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С.И. Блинова «Практика английского языка»

Exercise 21. Reword the following sentences combining them into one conditional sentence according to the example.

Example: My brother is put out. He lost his new camera. - My brother wouldn 't be put out if he hadn’t lost his new camera.

  1. You look fine. You have been to the South.

  2. I invited Helen to my birthday party. She is one of my best friends.

  3. She refuses to go with us. She hasn't done her homework.

  4. I didn't go to the concert. I don't like pop-music.

  5. He didn't take part in the discussion last week. He does not speak English.

  6. I can't say anything on the subject. I haven't read the book.

  7. She missed the train and she is upset.

Exercise 22E. Translate the sentences into English using the Subjunctive Mood.

1. Я была бы счастлива, если бы у меня было много братьев и сестер. 2. Если бы он умел ходить на лыжах, он уехал бы с друзьями в горы еще на прошлой неделе. 3. Если бы вы постарались, вы бы закончили работу через полчаса. 4. Если бы вы работали прилежнее, вы бы давно закончили эту работу. 5. На вашем месте я бы не беспокоил­ся; она знает, что делать. 6. Мы зашли бы к вам, если бы не спешили, но мы опаздывали на кон­церт. 7. Она чувствовала бы себя лучше, если бы она меньше принимала лекарств и больше бывала на воздухе. 8. Если бы он жил в Петербурге, он навещал бы нас каждую неделю. 9. Если бы я зна­ла его лучше, я бы поговорила с ним об этом еще вчера. 10. Она сдала бы экзамены лучше, если бы больше работала в течение года. 11. Мне бы понравился фильм больше, если бы он не был черно-белым. 12. Что бы вы делали, если бы сей­час были каникулы? 13. Мы бы очень беспо­коились, если бы он не пришел вчера.

Conditionals without if

Бессоюзные условные предложения без союза if

Непременным условием придаточных пред­ложений условия является наличие союзов if, unless, suppose, provided и некоторых других. Союз if может быть опущен в придаточном нереального условия, если в нем имеются глагольные формы were, had, could, should. Бессоюзные условные придаточные пред­ложения соединяются с главным предложе­нием посредством инверсии сказуемого, что делает предложение более эмфатичным. Такие предложения переводятся на русский язык обычно с помощью инверсии.

Were it warmer Будь сейчас теплее, I should bathe in the sea. я искупался бы в море.

Had I known about it Знай я об этом тогда,

then I shouldn't have я поступил бы иначе.

done it.

Exercise 23E. Read the following sentences. Com­ment on the forms and the meaning of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate them into Russian.

I . Were he a sensible boy he'd behave in a dif­ferent way. 2. Were I in your place I'd do the same. 3. Were she one of my best friends I'd share my sec­rets with her. 4. Weren't it raining the children wo­uldn't be staying at home. 5. Had she time she would be able to join the excursion. 6. Had she many child­ren she wouldn't be so lonely. 7. Had we been told about it yesterday we'd have come earlier. 8. Had she known he would be here she wouldn't have gone away. 9. I don't know what you would have done, had you been in my place. 10. Were she cleverer she wouldn't have said such a silly thing. 11. Were Mum with us she wouldn't have let you do so. 12. Hadn't he been badly wounded he would have reached the other bank sooner.

Exercise 24E. Complete the following sentences.

A. 1. Were my son with me ... .

  1. Were you in St. Petersburg now ... .

  2. Were he a better chess-player ....

  3. Had I a faithful friend ... .

  4. Were you free tomorrow ... ,

  5. Were it autumn now ... .

  6. Had they seen the film ....

  7. Had he heard the news at once ... .

  8. Had she spoken more distinctly ....

  9. Hadn't it been stuffy here ... .

  10. Had he graduated from the Institute last year ... .

  11. Had you fallen ill ... .

  12. Could he cook ... .

  13. Had she known the facts ...

  14. Could he have repaired his car ...

B. 1. (Знай я об этом раньше) ... I'd have spoken to him.

  1. (He будь дождя) ... we'd have had a sail by sea.

