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Тысячи заочникам АВТ 1-2 курс (устный перевод 10000 знаков).doc
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to develop – развивать

because of – из-за

to resemble – походить на, иметь сходство с

instead – вместо, взамен

to follow – следовать

to direct – направлять

naval officer – морской офицер

portable – переносной

malfunction – неисправная работа

bug – ошибка, помеха

moth – моль

to trap – заключать, останавливать, задерживать

relay – смена

predecessor – предшественник

inclusion – включение, добавление

to typify – служить типичным примером (образцом)

to precede – предшествовать

to label – приклеивать ярлык, относить к какой-либо категории

compiler–компилятор, компилирующая программа

available – доступный, пригодный

TEXT 5. Object-Oriented Programming Languages

TASK: Read and translate the following text. Learn the vocabulary by heart.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) languages, such as C++, are based on traditional high-level languages, but they enable a programmer to think in terms of collections of cooperating objects instead of lists of commands. Objects, such as a circle, have properties such as the radius of the circle and the command that draws it on the computer screen. Classes of objects can inherit features from other classes of objects. For example, a class defining squares can inherit features such as right angles from a class defining rectangles. This set of programming classes simplifies the programmer's task, resulting in more reliable and efficient programs. (651)


object-oriented programming (OOP) – объектно-ориентированное программирование (ООП)

property – свойство

to screen – вставить

angle – угол

to simplifу – упрощать

to inherit – наследовать

to define – определять

square – квадрат

reliable – надежный

efficient – эффективный, результативный

Types of computers

TEXT 6. Digital and Analog

TASK: Read and translate the following text. Learn the vocabulary by heart. What types of computers do you know? Compare digital and analog computers according to its peculiarities.

Computers can be either digital or analog. Digital refers to the processes in computers that manipulate binary numbers (0s or 1s), which represent switches that are turned on or off by electrical current. Analog refers to numerical values that have a continuous range. Both 0 and 1 are analog numbers, but so is 1.5 or a number like π (approximately 3.14). As an example, consider a desk lamp. If it has a simple on/off switch, then it is digital, because the lamp either produces light at a given moment or it does not. If a dimmer replaces the on/off switch, then the lamp is analog, because the amount of light can vary continuously from on to off and all intensities in between.

Analog computer systems were the first type to be produced. A popular analog computer used in the 20th century was the slide rule. To perform calculations with a slide rule, the user slides a narrow, gauged wooden strip inside a rulerlike holder. Because the sliding is continuous and there is no mechanism to stop at one exact value, the slide rule is analog. New interest has been shown recently in analog computers, particularly in areas such as neural networks that respond to continuous electrical signals. Most modern computers, however, are digital machines whose components have a finite number of states—for example, the 0 or 1, or on or off of bits. These bits can be combined to denote information such as numbers, letters, graphics, and program instructions. (1452)