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1 курс 2 сесия / Англійська мова / тестові зав. 1 курс заочн.Требенко.doc
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- The notable growth (to see) in electrical mechanical engineering.

1. have seen

2. has been seen

3. will see

4. are seen

Завдання 6.

Виберіть речення у Passive Voice, яке відповідає реченню у Active Voice. - Great Britain exports various cotton and woolen fabrics.

1. Various cotton and woolen fabrics are exported by Great Britain.

2. Various cotton and woolen fabrics were exported by Great Britain.

3. Various cotton and woolen fabrics have been exported by Great Britain.

4. Various cotton and woolen fabrics will be exported by Great Britain.

Завдання 7.

Виберіть відповідну форму модального дієслова чи його еквівалента для наступного речення.

  • Nearly all the row materials used in Great Britain’s factories (……….) be imported from abroad.

1. can

2. are able to

3. must

4. may

Завдання 8.

Виберіть відповідний переклад українського речення.

  • Нові ринки за кордоном повинні бути знайдені та утримані.

1. New markets abroad have been found and maintained.

2. New markets abroad can be found and maintained.

3. New markets abroad must be found and maintained.

4. New markets abroad will be found and maintained.

Завдання 9.

Виберіть речення, в якому Participle І має функцію означення.

1. One of the main branches of industry in Great Britain is ship-building.

2. Glasgow is the centre of machine-building.

3. Farming accounting for 3 percent of GNP is the important branch of economy.

4. Banking, finances, insurance account for 14 percent of the British economy’s total output.

Завдання 10.

Виберіть запитання до підкреслених слів.

  • The woollen industry is one of the world’s largest.

1. What is one of the world’s largest?

2. Is the woollen industry one of the world’s largest?

3. The woollen industry is one of the world’s largest, isn’t it?

4. Is the woollen or cotton industry one of the world’s largest?

Варіант ІV

Завдання 1.

Виберіть відповідну відповідь на запитання.

  • What has been an important factor in America’s growth?

1. The availability of forests has been an important factor in America’s growth.

2. The availability of water has been an important factor in America’s growth.

3. The availability of good climate has been an important factor in America’s growth.

4. The availability of cotton has been an important factor in America’s growth.

Завдання 2.

Виберіть речення з прикметником найвищого ступеня.

1. Atomic energy has created a wide range of new activities.

2. The nation produces more than 75 million tons of iron a year.

3. Much coal is used in chemical industries of the USA.

4. The production of petroleum products make up one of America’s largest industries.

Завдання 3.

Виберіть спеціальне запитання.

1. Is about a third of the land area of the United States covered by forests?

2. Part of the land area of the United States is covered by forests, isn’t it?

3. Is about a third of the land area of the United States covered by forests or snow?

4. What is about a third of the land area of the United States covered by?

Завдання 4.

Виберіть речення з Present Continuous Active.

1. Many companies emphasize research and development of labour saving machines.

2. The growing quantity of machines performs routine tasks in agriculture.

3. Properly managed forests prevent flooding and soil erosion.

4. Machines are doing more and more work of processing, packaging and distributing products.

Завдання 5.

Виберіть відповідну форму дієслова, приведеного у дужках для наступного речення.

  • More than 18.5 million Americans (to employ) in manufacturing.

1. employs

2. has employed

3. are employed

4. will employ

Завдання 6.