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Text c The Four Nations

People often refer to Britain as “England”. This makes people who live in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland angry. England is only one of four nations who live in the British Isles. The correct title for the whole state is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. At one time the four countries were different from each other in many ways. Today many of these differences have disappeared, but each nation has its own symbols and emblems.

For example, they each have a flag. England flies the red and white flag of Saint George, its patron saint. Scotland's flag is the saltire cross of Saint Andrew. Ireland's flag also has a diagonal cross, this time in red and white. The flag of Wales is distinctive with its red dragon.

Each country has its own patron saint, and these saints each have a patronal saint's day. In England the flag of Saint George is flown from public buildings on the 23 of April. The Irish Guards, part of the British Army, are presented with a small bunch of shamrock to wear on the 17 March. In Wales, children go to school on Saint David's Day in national costumes, people wear buttonholes of daffodils or leeks, and songs in the Welsh language are sung. Saint Andrew's Day is at the end of the year, and provides a good excuse for a party, with Scottish songs and dancing.

Each nation has its own colour, and its main importance is that the national sports teams wear it. Wales is very proud of its rugby team, and they wear red jerseys. The green of Ireland's sportsmen reflects their shamrock emblem. Although the rose of England is red they do not have this as their colour. Scotland's colour reflects their flag.

Some surnames instantly identify a person's nationality. For example, 'Mac' or 'Mc' as a prefix is probably the name of a Scotsman. The prefix O' is unmistakably Irish. Davis, Williams, Price Lloyd and Rees are probably Welsh. In both England and Scotland Smith is the most common surname.

Ex. 9. Answer the questions.

1. In 1970 the BBC showed a program about the history of the British Empire. They described it as “England's” history. They received thousands of angry phone calls about this. Who do you think the angry caller were? Why were they angry? Why did the BBC apologise? 2. The Union flag is a combination of three of the national flags. Which three? 3.What symbols are used as emblems of your nationality? 4. Are there any regional loyalties in your country? 5. Is the relationship between the regions in any way like that in Britain? 6. Can you think of other countries where these loyalties exist? 7. Another way of referring to Britain is the “British Isles”. Look in an atlas and find out the names of some of the other islands in the group.

Ex. 10. Complete the following table using the information from the text.

Identifying symbols of the four nations








Patron Saint

Saint's Day

Ex. 11. Project Work. Find the additional information and tell about the history of Great Britain.