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КР №4 вариант 1 заочное финал

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Заочный факультет высшего профессионального образования

Кафедра «Иностранные языки»

Контрольная работа №4

Вариант 1

Выполнил Проверил

____________ _____________

Новосибирск 2013

Задание 1

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на глагол в Passive Voice.

  1. Private property was reduced to a minimum.

  2. Cheap money will be provided in the form of deposits.

  3. This tax has been levied recently.

  4. Are these goods licensed?

  5. These targets have not been achieved.

  6. The increasing prices for petrol are being discussed now by everybody.


Задание 2

Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

  1. I am sure our suppliers will… to meet our needs.

a) haven`t b) be able c) should

  1. These products… be produced by mass-production methods.

a) are able b) ought to c) can

  1. According to the rules, the shareholders… approve the merger.

a) shouldn`t b) must c) ought

  1. Unfortunately, we… look at our production control procedure.

a) had to b) are able to c) is allowed to

Задание 3

Выберите форму причастия.

  1. The subsidies are grants (paying, paid) by the government to suppliers of products for export.

  2. Money (saved, saving) at home in a jar will earn no interest.

  3. The (increasing, increased) demand will encourage manufacturers.

  4. The goods (providing, provided) by this firm are of high quality.

Задание 4

Подчеркните в предложениях герундий и переведите их.

  1. Launching new products is very essential for the survival of the company.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  2. They stopped paying dividends three months later.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  3. The company has announced its full-year target of lifting sales by 5 per cent.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Задание 5

Укажите предложения с конструкцией Complex subject и переведите их.

  1. Volvo expects to make a producticty gain of 5% this year.

  2. We didn`t expect the demand to grow significantly.

  3. The interest rate isn`t expected to change markedly.

  4. A 39% drop in earnings was reported last week.

  5. Britain was reported to have a lower level of unemployment than any other major European Union country.


Задание 6

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.


1 Until the mid-1970s the proportion of economic activity controlled by the government and the share of taxes in national income tended to increase in most countries. Since then challenges to this growth in the role of government have become income increasingly influent, and moves to privatization have been common.

2 There are several types of privatization. One involves the sale to private owners of state-owned assets, and this is most correctly called privatization. Publicly owned houses may be sold to their occupants. Commodity stockpiles may be reduced or disbanded. Increasingly attention has been turned to the sale of publicly owned industries, thus reversing the move to nationalization that occurred around and after World War 2.

3 Where the privatized industry operates in a competitive environment, no new problems arise. Where privatization occurs but monopoly continues; there are new difficulties. Both Japan and the United Kingdom have privatized their telecommunications networks. Although, in certain limited areas of telecommunications, competition is possible - and has been allowed to develop in both the United States and Britain - technical and legal restrictions inhibit* competition in many sectors of the industry.

4 Regulation is necessary to restrict the freedom of privatized monopolies, or near monopolies, to raise prices and to exploit consumers in other ways. In the United States, which has by far the longest history of regulating private utilities, such regulation has normally limited the rate of return that they earn to what is considered a fair level A disadvantage of this is that it may give the industry no greater incentive to increased efficiency than would exist in public ownership, since higher costs can be directly onto consumers. There have been experiments with other forms of regulation, which seek to strike a balance between incentives for better performance and the ability to exploit consumers.

inhibit* - разжигать

Задание 7

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Competitive environment causes no new problems for the privatized industry.

a) ложным b) истинным c) в тексте нет информации

Задание 8

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Regulation restricts the efficiency of privatized monopolies and brings about price race.

a) ложным b) истинным c) в тексте нет информации

Задание 9

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Technical and legal restrictions slow down competition in many industries.

a) ложным b) истинным c) в тексте нет информации

Задание 10

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая информация:

The state tries to curb privatized monopolies through various regulations.





Задание 11

Ответьте на вопрос:

Why is regulation necessary?

a) It helps small-business firms.

b) It stimulates competitiveness.

c) It prevents monopolies from raising prices beyond fair limits.

d) It stimulates export.

Задание 12

Определите основную идею текста:

a) Privatized telecommunication networks in the USA and the UK.

b) The fight against high prices.

c) Advantages of privatization.

d) Public ownership and privatization.