  2. (Будь они сейчас здесь) ... they would come to see us.

  3. (Сдай она уже экзамены) ... she could go to the Crimea with us now.

  4. (Будь он совершенно одиноким) ... we'd invite him oftener.

  5. (Умей он хорошо плавать) ... this wo­uldn't have ended so tragically.

  6. (Поступи он так) ... everybody would have turned away from him.

  7. (Имей я шанс посмотреть эту пьесу) ... 1 should never have missed it.

  8. (He будь река так глубока) ... we should cross it here.

Exercise 25E. Translate the sentences into English.

1 . Будь сейчас каникулы, я бы поехал в Моск­ву. 2. Позвони она мне вчера, мы бы не выглядели так глупо сейчас. 3. Приди он вовремя, они бы уже закончили работу. 4. Будь это правда, он не стал бы отрицать этого. 5. Предупреди он нас, мы никогда бы не вмешались в это дело. 6. Будь он художником, он написал бы мой портрет. 7. О чем бы писал Горький, будь он жив сейчас? 8. Скажи он об этом раньше, все было бы теперь иначе. 9. Имей я тогда деньги, я прилетела бы самолетом. 10. Будь я снова в этих местах, я обязательно бы сходил на охоту. 11. Положи вы письмо в сумку, вы не потеряли бы его. 12. Я купила бы своему сыну коньки, умей он кататься.

Аналитические формы Subjunctive IV англий­ского глагола могут быть употреблены в простом предложении, в котором нереальное условие либо подразумевается, либо выражено оборо­том "but for + существительное" (местоимение, герундий).

But for you I should not Если бы не вы, мне mind. было бы все равно.

But for her parents she Если бы не ее родители, would have left the town она давно бы уехала из города. long ago.

Exercise 26Е. Read the following sentences. Comment on the forms and meaning of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate them into Russian.

1. But for the late hour I'd stay a little longer. 2. But for his teeth he'd be quite good-looking. 3. But for the girl he would have left immediately. 4. But for his illness he'd have graduated from the college last year. 5. But for the small print I should have read the book sooner. 6. The child wouldn't have begun crying but for your severe look. 7. You first brought your friend into our company. We'd never have seen him but for you. 8. But for the frost we should be playing outdoors. 9. But for your help I should never have finished my work. 10. Nobody would have noticed him but for his innumerable questions. 11. But for me you'd have bought that old-fashioned knitted dress. 12. The girl would have lost her job but for her father's help.

Exercise 27E. Complete the following sentences.

1. But for my little brother .... 2. But for you .... 3. But for her weak heart ... . 4. But for the doctor ... . 5. But for the splitting headache ... . 6. But for the terrible heat .... 7. But for the sleepless night ... . 8. But for my affairs ... . 9. But for the high tempe­rature ... . 10. But for a bad pain in my side ... . 11. But for his miserable childhood .... 12. But for your silly remark .... 13. But for her charming smi­le ... .

Exercise 28E. Translate the sentences into English.

1 . Если бы не дождь, дети спали бы на от­крытом воздухе. 2. Если бы не постоянная забота матери, он никогда бы не поправился. 3. Если бы не ужасная жара, мы могли бы прогуляться немно­го. 4. Если бы не его лукавая улыбка, мы бы поверили всему, что он говорил. 5. Девушка не привлекла к себе бы внимания, если бы не ее прекрасные большие глаза. 6. Если бы не такси, мы не застали бы его дома. 7. Если бы не вы, я бы не пришла сюда. 8. Если бы не война, его судьба могла бы сложиться иначе. 9. Если бы не тишина, которая царила в доме, она ничего бы не услышала. 10. Если бы не будильник, мы бы проспали сегодня. 11. Если бы. не ваше письмо, он ничего бы не узнал о нашей поездке в Москву. 12. Она давно бы пришла, если бы не сильный дождь. 13. Если бы не эта погода, она бы чувствовала себя неплохо.



