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2.2. Give English equivalents.

1. Организация Объединенных наций/Арганізацыя Аб’яднаных нацый;

2. Генеральная Ассамблея ООН/Генеральная Асамблея ААН;

3. Генеральный секретарь/Генеральны сакратар;

4. Совет по Опеке/Савет па Апецы;

5. Совет Безопасности/ Савет Бяспекі;

6. Секретариат/Сакратарыят;

7. Экономический и Социальный Совет/Эканамічны і Сацыяльны Савет;

8. Международный Суд/Міжнародны Суд;

9. Устав ООН/Устаў ААН.

2.3. Translate the following word combinations into Russian.

to be committed to preserving peace; maintain international peace and security; promote respect for human rights; to harmonize the actions of the nations; to consider the world's most pressing problems; emergency session; under the charter; to settle the dispute peacefully; peacekeeping mission; arms embargo; to foster international cooperation for development; non-governmental organizations; to monitor the observance of human rights; crime prevention; to attain self-government; to comply with a decision; wide-ranging international responsibilities

2.4. Which statement goes with which un organ? Which un organ is left out?

  1. It is a kind of parliament of nations which meets to consider the world's most pressing problems.

  2. It is primarily responsible for maintaining international peace and security.

  3. It also consults with non-governmental organizations, thereby maintaining a vital link between the United Nations and civil society.

  4. Consisting of 15 judges elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council, it decides disputes between countries.

  5. It carries out the substantive and administrative work of the United Nations.

2.5. Go back to the pre-reading quiz and check your answers against the facts in the text.

2.6. Points for discussion.

  1. Which UN organ gets most coverage in the media? Why?

  2. Could you give examples illustrating the work of various bodies acting within the framework of the United Nations Organization?

  3. Could you put the UN principal organs in the order of their importance? Explain your choice.

2.7. Read the extract from the Official Yearbook of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and complete the exercises that follow.

International organisations

European Union

The UK is a member of the EU, which promotes social and economic progress among its members, a common foreign and security policy, European citizenship and police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. The other 14 EU Member States are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, the Irish Republic, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.

The Commonwealth

There are 54 members of the Commonwealth, including the UK. It is a voluntary association of independent states, nearly all of which were once British territories, and includes almost one in three people in the world. The Queen is head of the Commonwealth and is head of state in the UK and 15 other member countries. The Commonwealth Secretariat, based in London, is the main agency for multilateral communication between member governments on matters relevant to the Commonwealth as a whole. The Secretariat promotes consultation and cooperation, disseminates information, and helps host governments to organise Heads of Government Meetings (normally held biennially), ministerial meetings and other conferences. It administers assistance programmes agreed at these meetings, including the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation, which provides advisory services and training to Commonwealth developing countries.

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