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Контрольная работа № 1

Variant 2

  1. Read and translate the following text. Make up and write down 5 questions to it.

The British Law: a Brief Overview

Although Britain is a unitary state, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland all have their own legal systems, with considerable differences in law, organization and practice. However, a large amount of modern legislation applies throughout Britain. The law is divided into criminal law and civil law; the latter regulates the conduct of people in ordinary relations with one another. The distinction between the two branches of the law is reflected in the procedures used, the courts in which cases may be heard and the sanctions which may be applied.

The legal system of England and Wales comprises both an historic body of conventions known as common law and equity and parliamentary and European Community legislation; the last of these applies throughout Britain. Common law, which is based on custom and interpreted in court cases by judges, has never been precisely defined or codified. It forms the basis of the law except when superseded by legislation. Equity law consists of a body of historic rules and principles which are applied by the courts. The English legal system is therefore distinct from many of those of Western Europe, which have codes derived from Roman law.

European Community law, deriving from Britain's membership of the European Union, is confined mainly to economic and social matters; in certain circumstances it takes precedence over domestic law. It is normally applied by the domestic courts, but the most authoritative rulings are given by the European Court.

  1. Translate the following word combinations into Russian. Make up 10 sentences with them.

Regulate, regulation, require, requirement, restitution, restrict, restriction, right, rule, safe,

safety, secure, security, set, forth, settle, society, statute, substantial, summarize, threat ,

threaten, treat, underlie, unfair, unjust, unprejudiced, violation, violence, violent, warn.

  1. Annotate the following text.

Человек является по природе социальным существом, желающим дружеских отношений с другими людьми. В ранние времена люди создавали племена, группы, общества или для самозащиты или по причине социального инстинкта. Философ Джон Остин утверждал, что ранние законы являлись приказами правителя, и что обязанностью граждан было повиноваться этим приказам. Другие философы доказывают, что влиятельные мужчины и женщины в первобытных обществах создавали многие важные правила сами, и только потом эти правила были приняты правителем и навязаны обществу. Они поддерживались угрозой наказания. Следовательно, правила и законы были созданы для того, чтобы обеспечить мирную жизнь всем членам общества. Чем больше общество, тем более сложными будут правила и законы.

Контрольная работа № 1

Variant 3

  1. Read and translate the following text. Make up and write down 5 questions to it.