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Практичне заняття №4

Тема заняття: Роль вивчення іноземних мов у формуванні особистості майбутнього фахівця

Хід заняття Why Learn a Foreign Language?

In a world that is increasingly interdependent, we can no longer afford to remain monolingual. Success depends in large measure on the ability of an individual to function as a member of a global village whose members speak a variety of languages. Learning foreign languages is no longer a pastime: it is a necessity. How does learning a foreign language help you to meet today’s challenges?

The Study of a Foreign Language

  • helps you to expand your view of the world

  • encourages critical reflection on the relation between language and culture, language and thought

  • expands your opportunities for meaningful leisure activities (such as travel, viewing foreign language films, watching foreign TV programs)

  • develops your intellect (encouraging good learning habits, memorization, combining course content and skills in a meaningful way)

  • improves knowledge of the native language (through comparison and contrast with the foreign language)

  • exposes you to modes of thought and viewpoints that are available only in the foreign language and its culture

  • helps to build practical skills that may be used in other disciplines

  • fosters your understanding of the interrelation between language and human nature

  • teaches and encourages respect for other ethnic groups

  • contributes to the development of your personality

  • contributes to the achievement of national goals, such as economic development or national security

  • increases your sense of self worth. Speaking Italian or Spanish to your grandmother or ordering in French at a French restaurant will do wonders for your ego!

The Importance of English Language

English language is considered as one of the most important languages of the world. It is widely spoken across the globe, even on the internet. I am not going to write this hubs in an academical approach, but I am just sharing what I think of the language and its importance, especially for us who live in Malaysia.

I speak and write English as my second language. In fact, I learn the language to teach the school children when I graduated in a year time. This course is called Teaching English for Young Learners. So I am goaing to be an English teacher, but this is not the point. I admit that my English is quite limited too, but I am just trying to help.

As a Malaysian who I can say, is exposed to the language almost daily, I totally understand our government's effort to cultivate the interest among the students to learn English language. Yes the language can be difficult, but it can be learned. For many reasons, English is important for these students especially when they grow up.

  • Most employers prefer their workers to be able to speak and write English fluently. There are many multi-national companies in Malaysia who need Malaysian work force, but they want and need the ones who are proficient in using the language, as they are going to deal on the international level.

  • Most of reference books and articles are written in English. In colleges and universities, it is important for students to look up for references. How are these students going to learn if they have no clues of what they read?

  • Malaysians are known for their friendliness. But what if there is a foreign tourist asking for directions, and the person being asked cannot help the tourist, simply because he does not understand or can not communicate in English; would that be a disadvantage? For me it is, because our friendliness can be expressed through some actions, but a little conversation can make a difference.

  • The negative perception by some members of the public should be removed. This is one of the barriers that make learning English difficult. Some people think that by learning English language one would forget his or her roots.

These are only my thoughts on the matter. I personally think that every Malaysian should at least be able to use some English, so that this country can catch up with the global growth.

Студенти пояснюють необхідність вивчення англійської мови для їх спеціальності.

Граматичний матеріал: Повторення вивченого матеріалу.

Ex. 1. Choose the correct form of the verb.

are/is/am 1. My watch ____ten minutes fast. 2. These data ____ not accurate. 3. No news ____ good news. 4. How many pieces of furniture ____ there in your room? 5. Mice ____ also domestic animals.

have/has 1.My friend ____ a big collection of rare music. 2. Does she ____ any difficulties with the test? 3. Our cat and dog ____ a lot of lice. 4. Wild oxen _______sharp horns. 5. My son ______ no problems at school.

Ex. 2. Insert the right preposition.

1. I am going to the store ____ 10 minutes. (on/in)

2. Michael likes to drink wine ____ his dinner. (with/in)

3. He is standing ____ the bank. (in front/in front of)

4. She told me _____ her trip. (on/about)

5. We moved the table _____ the living room to the kitchen. (from/at)

6. She will drive me ____ school. (at/to)

7. I am going ____ vacation. (on/in)

8. I am going ____ a walk. (for/on)

9. I will see you ____ October. (on/in)

10. My brother loves to talk ____ the phone with his friends. (in/on)

Ex. 3. Put the adverbs in the right places.

1. You are right, (absolutely) 2.I got to bed at twelve, (always) 3. Do you go to parties? (ever) 4. You can be sure of anything, (never) But you can trust me. (certainly) 5. They meet every weekend, (usually) 6. My friends invite me to the theatre, (occasionally). 7. I have had such a shock! (never) 8. They met again. (never) 9. I remember meeting those people, (definitely). 10. Something is happening. (definitely)

Don’t wait for me if I’m late!

Mind your own business.

Don’t worry, Sue!

Can you open your bag, please?

Ex. 4. The following sentences are direct speech:

Please slow down!



Could you get a newspaper?

Will you marry me?

Do you think you can give me a hand, Tom?

Now choose one of these to complete each of the sentences below. Use reported speech. 1. Bill was taking a long time to get ready, so I   told him to hurry up    2. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked ___________________ 3. Sue was nervous about the situation. I told ___________________ 4. I couldn't move the piano alone, so I ___________________ 5. The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and ___________________ 6. Tom was going to the shop, so I ___________________ 7. The man started asking me personal questions, so I ___________________ 8. John was very much in love with Mary, so he ___________________ 9. I didn't want to delay Helen, so I __________________ 10. We were late for a bus, so my Mom _________________

Possessive Case.

Ex. 1. What is another way of saying these things? Use -'s.

1    a hat for a woman      2    a name for a boy        3    clothes for children        6    a school for girls        5    a nest for a bird       

    a woman's hat       __________________ __________________ __________________ _________________

Read each sentence and write a new sentence beginning with the underlined words. 1.    The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled.       Tommorrow's meeting has been cancelled.   2.    The storm last week caused a lot of damage.       Last ____________________________________ 3.    The only cinema in the town has closed down.       The ____________________________________ 4.    The weather in Britain is very changeable.       ________________________________________ 5.    Tourism is the main industry in the region.       ________________________________________