The Past Subjunctive

The Perfect Subjunctive

Tom looks

Tom looks

It seemed

It seemed

as if he were hungry

as if he hadn 't eaten for days.

as though Ann had never heard it.

as though Ann heard it for the first time

Lucy cried

Lucy cried

Bob smiled

Bob smiled

as if she were insane

as if she had lost all hope.

as though he had remembered so­mething funny.

as though he liked it

2. Форма Past Subjunctive выражает одновре­менность действия придаточного предложе­ния с действием главного предложения, форма Perfect Subjunctive - предшествование.

Exercise 37E. Read the following sentences. Comment on the forms and the meaning of the Subjunc­tive Mood. Translate them into Russian.

A. 1. He looked as though he were ill. 2. Her face was so white that she looked as if she were going to faint. 3. I felt as though I were making a bad joke. 4. It seemed as if he were burning me with his eyes. 5. It was as though he followed his soul's thoughts. 6. It looked as if he weren't interested in his uninvi­ted guest. 7. He felt as though she didn't love him. 8. He looked as though he knew it to be true. 9. He sat in his chair looking as if he were going to be sick. [0. It seemed as though he had worked an entire day. 11. It was as though nothing had happened. 12. I feel as if I had eaten too much.

B. 1. He felt awkward as if everybody were loo­king at him. 2. I'm sorry to talk about you as if you weren't here. 3. Try to behave, my dear, as if noth­ing had happened. 4. He smiled as though he could read through my thoughts. 5. She spoke to me as if we had never quarrelled. 6. Everybody treats me as if I had a disease. 7. He began to shake as though he were cold. 8. She told me what to do as if she were a doctor. 9. You speak about him as if he had been cured. 10. The girl got very excited as though she had never travelled by air. 11. He looked at me sometimes as if he were sorry for me.

Exercise 38E. Complete the following sentences using as if - clauses.

1. You look tired as if ... . 2. We felt at home with her as if ... . 3. The room looked untidy as if ... . 4. I don't understand you at all as if... . 5. Everybody was silent as if ... . 6. It was as though ... . 7. They burst into laughter as though ... . 8. She was spea­king in a low voice as if ... . 9. 1 was as fond of him as though ... . 10. He felt as though ... . 11. They stared at her in surprise as though .... 12. He speaks Spanish as, if ... . 13. He looked healthy as though ... . 14. He treated his family as if ...

Exercise 39E. Supply the following as if - clauses with suitable principal clauses.

1. ... as if I didn't share his opinion. 2. ... as if I had said the wrong thing. 3. ... as if you were an old man. 4. ... as though his voice had startled her. 5. ... as if he had caught cold. 6. ... as if his thoughts were far away. 7. ... as though she hadn't slept a wink. 8. ... an though nobody lived here. 9. ... as if they were bored to death. 10. ... as if we were best friends. 11. ... as if they weren't attentive to him. 12. ... as though she were looking for somebody.

Exercise 40E. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Казалось, что он никому не верит. 2. Мне казалось, что я где-то слышала этот голос. 3. Что с вами? У вас такой вид, как будто вам нехоро­шо. 4. Вы выглядите так, как будто все лето про­вели на юге. 5. Хотя никого не было видно, у меня было такое чувство, как будто за мной на­блюдали. 6. Они обращались с девушкой, как с игрушкой. 7. В комнате было душно, как будто окна не открывались целую вечность. 8. Он ведет себя так, как будто знаком со всеми. 9. Она разговаривала с нами так, как будто мы были в чем-то виноваты. 10. Он покраснел, как будто его смутило мое замечание. 11. Девочка смотрела на отца так, как будто вот-вот заплачет. 12. Он гово­рил о книге с таким важным видом, как будто сам был ее автором. 13. Я помню этот роман, как будто я только что прочел его. 14. Вы говорите так, словно вам не жалко своей собственной доче­ри. 15. Женщина шла медленно, осторожно, слов­но пол был скользким.

