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Unit 1

Read the text and do the tasks.


The total amount of water contained in our planet is constant and invariable and can neither be increased nor diminished. It assumes a variety of forms, such as the oceans, moisture vapour, fresh water, lake water of varying degrees of salinity, and ice. As most of this water is locked away in the oceans, in snow fields, ice caps and glaciers, only a small proportion is available in a form readily usable by man. Moreover, a great deal of the water in and on the land is polluted by minerals or by industrial waste and so frequently rendered unusable.

Of the water contained in the oceans, a very small proportion daily changes its form and composition and is moved to the land, where it can be used by man and from where it returns to the oceans. This process, which has no beginning and no end, is known as the hydrologic cycle. It comprises a gigantic system operating in and on the land and oceans of the earth and in the atmosphere surrounding it. It is estimated that something like 80,000 cubic miles of water are evaporated each year from the oceans, together with approximately

  1. cubic miles of water evaporated from the lakes, rivers, canals and land surfaces of the continents. This total global evaporation is exactly balanced by the total precipitation; of which approximately

  1. cubic miles in the form of waterfall on the land surfaces and the rest on the oceans. This cyclical movement of water is divisible into three main stages. Firstly, solar radiation, acting upon the surface of the oceans, heats the surface layers and causes evaporation and the diffusion of water vapour upwards into the atmosphere. The water vapour, which at this stage is pure, is then transported great distances by the winds. During its movement across the oceans and over the land, it may become polluted in a variety of ways: by atmospheric dust, by particles of radioactive material or by industrial and domestic smoke and soot.


  1. Translate the following words into Russian. Be sure of their pronunciation.

  1. To contain, to increase, to diminish, to assume, to lock away, to pollute, to render, to change, to move, can, to use, to return, to know, to comprise, to operate, to surround, to estimate, to evaporate, to be balanced, to act upon, to cause, to be transported, to become.

  2. Amount, a variety, an ocean, moisture vapour, a degree, salinity, ice, a field, ice caps, a glacier, a proportion, a great deal, industrial waste, composition, the hydrologic cycle, atmosphere, a cubic mile, a canal, land surface, the continent, evaporation, precipitation, waterfall, the rest, a stage, solar radiation, the surface layers, atmospheric dust, a particle, radioactive material, soot.

  3. Total, constant, invariable, fresh, available, usable, industrial, unusable, hydrologic, gigantic, global, cyclical, divisible, main, solar, pure, domestic.

  4. Readily, frequently, daily, approximately, exactly, firstly.

  1. Say to what parts of speech the words from task № I under letters А, В, C, D refer. Rewrite suffixes and prefixes typical to these parts of speech.

  2. Write out all the predicates from the sentences. Say in what tense and voice they are. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. It is estimated that something like 80.000 cubic miles of water are evaporated each year from the oceans. 2. A very small proportion daily changes its form and composition and is moved to the land, where it can be used by man and from where it returns to the oceans. 3. It comprises a gigantic system operating in and on the land and oceans of the earth and in the atmosphere surrounding it. 4. This process, which has no beginning and no end, is known as the hydrologic cycle. 5. Solar radiation, acting upon the surface of the oceans, heats the surface layers and causes evaporation and the diffusion of water vapour upwards into the atmosphere

  1. .Put all types of questions (general, special, alternative^ disjunctive4! to the sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.,

1. Most of the water is locked away in the oceans, in snow fields, ice caps and glaciers. 2. A great deal of the water in and on the land is polluted by minerals or by industrial waste. 3. The cyclical movement of water is divisible into three main stages. 4. The water vapour is transported great distances by the winds.

  1. Translate into English.

  1. Текст, который я только что прочитал, называется “Запасы воды”. 2. Известно, что общее количество воды на планете постоянно и неизменно, его нельзя уменьшить или увеличить. 3. Вода существует в форме океанов, влажных паров, пресной воды, озерной воды с разной степенью солености и в форме льда. 4. Ежедневное небольшое количество океанической воды изменяет свою форму и состав и перемещается на землю, где может использоваться человеком, и откуда вновь возвращается в океан. 5. Этот процесс не имеет ни начала, ни конца и называется круговоротом воды в природе. 6. Это циклическое движение воды проходит три стадии. 7. В первую стадию солнечная радиация, воздействуя на поверхность воды, нагревает её и вызывает испарения и диффузию паров в атмосфере. 8. Пары воды, которые на этой стадии еще чистые, затем перемещаются с помощью ветра на большие расстояния. 9. Однако за время перемещения они могут оыть загрязнены атмосферной пылью, радиоактивными или промышленными частицами, сажей и т.д. 10. Я считаю, что этот текст является очень информативным, так как рассказывает нам о запасах воды на планете Земля.

  1. Translate the text in the written form.

  2. Make up a plan of it.

  3. Retell the text according to your plan,

  4. Learn the following words by heart.

1. atmospheric dust

атмосферная пыль

2. composition

состав, смесь, структура

3. diffusion of water

диффузия, распростра


4. evaporation


5. fresh water

пресная вода

6. glacier

ледник, глетчер

7. industrial waste

промышленные отходы

8. particle


9. to pollute


10. precipitation

выпадение осадков, осадки

11. salinity


12. solar radiation

солнечная радиация

13. supply of water

запасы воды


пары, испарения

15. waterfall



Read the text and do the tasks.


