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244 The Participle

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with Participle I or Participle II of the following verbs: to disappoint, to excite, to bore, to interest, to confuse, to surprise, to tire, to amuse.

  1. I never found this sort of shows in any way ... , so I won't join you.

  2. I thought you were not... and for that reason did not offer you a chance.

  1. Whenever you feel... you may leave at once.

  1. The tour was rather... — we couldn't see most of the places since the weather was pretty awful.

  2. She is very ... because she is going to New York this afternoon.

  3. Are you ... or were you expecting this news?

  4. I've had a very ... day at work today and I want to go to bed.

  5. Most people were ... that he won the championship.

  6. I can't tell you how ... I am. Let's better go and have a cup of coffee somewhere.

  1. The little girl was the most... child I've ever seen: so funny were her little tricks.

  2. Come here, don't be ... One must be responsible for what one does.

  3. The situation was very ... I did not know what to say or what to do.

The instruction was... and I did something wrong, perhaps I simply misunderstood it.

Exercise 6

Translate into English using the participles from the previous exercise. Give two variants where possible.

  1. Ваша идея очень интересная. Расскажите мне побольше о ней.

2. Невероятно, чтобы он провалился на экзамене: он был очень хорошо подготовлен.


  1. Не могли бы вы повторить, Я немного не понял, в чем заключается главная идея вашего плана.

  2. Ей было скучно, так как она не могла найти, чем бы себя занять весь день.

  3. Он интересуется политикой и не пропускает ни одной программы новостей.

  4. Фильм был страшно неинтересным. Я чуть было не уснул.

7. Ты разочарована? Ну, конечно, ты не этого ожидала.

  1. Ваш приход был неожиданным и застал меня врасплох.

  2. Люди были всё больше незнакомые, и он чувствовал себя неловко и смущался всякий раз, когда к нему обращались.

  1. Путешествие меня разочаровало. Я не ожидал, что в Лондоне мне будет настолько скучно.

  2. Всех взволновал результат финала соревнований. Во всяком случае, такого никто не ожидал.

  3. Не волнуйся, ничто не начнется, пока ты не придёшь туда.

13. То, что вы мне сказали, удивило меня больше, чем я ожидал.

246 Appendix 1 tense forms (the active voice)




Perfect Progressive


I ask

you ask

he asks

she asks

it asks

we ask

they ask

I am asking

you are asking

he is asking

she is asking

it is asking

we are asking

they are asking

I have asked

you have asked

he has asked

she has asked

it has asked

we have asked

they have asked

I have been asking

you have been asking

he has been asking

she has been asking

it has been asking

we have been asking

they have been asking


I asked

you asked

he asked

she asked

it asked

we asked

they asked

I was asking

you were asking

he was asking

she was asking

it was asking

we were asking

they were asking

I had asked

you had asked

he had asked

she had asked

it had asked

we had asked

they had asked

I had been asking

you had been asking

he had been asking

she had been asking

it had been asking

we had been asking

they had been asking


I will ask

you will ask

he will ask

she will ask

it will ask

we will ask

they will ask

I will be asking

you will be asking

he will be asking

she will be asking

it will be asking

we will be asking

they will be asking

I will have asked

you will have asked

he will have asked

she will have asked

it will have asked

we will have asked

they will have asked

I will have been asking

you will have been asking

he will have been asking

she will have been asking

it will have been asking

we will have been asking

they will have been asking





Perfect Progressive

Future-in-the Past

I would ask

you would ask

he would ask

she would ask

it would ask

we would ask

they would ask

I would be asking

you would be asking

he would be asking

she would be asking

it would be asking

we would be asking

they would be asking

I would have asked

you would have asked

he would have asked

she would have asked

it would have asked

we would have asked

they would have asked

I would have been asking

you would have been asking

he would have been asking

she would have been asking

it would have been asking

we would have been asking

they would have been asking

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