing bankruptcy, the first 2) to visit him was his sister Margaret, who didn’t even bother to phone.

“Where is your housekeeper?” she demanded when Cornelius opened the door.

“I’m afraid she has had to go. I can’t afford to pay her. I’m lucky that Pauline still 3) comes here often after she’s taken her girls to school. Says the house will turn into a pigsty if she doesn’t.”

Margaret interrupted him: ”What I want to know is how it 4) happened? How did you manage to fritter away (waste) your entire fortune?”

“A few weeks after Millie died I invested a large sum of money in a company that specialized in supplying mining equipment to the Russians. And then I got sucked in whenever they needed further injection of cash.”

“I wonder who 5) encouraged you to do such a stupid thing? You’ve always been so shrewd! Now you’ll have to sell the house.”

“I’m afraid everything in it will have to be sold to cover the debts.”

6)Just a minute,” said Margaret, “are you saying everything is coming under the hammer?” Involuntarily she

7)moved her hand and touched the Persian chess set, which Cornelius was particularly fond of: “Are you selling it as well? I wonder what it is worth…”

“It’s a worthless copy,” Cornelius replied knowing only too well that it was a sixteenth-century masterpiece.

“Well”, she hesitated, “I must 8) go now. Don’t forget to let me know, Cornelius, if there is anything I can do to help.”

“How kind of you, Margaret,” he said suppressing a yawn which sounded more like a laugh. “It was a long day, and I think I’ll 9) go to bed early.”

/after The Endgameby Jeffrey Archer/

Ex. 14. Fill in the missing phrasal verbs.

to ask around to be about to be off

to call by to call for

to come about to drop around to get around

to get around to to hold on

to put smb up to to reach out

to sort smb out to squeeze out to shut off

to work out

1.“We’ve had an offer for your house that is in excess of the asking price. But I think we should ______ for a little longer. I’m confident I can _________some more money___ of them,” the real estate agent told Cornelius.

2.“In exchange for your shares I’ll settle any embarrassment with Mr Botts, the auctioneer. Why don’t you just ______

and have a word with my solicitor.” “And you will ___ Mr Botts?” asked Margaret.

3.Even the letterboxes chatter on Jersey. It quickly ______ that Agnus Henderson’s widow was seeing some smart Alec from London.

4.How did it _____ that Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin?

5.By the time we ______ reading the manual, we know that the offer of an upgrade will already be in the mail.

6.It was Henry who promised to help me find Susie, the girl I met at the Tate that fateful Sunday. He said he’d _____

who the stunning beauty was.

7.Suddenly one of the men _____ a hand and grabbed the gun. Everyone in the room froze.

8.The hair dryer ___ automatically if it gets too hot.

9.He promised to______ whenever he was in London and ___ before his brother had a chance to ask for a loan.

10.Harry was never the one to play practical jokes; some older guy must have _____ it.


11.Although the woman wasn’t beautiful, she was striking, and from her trim, athletic build she looked as she might

_____ every day.

12.The curator of the museum _____ to explain why masterpieces were mostly stolen to order, when the Chief Constable rose and _____ tighter security to protect the national treasures.


Ex. 15. Match the idioms 1–12 with the correct definitions A–L. Translate into Russian.

1.This isn’t the first time the government has decided to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the hard evidence and the truth regarding this issue.

2.If you talk to the workers about the management’s problems, your message will fall on deaf ears.

3.We need a keen, energetic young person with a good eye for detail to start work immediately as a trainee flower arranger.

4.He’s on the board of five companies, he likes to have a finger in every pie.

5.Hannah is a very loving and charming girl who knows very well how to twist you round her little finger!

6.My father got his fingers burnt setting up his own business and doesn’t want to risk investing money again.

7.She’s no dreamer, she has her feet (firmly) on the ground.

8.We’re looking for employees who land on their feet after facing a problem or challenge.

9.My sister finally put her foot down and stopped paying for the gas for her daughter’s car.

10.Why did you tell her Jack is going out with Polly? You always put your foot in it!

11.We managed to keep a stiff upper lip when the company announced that they would close down our office.

12.A: You won’t believe it! I’ve just got a phone call from the TV station, and they said you won a trip to Hawaii! B:

You’re pulling my leg, aren’t you?

a.to be lucky and get into a good situation after being in a difficult one

b.to be completely ignored by the person who hears it (about a warning, request, etc.)

c.to be a good judge of smth

d.to be involved in many activities

e.to ignore smth unwelcome, like criticism or complaints

f.to be able to persuade or influence smb to do anything

g.to suffer from a bad decision or a foolish action

h.to be very practical and see things as they really are

i.to say smth without thinking carefully, so that you embarrass or upset smb

j.to deceive smb in a way that is intended to be humorous

k.to use your authority to stop smth happening

l.not to show that you are upset

Ex. 16. Read the extracts and suggest your definitions of the idioms.

to pull the wool over someone’s eyes

Once it was common practice among men and women to wear wigs. The richer you were, the more wigs you had. Many of the fashionable wigs had lots of curls in them, and these curls reminded people of wool. Soon, wigs began to be called “wool”. When you “pull the wool over someone’s eyes”, what you are really doing is pulling the wig that he / she is wearing over his / her eyes. And what would happen if someone pulled the wig that you were wearing over your eyes?

