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Английский для экономистов.doc
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Grammar in Use Complex object

6. Look and learn.



want, wish, like, would like



to study better.


expect, consider, suppose, believe


to come.

e.g. I would like my friends to be happy.

Do you want me to open the window?

She didn't wish the students to smoke here.

We expected them to come in two day.

I believe this book to be interesting.

The teacher considered the text to be too difficult for them.

7. Replace the Object Clause with the Complex Object.

1. We know that quality control has become an important part of business activity.

2. They expect that they will test their new product.

3. We consider that quality planning is an integral part of total quality management.

4. We expected that they would intensify the whole process.

5. This question was too difficult, so that he could not answer it immediately.

6. I expect that he will understand your problem and help you to solve it.

7. I know that he is a great economist.

8. We believe that international quality standards will help companies to improve their products and services.

8. Open the brackets using the Complex Object.

1. I’d like (the professor, look through) my report.

2. He expects (everybody, be ready) to do this work.

3. We consider (he, be) a great professional.

4. They consider (it, be) the right decision.

5. The International Organization for Standardization expects (companies, follow) the rules and standards.

6. We would like (consumers, pay more attention) to the quality of products and services.

7. The director wanted (we, test) the equipment.

8. The manager expected (he, find) new methods to improve existing products.

Speaking Task

9. Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner the main aspects of quality management. What are the duties of the International Organization for Standardization?


10. Translate the text into English. Add 5 or 6 sentences to express your own opinion on the topic. Use the phrases given in Chapter II, Unit II, ex.9.

Глобализация экономики и развитие международных торговых и производственных связей повышают требования, предъявляемые потребителями к качеству продукции. Для подтверждения качества продукции, предлагаемой различными поставщиками, необходимо наличие международных стандартов качества и соответствующих им документов - сертификатов качества, признаваемых в разных странах мира. До середины 80-х годов такими стандартами являлись различные национальные и международные стандарты качества на товары и услуги. Качество стало одним из наиболее популярных лозунгов конца XX - начала XXI века. Стандартом, позволяющим подтвердить качество различных аспектов работы предприятия, является группа стандартов ISO 9000 - серия международных стандартов управления качеством и подтверждения качества, которые приняты более чем 90 странами мира. Стандарты ISO 9000 применимы к любым предприятиям независимо от их размера и сферы деятельности.

Стандарты ISO 9000 разработаны Международной организацией по стандартизации (International Standard Organization - ISO) и образуют основу нового подхода к вопросам качества. Стандарты изложены в форме требований (ISO 9001 - 9003) и общих рекомендаций (ISO 9000 и 9004).

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