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1 курс 2 сесия / Англійська мова / тестові зав. 1 курс заочн.Требенко.doc
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Виберіть речення у Passive Voice, яке відповідає реченню у Active Voice.

  • American scientists have discovered new sources of energy.

1. New sources of energy are discovered by American scientists.

2. New sources of energy have been discovered by American scientists.

3. New sources of energy will be discovered by American scientists.

4. New sources of energy were discovered by American scientists.

Завдання 7.

Виберіть відповідну форму модального дієслова чи його еквівалента для наступного речення.

- Ukraine (………) develop without oil and gas.

1. cannot

2. must not

3. are not able to

4. are able to

Завдання 8.

Виберіть відповідний переклад українського речення.

  • Багато сучасних автомобілів експортується Великою Британією.

1. A lot of modern motor-cars were exported by Great Britain.

2. A lot of modern motor-cars will be exported by Great Britain.

3. A lot of modern motor-cars have been exported by Great Britain.

4. A lot of modern motor-cars are exported by Great Britain.

Завдання 9.

Виберіть речення, в якому Participle І має функцію означення.

1. Liverpool and Manchester are the leading centres of the textile region.

2. British plants are producing textile machinery to satisfy the needs of nation’s industry.

3. Great Britain is famous for its instrument engineering.

4. The important branch of the British economy is farming.

Завдання 10.

Виберіть запитання до підкреслених слів.

  • Most American industry is located in the eastern and midwestern parts of the country.

1. Is most American industry located in the eastern and midwestern parts of the country?

2. Is most American industry located in the eastern and midwestern parts of the country or in the northern part of it?

3. Where is most American industry located?

4.What is located in the eastern and midwestern parts of the country?