You would be unable to see. You wouldn’t know what is happening and it would be possible for the people around you to take advantage of the situation. They would be able to deceive you.

In the old days thieves used to approach an individual and actually pull the “wool” over the individual’s eyes. While the individual struggled to set right his wig, the thief ran away with whatever the person was carrying.

wet behind the ears

Before we entered this beautiful world of ours, all of us were floating around in our mother’s tummy. When we came out of the womb, we came out with the amniotic fluid that was surrounding us. In other words, we entered this world soaking wet. Doctors / nurses used towels to dry us off before handing us over to our mothers. In the case of newborn animals however, the mother has to lick the baby dry. It takes quite some time for the mother to do this. And one of the last places to become dry is the area behind the ears. So if an animal is still wet behind its ears, it implies it has come into this world recently; it is still “green”.

keep your fingers crossed

When you cross your fingers, you are hoping that things will go according to your plan and that you will succeed in whatever you are doing. The expression has more or less the same meaning as “touch wood”. In both cases you would like divine intervention – in other words, God – to help you. According to some scholars the expression “cross one’s fin-


gers” has been part of the English language for over a century. It is connected to the belief that when you made the sign of the cross you kept bad luck away. Here are a few examples:

We are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping it won’t rain during the picnic.

If I get this job all our problems will be solved. So keep your fingers crossed.

She’ll win a million dollars if she answers the next question. Keep your fingers crossed.

to turn a Nelson eye to smth = turn a blind eye to smth

“...... there’s a story behind that. You see, during one of the many battles that Nelson fought, one of his superiors signalled from another ship for Nelson to withdraw. When the sailors on Nelson’s ship pointed this out to him, Nelson placed a telescope on his right eye – his blind eye. He then told his men to continue fighting as he had not seen a signal ordering him to withdraw.”

“So Nelson wasn’t good at following orders, was he?”

“I guess you could say that! He used to turn a blind eye to them.” “And in Nelson’s case, he literally turned a blind eye to them.”

“When you turn a blind eye to something, you pretend not to see something, even though you already have.”

Ex. 17. Complete the sentences using the idioms from ex. 15 and ex. 16.

1.It is always harder for an older worker to lose a job. The young generally _____ within a year or so but somebody over 50 may never work again.

2.The new manager _____ and will probably be able to come up with a sensible solution to our problems.

3.The head of the company finally _____ to stop the abuse of sick time by the employees.

4.How long will the world _____and _____ to the sufferings of the poor?

5.Pleas to stop the council from building houses on vacant green sites _____ last week.

6.My brother is trying to _____ even though he has lost his job.

7.The business world is picking up the pace every day, and if you’re in charge, you’ll have to _____ and be on top of every situation.

8.If you love crystals and _____ for exquisite and out of the world jewellery, then this is exactly the place to go to.

9.My daughter is well aware what strategies usually work to _____.

10.The wife of the missing pilot told reporters that since the horror news broke out, the only thing she and their son could do is _____ for their man.

11.There are signs that some who invested in metropolitan apartment complexes, are already getting _____ because an oversupply of inner-city accommodation has driven prices down.

12.I was told by my Physics instructor that there is such a thing as negative time. Is that true, or was he just _____?

13.Two thieves stole a sheep and two goats and put them in a rented car. They tried to _____ of the police by dressing the animals in shirts, pants and hats.

14.Why on earth did you start speaking about divorce at the wedding party?

You always _____.

Text 2.

Pre-reading questions:

1.What is the difference between science-fiction writers and futurists?

2.Do you think scientists can foresee the consequences their discoveries might have?

3.In your opinion, what are the most controversial discoveries of the 20th century?

Guessing from context.

Learn to read faster.

I. Give the meaning of the underlined words using the definitions in the text.

1.Current predictions overlook the imminence (неотвратимость) of a world in which machines become more like humans – programmed to respond appropriately to human emotion, and humans become more like machines – our biological bodies and brains enhanced with billions of “nanobots”, microscopic robots transporting us in and out of virtual reality.

2.But biological self-replication gone awry (that is, happening in the wrong way, e.g. cancer) results in biological destruction.

II. Read the sentences and choose an equivalent of each underlined word. If you already know the word move on to the next one.

1.The history of technology has shown over and over that as existing mode of technology exhausts its potential, a new one, which is more sophisticated, emerges to keep us moving…
