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1 Develop the conversation giving reasons for this or that decision.


- I’m looking for a new job, sir.

- What exactly do you want?

- I wouldn’t mind working in a pub.

- Have you done anything like that before?

- Well, I once did a bit of serving…


- I wonder whether you need any part-timers.

- What kind of work were you thinking of?

- A hotel job or some sort.

- Have you ever done anything similar?

- Not so far, no. I’m more or less straight from school but I’ll do my best because…


- Do you have any vacancies for full-time staff?

- What do you mean (have in mind)?

- Something in the building industry.

- Have you had any experience?

- Actually, I’m a civil engineer by profession and I enjoy my job, but…

2 Find out about your friends’ occupations. Use the following dialogues as models.

Model A

Model B

Model C

Model D

- What do you do for a living?

- Actually, I don’t work yet. I go to Manchester Business School and study management.

- Why have you chosen management as your future profession?

- Because it’s a demanding and prestigious job today.

- What does your friend do?

- Oh, he wants to take up computers.

- Why does he want to study computer programming?

- Well, he lost his job last month and hasn’t been able to find another one.

- What’s your present job, Sam?

- I work as a personnel manager at a big firm but I want to transfer to the International Sales Division.

- What for?

- Well, I don’t really like to work at the office. I just want to travel, to go to Africa or Latin America, for example.

- Hmm, that’s exciting.

- What would you like to be, Philip?

- Actually, I don’t know yet. I think I’d rather be a writer.

- Are there any special reasons for that?

- I see only one: I like to see my name in print.

3 Answer the following questions:

1 Is career an important part in your life?

2 What’s your idea of an ideal job?

3 What are some good jobs to have and why?

4 What are the worst jobs and why?

5 What job would you like to get after you graduate from the university? (What career would you like to follow … ?)

6 What business are your parents in?

7 How long has your father (mother) been in trade?

8 Does he (she) hold any important post?

9 Is there a lot of stress connected with his (her) work?

10 Do you think his (her) present career is the right one for him (her)?

11 Would he (she) continue working at his (her) present job even if he (she) won or inherited a lot of money?

12 Would you agree to get married and not to work?

4 Comment on the following:

A woman was being interviewed for a job. “Do you understand that before we can offer you a position you must take a short test?”

“Of course”, she answered.

“Well, how much is two plus two?”


A second applicant entered the room. After a short interview the recruiter asked, “Are you ready for the test?”


“Well, how much is two plus two?”

The applicant answered, “Whatever the boss says it is”. The second applicant got the job.

5 Choosing the right profession for a child is one of the most important decisions for parents. Act out a scene where two young mothers (fathers) discuss the problem. Give some reasons to support your ideas.

6 Speak on your future profession in as many details as possible.

Для составления рассказа о будущей профессии студентам специальностей ХБ, БЖ и ЗС предлагаются тексты в приложении А, остальные три приложения предназначены для студентов всех специальностей. Приложение Б содержит список современных профессий по сферам деятельности, приложение В – тест для более успешного профессионального самоопределения, приложение Г – образцы документов (резюме и сопроводительного письма), необходимых при устройстве на работу.





Chemistry is an experimental and theoretical study of the composition of matter and the changes that take place in matter. Chemistry is very important for modern society. Without many discoveries made by great chemists the advance in technology would be impossible. It is so much a part of our lives that it is very easily taken for granted. Metals, glass, dyes, drugs, etc are all made of chemicals. Chemistry occupies a central position among the basic sciences and it is closely connected with physics and biology, it plays an important part in the development of geology and physiology, enters every industry as well as medicine and agriculture. There are many reasons for studying chemistry. First, there is a cultural reason – a well-educated man or woman needs to have an understanding of the material world he lives in. Second, there is a practical or professional reason. Chemists and chemical engineers are needed for many activities. A man or woman who selects chemistry as a profession does not place narrow limitation on what he will do with his life. He still has many roads open to him – he may become a teacher, may be a research man, working either with inorganic substances or with organic substances; he may help to control great industrial process, to develop new ones; he may collaborate with medical workers in the control of disease. Even if he selects a profession other than chemistry, he may find himself using his chemical knowledge not only in his everyday work but also in overcoming unexpected problems.

Our university provides great opportunities to get theoretical and practical knowledge of chemistry and other disciplines closely connected with any major chosen by students. First and second year students study such subjects as mathematics, physics, chemistry, foreign languages, engineering drawing and so on. To get all necessary knowledge students should attend lectures and seminars. In addition to it they can take part in the research work. In order to master the speciality perfectly an industrial training is introduced in the course of study. Second year students of our faculty study Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Strength of Materials, Planning and Management of Production, etc.

The State Technical University in Komsomolsk-na-Amure trains highly-qualified specialists, our skilled engineers can work practically in all the fields of industry.