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The Great Gatsby Trivia

Who said it?

  1. “Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can!”

  2. “I’m thirty. I’m five years too old to lie to myself and call it honor”.

  3. “Do you always watch for the longest day of the year then miss it? I always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it”.

  4. “I hate careless people. “Even in kidding”.

  5. “I hate that word hulking. Even in kidding”.

  6. “You can’t live forever”.

  7. “Finest specimens of human molars”.

  8. “The God Damn coward. He didn’t even stop his car”.

Trivia Questions

    1. By what name does Gatsby call Nick?

    2. What kind of drinks do Gatsby, Jordan, Tom, and Daisy have at the hotel?

    3. What city did Nick come from when he moved to West Egg?

    4. Who was Nick’s “date” the night that he was with Tom in New York?

    5. Jordan Baker is a professional player in what sport?

    6. What was Tom and Daisy’s daughter’s name?

    7. Where did Gatsby originally say he was from?

True or False

      1. Tom is very concerned about hiding his affair with Myrtle.

      2. After the war, Gatsby made his money off the stock market.

      3. Meyer Wolfsheim’s cuff links were made of human molars.

      4. Jay Gatsby died from drowning in his pool.

      5. Nick was in the Ninth Machine-Gun Battalion in the war.

Topics for discussion of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel “The Great Gatsby”

  1. F. Scott Fitzgerald. His life and work. The place of “The Great Gatsby” in his writing career.

  2. The book and the film. Differences and similarities.

  3. The Roaring Twenties. Speak about the peculiarities of the period.

  4. “The Great Gatsby” is often referred to as the quintessential novel of the “Jazz Age“. Using examples from the book, explain what this term means.

  5. Speak about the role of symbolism in the novel (the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleberg, the green light at the end of Daisy’s pier, etc).

  6. The image of “The American dream” in the novel.

  7. Speak about the main themes of the novel. Which of them is the most important one?

  8. What role do nature phenomena play in the description of the events? Speak about the colours mentioned in the novel (green, white, silver and gold).

  9. The role of minor characters in the novel. Give their character sketches.

  10. Speak about the main characters of the novel. How do they change as the narration develops?

  11. Two Gatsbies (from the novel and from the film)… Are they different or the same? Which one do you personally find more appealing?

  12. Speak about the contrasts on which the narration is based (East/West, etc.).

Учебное издание

Assignments for home reading based on f.S. Fitzgerald’s novel


Составитель: Хутыз Ирина Павловна


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