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If it were not for ...

If it hadn’t been for ... But for ...

Exercise 1

Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

  1. If it hadn't been for his call, I wouldn't have been late for work.

  2. If it hadn't been for Shirley's letter, we would never have learnt the truth.

  3. If it were not for my headache, I'd be quite fine.

  4. If it were not for your French classes, you wouldn't speak French so fluently.

  5. But for the fog we would have continued our way.

  6. She would be considered beautiful but for her thin lips.

  7. If it were not for my heavy bag, I'd prefer to walk.

  8. Nobody would say he is an American but for his accent.

  9. If it hadn't been for Teddy's naughtiness, he would be the best pupil in my class.

10. If it were not for my imagination, I wouldn't get into trouble so often.

Exercise 2

Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern.


> Pattern: If I didn't have a sore throat, I would go to school.

If it were not for my sore throat, I would go to school.

  1. If the print weren't so small, I would read the book quickly.

  2. It would be impossible to do the work in time if he didn't help us.

  3. No one would believe him if he didn't have such a charming smile.

  4. If the climate were not so hot there, he would go there with us.

  5. If he were not so impatient, he would make a good teacher.

  6. If she were not so intolerant, she would be a better friend.


  1. She wouldn't be able to keep in touch with her parents if she didn't write them regularly.

  1. If her health weren't so poor, she'd go out more often.

  1. If the case were not so important, I would've never asked you to help me.

10. If it were not raining now, we'd walk our dog.


> Pattern: If I hadn’t had a sore throat yesterday, 1 would have gone to school.

If it hadn't been for my sore throat yesterday, I would have gone to school.

1. If he hadn't come, we wouldn't have stopped quarrelling so soon.

  1. If the print hadn't been so small, I would have read this book sooner.

  2. If we hadn't seen the scar on his chin, nobody would have recognized him.

  3. If it hadn't been so late, I would have stayed there longer.

  4. If it hadn't been so dark, they would not have lost their way.

  5. If he hadn't had an urgent matter to attend to, he wouldn't have left us so soon.

  6. If the weather hadn't been so nasty yesterday, we would have gone to the country.

  7. If our friends hadn't come, the party wouldn't have been a success.

  8. If we hadn't visited that museum, the tour wouldn't have been quite so interesting.

10. If the guide hadn't been so helpful, we would have lost our way.

Exercise 3

Paraphrase the sentences from Exercise 2 according to the pattern.

Pattern: a) If it were not for the sore throat, I would go to school.

But for the sore throat, I would go to school.

b) If it hadn’t been for the sore throat, I would have gone to school. But for the sore throat, I would have gone to school.


Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences.

  1. But for the weather ...

  2. But for his accent...

  3. If it were not for his politeness ...

  4. If it hadn't been for their bad luck…

  5. But for his smoking ...

  6. If it were not for the noise ...

  7. If it hadn't been for the pain ...

  8. But for his bad behaviour...

  9. If it were not for the rain ...

10. If it hadn't been for his advice ...

Exercise 5

Translate into English.

  1. Если бы не важность этого дела, я бы остался дома.

  2. Мы бы так и не узнали ничего о нём, если бы не этот случай.

  3. Если бы не неожиданный приезд моего брата, я пошёл бы в кино с вами.

  4. Если бы не его упрямство, он уже тогда принял бы вашу помощь.

  5. Если бы не ваша невнимательность, вы бы написали контрольную работу гораздо лучше.

  6. Если бы она не была такой рассеянной, то не потеряла бы кошелёк.

  7. Энтони никогда не стал бы столь известным учёным, если бы не его талант.

  8. Если бы Джейн так не везло, она бы не выигрывала всё время в карты.

  9. Никто ничего бы не узнал, если бы не твоя болтливость. (indiscretion)

  1. Если бы не шпаргалки (cribs), он никогда не сдал бы экзамен.

11. Лесли имел бы гораздо больше друзей, если бы не его отвратительный характер.

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