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Unit 5. Rivers

Part 1. Running Water

Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:


confine [kən’fain] v. – ограничивать

average rate [æ’v(ə)ridჳ reit] – средний уровень

inch [int∫] – дюйм (2,5 см)

crust [krлst] – земная кора

impact [im’pækt] – воздействие, влияние

debris [’deibri:] – осколки, обломки

involve [in’vɔlv] v. – втягивать, вовлекать

downpour [’daunpɔ:] – ливень

raindrop [’reindrɔp] – дождевая капля

sparse vegetation [spa:s ‚vedჳi’tei∫(ə)n] – редкая растительность

unconsolidated sediment [‚лnkən’sɔlideitid ’sedimənt] – незатвердевшая/ рыхлая осадочная порода

continuous sheet [kən’tinjuəs] – обширная поверхность

rivulet [’rivjulit] – ручеёк, речушка

surface irregularity [’sə:fis i‚regju’læriti] – неправильность поверхности

relief [ri’li:f] – рельеф

suspension [səs’pen∫(ə)n] – смесь со взвешенными частицами, подвешенное состояние, приостановка, пауза

rolling [’rəuliŋ] – изгиб, виток

bounce [bauns] v. – подпрыгивать, подскакивать

bottom [’bɔtəm] – дно

solution [sə’lu:∫(ə)n] – раствор

velocity [vi’lɔsiti] – скорость, быстрота

enormously [i’nɔ:məsli] – весьма, очень, чрезвычайно

flood [flлd] – наводнение, потоп, половодье, пойма

evaporation [i‚væpə’rei∫(ə)n] – испарение

condensation [‚kɔnden’sei∫(ə)n] – сгущение, уменьшение объёма, сжижение, конденсация

precipitation – осадки

evaporate [i’væpəreit] v. – испарять(ся)

absorb [tə əb’sɔ:b] v. – всасывать, впитывать, поглощать

subsequently [’sлbsikwəntli] – впоследствии, позднее, позже, после, потом

transpire [træns’paiə] v. – испаряться, просачиваться, обнаруживаться

soak [səuk] v. – впитывать(ся), просачиваться

path [pa:θ] – тропинка, путь

slope [sləup] – склон

downhill [’daun’hil] – покатость, откос, склон

influence [’influəns] – влияние

turbulent [’tə:bjulənt] – бурный, бушующий, турбулентный

swirl [swə:l] – водоворот, воронка

eddy [’edi] – маленький водоворот, воронка, вихрь

whirl [wə:l] v. – вращаться

concave [’kɔnkeiv] – вогнутая поверхность

gradient [’greidiənt] – градиент, наклон, скат

dendritic(al) [den’dritik(əl)] – древовидный, ветвящийся, разветвлённый

drainage [’dreinidჳ] – дренаж, сток

pattern [’pætən] – образец, модель

resistance [ri’zist(ə)ns] – сопротивление, отпор

modify [’mɔdifai] v. – видоизменять, трансформировать

downcutting [’daunkлtiŋ] – врезание

carve [ka:v] v. – резать

uniform [’ju:nifɔ:m] – одинаковый

Exercise 1. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:

  1. Nouns:

  1. rivulet a. speed of movement in a given direction

  2. relief b. whirling motion

  3. suspension c. liquid with something dissolved in it

  4. velocity d. projection of a carved design from the surface

  5. evaporation e. strong effect or influence on something

  6. path f. a small stream

  7. swirl g. changing into vapour; removing liquid from a substance

  8. solution h. surfaced walk or track

  9. bottom i. mixture of fine particles of a solid in a fluid

  10. impact j. lowest or deepest part of something

B. Verbs:

1. to bounce a. to make somebody or something to take part in a process

2. to confine b. to give off water vapour through pores

3. to modify c. to soak up a liquid

4. to transpire d. to jump or spring from an impact

5. to absorb e. to change slightly

6. to involve f. to limit bounds; to restrict the free movement

C. Adjectives:

1. average a. instable about atmosphere; causing gusty air currents

2. turbulent b. thinly distributed or scattered

3. continuous c. typical or normal amount or quantity; usual

4. unconsolidated d. uninterrupted

5. sparse e. having the look of spread branches

6. dendritic f. being soft

Exercise 2. In the list of vocabulary above find the words with the following meanings:

1. hard outer part of the earth; 2. inclined surface or downhill; 3. opposite force that prevent free movement; 4. overflow of water over a normally dry area; 5. a bended line; 6. plant life of a given place

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following expressions:

the most powerful agent of erosion, running water, carrying away rock fragments with it, at an average rate of about one inch in 750 years, by the impact of rock debris, single shower, in areas with sparse vegetation, the carrying power of a stream, subsequently transpired to the atmosphere, distribution of rainfall

Exercise 4. Read the following texts and decide true or false are the statements below:

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