The cyclical movement of water is divisible into three main, stages. Firstly, solar radiation, acting upon the surface of the oceans, heats the surface layers and causes evaporation and the diffusion of water vapour upwards into the atmosphere.

In the second stage of the cycle, the air masses containing the water vapour are suddenly cooled. This cooling, which may occur for a number of reasons, though primarily as a result of the air masses being forced to rise over high ground, causes condensation to take place and rain or snow to be precipitated. Of this precipitation, some falls directly into the oceans, out of man's reach and some is too heavily polluted to be usable.

The third and final stage is that in which the water moves back, over and under the land, into the oceans, from which it came. Of the water which falls upon the land, some flows over the surface, some sinks into the soil, and some is taken up by the roots of vegetation to be used by plants and subsequently released into the atmosphere by transpiration. If, for example, an average of thirty inches of rainfall reaches the land surface each year, approximately twenty-one inches will evaporate directly or be transpired by vegetation. Of the remaining nine inches, most will run directly to the oceans as surface runoff or permeate the rock materials beneath the surface to form underground water and, at a later stage, indirectly reach the oceans. Water which began in the oceans sooner or later returns to them. The only stage in the cycle at which man can, at present, intervene and make use of the water on a large scale is the third, and only then if the water is comparatively pure.


  1. Translate the following words into Russian. Be sure of their pronunciation.

  1. Firstly, upwards, though, heavily, suddenly, primarily, usable, subsequently, approximately, directly, indirectly, sooner, later, comparatively.

  2. Cyclical, divisible, solar, high, usable, final, underground, large, pure.

  3. Movement, a stage, solar radiation, surface, the oceans, a layer, evaporation, diffusion, the atmosphere, a cycle, the air masses, cooling, a reason, a result, condensation, rain, snow, reach, soil, a root, vegetation, a plant, transpiration, an average, an inch, rainfall, the rock materials, use, scale.

  4. To act upon, to heat, to cause, to contain, to cool, may, to occur, to force, to rise, to take place, to precipitate, to fall, to pollute, to move back, to come, to flow, to sink, to take up, to use, to release into, to reach, to evaporate, to transpire, to permeate, to begin, to return, can, to intervene, to make use of.

  1. Say to what parts of speech the words from task № 1 under letters А. В, C. D refer. Rewrite suffixes and prefixes typical to these parts of speech.

  2. Write out all the predicates from the sentences. Say in what tense and voice they are. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. This cooling, which may occur for a number of reasons causes condensation to take place and rain or snow to be precipitated.

  1. Of this precipitation, some falls directly into the oceans, out of man's reach and some is too heavily polluted to be usable. 3. Of the water which falls upon the land, some flows over the surface, some sinks into the soil, and some is taken up by the roots of vegetation to be used by plants and subsequently released into the atmosphere by transpiration. 4. Of the remaining nine inches, most will run directly to the oceans. 5. Water which began in the oceans sooner or later returns to them.

  1. Put all types of questions (general, special, alternative, disjunctive) to the sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. In the second stage of the cycle, the air masses containing the water vapour are suddenly cooled. 2. The cooling causes condensation to take place and rain or snow to be precipitated. 3. In the third stage the water moves back, over and under the land, into the oceans, from which it came. 4. Water which began in the oceans sooner or later returns to them. 5. Only in the third stage of the cycle man can intervene and make use of the water on a large scale.

  1. Translate into English.

1. Во второй части текста “Запасы воды” рассказывается о трех основных стадиях круговорота воды в природе. 2. В первую стадию вода превращается в пар под воздействием солнечной энергии. 3. Во вторую стадию цикла воздушные массы, содержащие водяные пары, резко охлаждаются. 4. Это охлаждение, в свою очередь, вызывает конденсацию. 5. В третью стадию вода возвращается на землю и в океаны в виде дождя или снега или других осадков. 6. Часть воды, выпадающей на землю, течет по ее поверхности, другая проникает в землю и впитывается корнями растений. 7. Потом она освобождается в атмосферу в результате дыхания растения.

  1. В тексте отмечается, что лишь в последнюю стадию человек может широко использовать воду, если она относительно чистая.

Мне понравился этот текст, потому что в нем можно найти много полезной информации, что может мне пригодиться в моей работе.Translate the text in the written form.

  1. Make up a plan of it.

  2. Retell the text according to your plan.

  3. Learn the following words by heart.

1. air masses

воздушные массы

2. cooling


3. cycle

цикл, круговорот

4. evaporate


5. flow


6. intervene


7. make use of the water

использовать воду

8. on a large scale

в большом масштабе

9. permeate

проникать, проходить сквозь

10. plant


11. precipitate

выпадать (об осадках)

12. rainfall


13. release into


14. rock materials

горные породы

15. root


16. sink into the soil

проникать, впитываться в почву

17. surface runoff

смыв поверхности

18. transpiration


19. vegetation


20. water vapour

водные пары