Exercise 41Е. Rewrite the following sentences us­ing as if - clauses.

1. He started back as if in surprise. 2. Suddenly her merry laugh was heard as if from the clouds. 3. He glanced around as if in search of something. 4. For some minutes he stood as if waiting for something. 5. He circled her as if inspecting a sculpture. 6. She lifted one slender hand as if to hold him. 7. He stopped as though turned to stone with horror. 8. She looked at me thoughtfully as if taking in seriously what I had said. 9. I hate secrets and I don't like to be treated like a child.

Subjunctive II after wish Сослагательное II после глагола wish

1.Обе формы сослагательного II - Past Subjunctive и Perfect Subjunctive - употребля­ются в дополнительных придаточных, сле­дующих за глаголом wish

  1. wish.

Principal clause

Past Subjunctive

Perfect Subjunctive

I wish

I wish

Alice wished

Joe wished

you were my son

I had never seen you

he hadn’t said tho­se words

she were young

2. В придаточных дополнительных предложе­ниях после глагола wish может употребляться сочетание глагола would + Indefinite Infinitive, если действие придаточного пред­ложения относится к будущему и обусловлено волей лица, к которому оно обращено.

Сравните два предложения:

I wish you would not make so much noise.

I wish you did not make so much noise.

В первом предложении выражается надеж­да, что шум прекратится; употребление Past Subjunctive во втором предложении свидетель­ствует о сожалении говорящего, что про­изводится так много шума (J. В. Heaton. Tense Forms after WISH. Teacher's book. Longman press, 1972).

Exercise 42E. Read the following sentences. Com­ment on the use and meaning of the verb forms. Trans­late them into Russian.

1. I wish I could speak Spanish. 2. He wished he had his father's talent. 3. I wish you were liste­ning to me more attentively. 4. I wish you were here and knew what we know. 5. Alec wished he had gone with them. 6. We wish it were sunny and warm all year round. 7. Mother wished Ann didn't have a bad cold. 8. I wished I had stayed in the country longer. 9. She wished she hadn't been rude to him. 10. We wish we had known about the incident then. 11. I wish you could have kept us company that night. 12. Steve wished he hadn't stayed up all night. 13. I wish you would come to my party tomorrow. 14. I wish you would tell me what your .theoiy is. 15. He only wished he could work more.

Exercise 43E. Complete the following sentences. Make use of the suggested phrases.

  1. We wish all of us ... (pass the exams success­fully).

  2. Did you wish you ... (take part in the last con­ference)?

  3. Sometimes he wished he ... (choose another topic for his graduate work).

  4. How I wish that you ... (take interest in the subject).

  5. My mother always wished I ... (be a teacher).

  6. The students wished Professor N. ... (deliver them lectures on the history of the language).

  7. I wish you ... (work hard at English).

  8. My friend wishes he ... (be responsible for these lectures).

  9. How we wish we ... (have courses in litera­ture).

  10. The speaker wished that the students ... (pay more attention to those important facts).

Exercise 44E. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Как жаль, что вы не любите стихи. 2. Жаль, что я не последовал вашему совету. 3. Как жаль, что вы не знакомы с его работами. 4. Жаль, что сейчас не весна. 5. Как жаль, что вы никогда не были в Англии. 6. Мы пожалели, что не встрети­ли ее в театре. 7. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы при­ехали к нам на дачу. 8. Как жаль, что погода ис­портилась. 9. Нам бы хотелось, чтобы вы никогда не опаздывали. 10. Хотел бы я знать, куда они ушли. 11. Как бы нам хотелось, чтобы вы жили с нами по соседству. 12. Она пожалела, что пришла очень рано. 13. Девушке было жаль, что она не умеет танцевать. 14. Он пожалел, что никогда не был в нашем театре. 15. Мне жаль, что вы пропустили такую интересную лекцию. 16. Миссис Смит жа­лела, что ее сын не врач.

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